Binned and unbinned fitting functions, neural methods and statistical tools.
- ABCD_2NLL(B, C, D, mu, mu_B, mu_D, EPS=1e-32)[source]¶
ABCD estimators negative log-likelihood function
- Parameters:
B – Measured event counts
C – Measured event counts
D – Measured event counts
mu – Free parameters of the likelihood function
mu_B – Free parameters of the likelihood function
mu_D – Free parameters of the likelihood function
parameters) ((N.B. here number of measurements == number of free)
- Model relation:
- Ntot = mu*mu_B + mu_B + mu*mu_D + mu_D
= (A) + (B) + (C) + (D)
See e.g.
- Returns:
- ABCD_eq(b, c, d)[source]¶
Basic estimator formula for count in ‘A’ (signal domain)
Independent (X,Y) gives us the definition A = B x C / D
- ABCD_err(b, c, d, method='errorprop', N=100000, alpha=0.32, lrange=5)[source]¶
ABCD uncertainty (confidence interval) methods
- Parameters:
b – input value
c – input value
d – input value
method – ‘errorprop’, ‘poisson’, ‘bootstrap’, ‘likelihood’
N – number of random samples for sampling based methods
alpha – confidence level (‘errorprop’ fixed at CL68)
lrange – likelihood scan range
- Returns:
confidence interval array (lower,upper)
- H_score(p: float, EPS: float = 1e-15)[source]¶
Shannon Entropy (log_e ~ nats units)
- Parameters:
p – probability vector
- Returns:
- I_score(C: ndarray, normalized: str | None = None, EPS: float = 1e-15)[source]¶
Mutual information score (log_e ~ nats units)
- Parameters:
C – (X,Y) 2D-histogram array with positive definite event counts
normalized – return normalized version (None, ‘additive’, ‘multiplicative’)
- Returns:
mutual information score
- bw2bins(x: ndarray, bw: float, alpha: float)[source]¶
Convert a histogram binwidth to number of bins
- Parameters:
x – data array
bw – binwidth
alpha – outlier percentile
- Returns:
number of bins, if something fails return 1
- corrcoeff_weighted_torch(x: Tensor, y: Tensor, weights: Tensor | None = None)[source]¶
Per event weighted linear Pearson 2x2 correlation matrix cf. torch.corrcoef()
(torch autograd compatible)
- Parameters:
x – data (Nx1)
y – data (Nx1)
weights – event weights
- distance_corr(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, weights: ndarray | None = None, alpha: float = 0.32, n_bootstrap: int = 30)[source]¶
Distance correlation
- Parameters:
x – arrays of values
y – arrays of values
weights – possible event weights
alpha – confidence interval [alpha/2, 1-alpha/2] level
n_bootstrap – number of percentile bootstrap samples
- Returns:
correlation coefficient [0,1], confidence interval
- distance_corr_torch(x: Tensor, y: Tensor, weights: Tensor | None = None, p: float = 2.0)[source]¶
Distance Correlation, complexity O(N^2)
(torch autograd compatible)
- Parameters:
x – data (N x dim)
y – data (N x dim), where dim can be the same or different than for x
weights – event weights (not implemented)
p – p-norm [0,inf] value
- freedman_diaconis_bin(x: ndarray, mode: str = 'nbins', alpha: float = 0.01)[source]¶
Freedman-Diaconis rule for a 1D-histogram bin width
D. Freedman & P. Diaconis (1981) “On the histogram as a density estimator: L2 theory”.
~ N**(-1/3)
- Parameters:
x – array of 1D data
mode – return ‘width’ or ‘nbins’
alpha – outlier percentile
- gaussian_mutual_information(rho: float)[source]¶
Analytical 2D-Gaussian mutual information using a correlation coefficient rho.
I(X1,X2) = H(X1) + H(X2) - H(X1,X2) :param rho: correlation coefficient between (-1,1)
- Returns:
mutual information
- hacine_entropy_bin(x: ndarray, mode: str = 'nbins', alpha: float = 0.01)[source]¶
Hacine-Gharbi et al. “Low Bias Histogram-Based Estimation of Mutual Information for Feature Selection.” Pattern Recognition Letters, 2012.
- Parameters:
scott_bin() (See)
- hacine_joint_entropy_bin(x: ndarray, rho: float, mode: str = 'nbins', alpha: float = 0.01)[source]¶
Hacine-Gharbi, Ravier. “A Binning Formula of Bi-histogram for Joint Entropy Estimation Using Mean Square Error Minimization.” Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018.
- Parameters:
scott_bin() (See)
- mutual_information(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, weights=None, bins_x=None, bins_y=None, normalized=None, alpha=0.32, n_bootstrap=300, automethod='Scott2D', minbins=5, maxbins=100, outlier=0.01)[source]¶
Mutual information entropy (non-linear measure of dependency) between x and y variables
- Parameters:
x – array of values
y – array of values
weights – weights (default None)
bins_x – x binning array If None, then automatic.
bins_y – y binning array.
normalized – normalize the mutual information (see I_score() function)
n_bootstrap – number of percentile bootstrap samples
alpha – bootstrap confidence interval
- Autobinning args:
automethod : ‘Hacine2D’, ‘Scott2D’ minbins : minimum number of bins per dimension outlier : outlier protection percentile
- Returns:
mutual information, confidence interval
- optbins(x: ndarray, maxM: int = 150, mode='nbins', alpha=0.025)[source]¶
NOTE: Weak performance, study the method !!
Optimal 1D-histogram binning via Bayesian Brute Force search algorithm.
K.H Knuth, 2012, Entropy.
- Parameters:
x – data points
maxM – maximum number of bins
mode – “nbins” or “width”
alpha – outlier protection percentile
- Returns:
optimal number of bins
- optbins2d(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, maxM=(40, 40), mode='nbins', alpha=0.025)[source]¶
NOTE: Weak performance, study the method !!
Optimal 2D-histogram binning via Bayesian Brute Force search algorithm.
K.H Knuth, 2012, Entropy.
- Parameters:
x – data points
y – data points
maxM – maximum number of bins per dimension
mode – “nbins” or “width”
alpha – outlier protection percentile
- Returns:
optimal number of bins
- pearson_corr(x: ndarray, y: ndarray, weights: ndarray | None = None, return_abs=False, alpha=0.32, n_bootstrap=300)[source]¶
Pearson Correlation Coefficient
- Parameters:
x – arrays of values
y – arrays of values
weights – possible event weights
return_abs – return absolute value
alpha – confidence interval [alpha/2, 1-alpha/2] level
n_bootstrap – number of percentile bootstrap samples
- Returns:
correlation coefficient [-1,1], confidence interval, p-value
- percentile_per_dim(x: ndarray, q: float, **kwargs)[source]¶
Compute percentiles for each dimension (column) over samples (rows)
- Parameters:
input – (N x dim)
q – percentile (0,100)
- Returns:
array with length dim
- Return type:
- scott_bin(x: ndarray, rho: float, mode: str = 'nbins', alpha: float = 0.01)[source]¶
Scott rule for a 2D-histogram bin widths
Scott, D.W. (1992), Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization – 2D-Gaussian case
~ N**(-1/4)
- Parameters:
x – array of 1D data (one dimension of the bivariate distribution)
rho – Linear correlation coefficient
mode – return ‘width’ or ‘nbins’
alpha – outlier percentile
- fast_loop(i: int, k: int, N_buffer: int, x: ~numpy.ndarray, deq: ~numpy.ndarray, theta=<class 'numpy.ndarray'>, theta_ind=<class 'numpy.ndarray'>)[source]¶
Fast loop function used by iDQF
- iDQF(x, theta=None, pvals=None, N_buffer=10000, n_interp=10000, kind='cubic')[source]¶
Dequantization via inverse CDF
- Parameters:
x – data sample array (1D)
theta – (theoretical) quantized pdf x-values, if None, discrete pdf is estimated from x
pvals – (theoretical) quantized pdf y-values, -||-
N_buffer – technical buffer size
n_interp – number of interpolation points
kind – interpolation type, e.g. ‘linear’, ‘cubic’
- Returns:
dequantized x values
- EM_frac(pdf, iters=30, EPS=1e-12, verbose=True)[source]¶
EM-algorithm for unknown integrated class fractions
- Parameters:
pdf – (n x K) density (pdf) values for n measurements, K classes
iter – Number of iterations
- Returns:
Integrated class fractions
- Return type:
- CL_single(mu, s_hypothesis, bg_expected, observed, num_toys_pdf=10000, s_syst_error=None, s_syst_type='flat', bg_syst_error=None, bg_syst_type='flat', use_CLs=True)[source]¶
One tailed signal upper limits using “toy” Monte Carlo.
A single channel counting experiment case with “quasi-Bayesian” style systematics convoluted in via MC.
- Parameters:
mu – Signal strength parameter
s_hypothesis – Number of predicted signal events (with mu = 1)
bg_expected – Number of expected background events
observed – Number of observed events
num_toys_pdf – Number of MC samples to construct PDFs
use_CLs – Return “CLs” type limits
(s)bg_syst_error – Systematic error on estimated (signal) background
(s)bg_error_type – Systematic uncertainty perturbation type (flat, normal, log-normal)
- Returns:
For the “CLs” approach motivation, see: A. Read, “Presentation of search results: the CLs technique”
- CL_single_asymptotic(mu, s_hypothesis, bg_expected, observed)[source]¶
One tailed signal upper limits using asymptotic (Gaussian) approximation.
A single channel counting experiment case (without systematics –> requires profile likelihood)
- Parameters:
mu – Signal strength parameter
s_hypothesis – Number of predicted signal events (with mu = 1)
bg_expected – Number of expected background events
observed – Number of observed events
- Returns:
Cowan et al, “Asymptotic formulae for likelihood-based tests of new physics”,
- CL_single_compute(s_hypothesis, bg_expected, observed=None, s_syst_error=None, bg_syst_error=None, method='toys', alpha=0.05, num_toys_pdf=10000, num_toys_obs=1000, mu_bounds=(1e-05, 10000.0), mu_init=1.0, max_restart=1000, func_tol=1e-05, optimize_method='golden', maxiter=10000)[source]¶
Main solver function for the upper limit computation on the signal strength parameter mu.
- Parameters:
s_hypothesis – expected signal count (with mu = 1)
bg_expected – expected background count
observed – observed event count, if None then observed = bg_expected
method – ‘toys’ or ‘asymptotic’
num_toys – number of MC samples for toys
alpha – confidence level for the upper limit (e.g. 0.05 ~ CL95 upper limits)
s_syst_error – systematic error size on signal
bg_syst_error – systematic error size on background
- Optimization args:
mu_bounds: bounds on mu-value to obey mu_init: initial value max_restart: maximum number of restarts func_tol: quadratic loss tolerance optimize_method: method to use for the optimization, ‘brent’ or ‘golden’ maxiter: maximum number of iterations
- Returns:
upper limits [-2 sigma, 1 sigma, median, +1 sigma, +2 sigma] at the level alpha
- LL_splusb(n, s, b, EPS=1e-15)[source]¶
Single channel Poisson log-likelihood
- Parameters:
n – counts
s – expected signal count (mean)
b – expected background count (mean)
- asymptotic_uncertainty_CLs(mu_up, q, alpha, N)[source]¶
Asymptotic (Asimov) +-N sigma values around median expected N = 0 gives the median.
Type “CLs”, keeps the minus sigma tail on positive side of mu. See reference: “Frequentist_Limit_Recommendation.pdf”
- Parameters:
mu_up – iteratively solved median expected upper limit value
q – test statistic value corresponding to mu_up
alpha – confidence level at which mu_up was extracted
N – array of sigmas e.g. [-2,-1,0,1,2]
- convolve_systematics(n, syst_error, num_toys, error_type='log-normal-mean')[source]¶
Produce an array of distribution convoluted values
- Parameters:
n – expected count value
syst_error – error size (e.g. standard deviation)
num_toys – number of MC samples
error_type – type of distribution
- Returns:
array of counts
- get_full_hessian(loss, param)[source]¶
Compute the full Hessian matrix of a neural net (can be very slow)
- Parameters:
loss – neural net loss function
param – neural net parameters
- get_gradient(inputs, func, **kwargs)[source]¶
Return derivative df(x)/dx or gradient vectors for f: R^n -> R
- get_jacobian(inputs, func, **kwargs)[source]¶
Return Jacobian matrix of size m x n of a function f: R^n -> R^m
- observed_fisher_info(logL, inputs, **kwargs)[source]¶
Observed Fisher information – the negative of the second derivative (Hessian matrix) of the log-likelihood function.
The observed information is typically evaluated at the maximum-likelihood estimate of theta.
‘Fisher information represents the curvature of the relative entropy’
- Parameters:
logL – The log-likelihood function l(theta|X1,…X_n) = sum_{i=1}^n log f(X_i|theta), with X_i being the independent random observations
inputs – log-likelihood function input
Efron, B.; Hinkley, D.V. (1978). Assessing the accuracy of the maximum likelihood estimator: Observed versus expected Fisher Information”. Biometrika. 65 (3): 457–487.
- lognormal_param(m, v, match_mode='mean', verbose=True)[source]¶
Compute log-normal distribution mu and sigma parameters from the target mean (or median) m and variance v
mu and sigma follow the Wikipedia convention:
- Parameters:
m – mean (or median or mode) value of the target log-normal pdf
v – variance value of the target log-normal pdf
match_mode – input m as ‘mean’, ‘median’, or ‘mode’
- rand_lognormal(m, v, N, match_mode='mean')[source]¶
Generate random numbers from log-normal density with the distribution target mean (or median) m and variance v
- Parameters:
m – mean (or median or mode) value of the target log-normal pdf
v – variance value of the target log-normal pdf
N – number of samples
match_mode – input m as ‘mean’, ‘median’, or ‘mode’
- plots(x, xhat, b, error_bins=300, dquant_label='none', mantissa_title='None', label='default', savepath='output')[source]¶
- reduce_mantissa_bits(x: ndarray, manbits: int = 10)[source]¶
- Parameters:
x – floating point numbers in an array
manbits – number of leading bits for the mantissa
- class MINENet(input_size=2, mlp_dim=[128, 128], noise_std=0.025, activation='relu', dropout=0.01, batch_norm=False, EPS=1e-12, **kwargs)[source]¶
MINE network object
input_size: total (summed) dimension of two random variables, can be different mlp_dim: mlp inner dimensionality
- forward(x)[source]¶
Define the computation performed at every call.
Should be overridden by all subclasses.
Although the recipe for forward pass needs to be defined within this function, one should call the
instance afterwards instead of this since the former takes care of running the registered hooks while the latter silently ignores them.
- apply_mine(X: Tensor, Z: Tensor, model: Module, losstype: str, weights: Tensor | None = None)[source]¶
Compute Mutual Information by re-applying the trained model
(trained using statistics as input ~ X and Z)
- apply_mine_batched(X: Tensor, Z: Tensor, model: Module, losstype: str, weights: Tensor | None = None, batch_size=4096, EPS=1e-12)[source]¶
Compute Mutual Information by re-applying the trained model in batches
(trained using statistics as input ~ X and Z)
- compute_mine(joint: Tensor, marginal: Tensor, w: Tensor, model: Module, ma_eT: float | None = None, alpha=0.01, EPS=1e-12, losstype='MINE_EMA')[source]¶
Compute Mutual Information estimate
- Parameters:
joint – input data
marginal – input data
w – input data weights
net – network object
Note that bias corrected loss is used only for the gradient descent, MI value is calculated without it.
MI_lb is mutual information lower bound (“neural information measure”) sup E_{P_{XZ}} [T_theta] - log(E_{P_X otimes P_Z}[exp(T_theta)])
- estimate(X: Tensor, Z: Tensor, weights=None, epochs=50, alpha=0.01, losstype='MINE_EMA', batch_size=256, lr=0.001, weight_decay=1e-05, clip_norm=1.0, mlp_dim=[128, 128], dropout=0.01, activation='relu', batch_norm=False, noise_std=0.025, window_size=0.2, return_full=False, device=None, return_model_only=False, **kwargs)[source]¶
Accurate Mutual Information Estimate via Neural Network
- Info:
Input data X,Z can be random vectors (with different dimensions) or just scalar variables.
- Parameters:
X – input data variable 1 (N x dim1)
Z – input data variable 2 (N x dim2)
weights – input data weights (N) (set None if no weights)
- Params:
batch_size : optimization loop batch size num_iter : number of iterations lr : learning rate hidden_dim : network hidden dimension loss : estimator loss ‘MINE_EMA’ (default, unbiased), ‘MINE’ alpha : exponentially moving average parameter window _size: iterations (tail) window size for the final estimate
- Returns:
MI estimate MI uncertainty model
- sample_batch(X: Tensor, Z: Tensor, weights: Tensor | None = None, batch_size=None, device=device(type='cpu', index=0))[source]¶
Sample batches of data, either from the joint or marginals
- Parameters:
X – input data (N x dim)
Z – input data (N x dim)
weights – input weights (N)
batch_size – batch size
- Returns:
joint, marginal batches with size (N x [dim[X] + dim[Z]])
- fit_task(f, inputparam, savepath, YEAR, GENTYPE)[source]¶
Main fitting task for ‘single’ histogram fits
- fit_task_multi(f, inputparam, savepath, YEAR, GENTYPE)[source]¶
Main fitting task for ‘dual’ (‘Pass’ and ‘Fail’ simultaneous) histogram fits
- get_rootfiles_jpsi(input_path='/', years=[2016, 2017, 2018], systematics=['Nominal'], test_mode=False)[source]¶
Return rootfile names for the J/psi (muon) study.
- ADS(s, b, sigma_b, EPS=1e-06)[source]¶
Asimov discovery significance with background uncertainty
when sigma_b –> 0, this gives np.sqrt(2*((s+b)*np.log(1.0 + s/b) - s))
- Parameters:
s – expected signal count
b – expected background count
sigma_b – error on the background estimate
EPS – regularization constant
- analytical_extreme_npdf(N, mu=0, sigma=1)[source]¶
Analytical expectation (mean) value approximation (based on an expansion) for a normal pdf max (extreme) values with a sample size of N.
- clopper_pearson_err(k, n, CL=[0.025, 0.975])[source]¶
Clopper-Pearson binomial proportion confidence interval. Below, beta.ppf (percent point functions) returns inverse CDF for quantiles.
- Parameters:
k – observed success counts
n – number of trials
CL – confidence levels [lower, upper]
- Returns:
confidence interval [lower, upper]
- columnar_mask_efficiency(num_mask: ndarray, den_mask: ndarray, y_true: ndarray, y_target: int, weights: ndarray)[source]¶
Masked columnar selection efficiency with event weights and classes
- Parameters:
num_mask – numerator mask vector (Nx1, bool)
den_mask – denominator mask (Nx1, bool)
y_true – label vector (Nx1, int)
y_target – target label (int)
weights – event weights (Nx1, float)
- Returns:
binomial efficiency, weighted binomial stat. error
- cormat2covmat(R, s)[source]¶
Convert a correlation matrix to a covariance matrix.
- Parameters:
R – correlation matrix (NxN)
s – vector of standard deviations (N)
- Returns:
covariance matrix
- correlation_matrix(X, weights=None, return_cov=False)[source]¶
Compute a (sample weighted) correlation or covariance matrix
- Parameters:
X – Data matrix (rows as sample points, columns as variables)
weights – Weights per sample
return_cov – Return covariance matrix (not correlation)
- Returns:
correlation matrix
- covmat2corrmat(C, EPS=1e-12)[source]¶
Covariance matrix to correlation matrix
- Parameters:
C – Covariance matrix
- Returns:
Correlation matrix
- error_on_mu(sigma, n)[source]¶
Standard error estimate on a sample mean.
- Parameters:
sigma – sample standard deviation n : sample size
- error_on_std(sigma, n)[source]¶
Standard error estimate on a sample standard deviation. :param sigma: sample standard deviation :param n: sample size
- geom_mean_2D(x, y, x_err, y_err, flip_vertical=False)[source]¶
Geometric 2D mean of x and y (understood e.g. as 1D histograms) element wise and its error propagation based uncertainty (x,y taken also independent elem. wise)
Math note: outer(u,v)_ij = u_i v_j, with outer(u,v) = uv^T
- Parameters:
x – values (numpy arrays)
y – values (numpy arrays)
x_err – uncertainties (numpy arrays)
y_err – uncertainties (numpy arrays)
flip_vertical – flip the values over the vertical (y) dimension
- Returns:
2D-matrix (with rank 1) and its uncertainty
- Return type:
z, z_err
- mc_extreme_multivariate_npdf(x, mu, cov, trials=1000000)[source]¶
Extreme value distribution for a multivariate normal pdf via Monte Carlo, e.g. for “correlated measurements or bins” – casted as a univariate problem such that maximum of components is taken (not a “vector maximum”)
- Parameters:
x – scalar value to evaluate the extreme value pdf upper tail integral
mu – mean vector (N)
cov – covariance matrix (NxN)
trials – number of Monte Carlo samples, as large as possible CPU wise
- Returns:
probability for the value x or more extreme maxvals : full MC distribution of extreme values obtained
- Return type:
- mc_extreme_npdf(x, N, mu=0, sigma=1, trials=1000000)[source]¶
Extreme value distribution for normal pdf via Monte Carlo
- Parameters:
x – value to evaluate the extreme value pdf upper tail integral
mu – mean of normal pdf
sigma – std of normal pdf
N – sample size
trials – number of Monte Carlo samples, as large as possible CPU wise
- Returns:
probability for the value x or more extreme maxvals : full MC distribution of extreme values obtained
- Return type:
- p2zscore(p)[source]¶
p-value to z-score (standard normal sigmas)
p-value is divided by two such that p = 0.05 gives z_{1-alpha/2} = z_{1-0.025} = 1.96
- poisson_ratio(k1, k2, CL=array([0.025, 0.975]))[source]¶
Poisson ratio uncertainty via conditional ratio theta = lambda1 / (lambda1 + lambda2)
See e.g. “Confidence limits on the ratio of two Poisson variables, 1974”
E[k1] = lambda1 (Poisson mean) E[k2] = lambda2 (Poisson mean)
- Parameters:
k1 – observations k1
k2 – observations k2
CL – 2-array of lower and upper quantiles
- Returns:
ratio confidence interval endpoints
- poisson_tail(k1, k2)[source]¶
Single Poisson CDF tail integral. Counts 2 works as the reference. :param k1: poisson counts 1 :param k2: poisson counts 2 (reference sample)
- Returns:
p value
- prod_eprop(A, B, sigmaA, sigmaB, sigmaAB=0)[source]¶
Error propagation (Taylor expansion) of a product A*B
- Parameters:
A – Value A
B – Value B
sigmaA – 1 sigma uncertainty on A
sigmaB – 1 sigma uncertainty on B
sigmaAB – Covariance of A,B
- Returns:
- ratio_eprop(A, B, sigmaA, sigmaB, sigmaAB=0)[source]¶
Error propagation (Taylor expansion) of a ratio A/B
- Parameters:
A – Value A
B – Value B
sigmaA – 1 sigma uncertainty on A
sigmaB – 1 sigma uncertainty on B
sigmaAB – Covariance of A,B
- Returns:
- tpratio_taylor(x, y, x_err, y_err, xy_err=0.0)[source]¶
Error propagation on a ratio
r = x/(x+y)
If x and y are e.g. counts from stat. independent histograms, then xy_err = 0 (~ tag & probe style ratios).
- Parameters:
x – values
y – values
x_err – uncertainties
y_err – uncertainties
xy_err – covariance (err_x * err_y * rho_xy)
- Returns:
Error propagated ratio error
- weighted_binomial_err(b1: float, b2: float, e1: float, e2: float)[source]¶
Binomial counting efficiency error with weights
For the reference, see:
If e1 ~ sqrt(b1) and e2 ~ sqrt(b2), one should recover results of this function by using the proper covariance with:
prodratio_eprop(A=b1, B=b2, sigma_A=e1, sigma_B=e2, sigmaAB=b1, mode=’ratio)
N.B. If b1 == b2, will return 0
- Parameters:
b1 – binomial numerator (e.g. count or sum of weights)
b2 – binomial denominator
e1 – error on the numerator (e.g. sqrt(sum_i(w_i^2))
e2 – error on the denominator
- welch_ttest(X1, X2, s1, s2, n1, n2)[source]¶
Welch’s two sample t-test for normally distributed variables.
- Parameters:
X1 – Mean of sample 1
X2 – Mean of sample 2
s1 – Standard deviation of sample 1
s2 – Standard deviation of sample 2
n1 – Counts in sample 1
n2 – Counts in sample 2
- Returns:
test statistic p : p-value from t-distribution
- Return type: