Source code for icebrk.cutstats

# Cuts and statistics objects for B/RK analyzer (protocode)
# Mikael Mieskolainen, 2020

import numpy as np
import as tools

[docs] def apply_cuts(d, evt_index, cutflow): """Selection cuts function. Args: d: evt_index: cutflow: Returns: True or False """ ''' if (d['nSV'][evt_index] != 1): cutflow['nSV != 2'] += 1 return False ''' return True
[docs] def triplet_cuts(d, evt_index, cutflow): """ Triplet cuts """ return True
[docs] def collect_info_stats(d, evt_index, infostats): """Collect event information. Args: d: evt_index: infostats: """ # Set event info if (d['nSV'][evt_index] == 0): infostats['nSV == 0'] += 1 elif (d['nSV'][evt_index] == 1): infostats['nSV == 1'] += 1 elif (d['nSV'][evt_index] == 2): infostats['nSV == 2'] += 1 elif (d['nSV'][evt_index] == 3): infostats['nSV == 3'] += 1 elif (d['nSV'][evt_index] >= 4): infostats['nSV >= 4'] += 1 return
[docs] def collect_mcinfo_stats(d, evt_index, y, qsets, MAXT3, mcinfostats): """Collect MC only information. Args: Returns: """ index = tools.index_of_last_signal(evt_index, d, qsets, MAXT3) if (index >= MAXT3): mcinfostats['last index >= MAXT3'] += 1 return
[docs] def init_stat_objects(): """Initialize cutflow and statistics objects. Args: Returns: cutflow: infostats_BC: mcinfostats_BC: """ cutflow = { } infostats_BC = { 'nSV == 0' : 0, 'nSV == 1' : 0, 'nSV == 2' : 0, 'nSV == 3' : 0, 'nSV >= 4' : 0 } mcinfostats_BC = { 'last index >= MAXT3' : 0 } return cutflow, infostats_BC, mcinfostats_BC