Source code for icefit.mine

# MINE: Mutual Information Neural Estimation
# Use adaptive gradient clipping (see icenet/deep/
# when using MINE as a regulator cost and maximizing MI (it has no strict upper bound).
# The minimum MI is bounded by zero, to remind.
#, 2024

import numpy as np

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
import torch.optim as optim
import torch.autograd as autograd

from import aux
from icenet.deep.dmlp import MLP
from tqdm import tqdm

[docs] class MINENet(nn.Module): """ MINE network object input_size: total (summed) dimension of two random variables, can be different mlp_dim: mlp inner dimensionality """ def __init__(self, input_size=2, mlp_dim=[128, 128], noise_std=0.025, activation='relu', dropout=0.01, batch_norm=False, EPS=1E-12, **kwargs): super(MINENet, self).__init__() self.EPS = EPS print(__name__ + f'__init__: input_size = {input_size} | mlp_dim = {mlp_dim} | noise_std = {noise_std}') def init_weights(m): if isinstance(m, nn.Linear): nn.init.normal_(m.weight, std=noise_std) nn.init.constant_(m.bias, 0) self.mlp = MLP([input_size] + mlp_dim + [1], activation=activation, dropout=dropout, batch_norm=batch_norm) # Special initialize with noise self.mlp.apply(init_weights)
[docs] def forward(self, x): return self.mlp(x).squeeze()
[docs] def sample_batch(X: torch.Tensor, Z: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor=None, batch_size=None, device=torch.device('cpu:0')): """ Sample batches of data, either from the joint or marginals Args: X : input data (N x dim) Z : input data (N x dim) weights : input weights (N) batch_size : batch size Returns: joint, marginal batches with size (N x [dim[X] + dim[Z]]) """ if batch_size is None: batch_size = X.shape[0] if batch_size > X.shape[0]: batch_size = X.shape[0] if weights is None: weights = torch.ones(batch_size) # Padd outer [] dimensions if dim 1 inputs if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X[..., None] if len(Z.shape) == 1: Z = Z[..., None] index = np.random.choice(range(X.shape[0]), size=batch_size, replace=False) random = np.random.choice(range(Z.shape[0]), size=batch_size, replace=False) # XZ and X(*)Z joint =[index,...], Z[index,...]), dim=1).to(device) marginal =[index,...], Z[random,...]), dim=1).to(device) w = weights[index].to(device) return joint, marginal, w
[docs] def compute_mine(joint: torch.Tensor, marginal: torch.Tensor, w: torch.Tensor, model: nn.Module, ma_eT: float = None, alpha=0.01, EPS=1e-12, losstype='MINE_EMA'): """ Compute Mutual Information estimate Args: joint, marginal : input data w : input data weights net : network object Note that bias corrected loss is used only for the gradient descent, MI value is calculated without it. Notes: MI_lb is mutual information lower bound ("neural information measure") sup E_{P_{XZ}} [T_theta] - log(E_{P_X otimes P_Z}[exp(T_theta)]) """ # Normalize for the expectation E[] values w = w / w.sum() if losstype == 'MINE_EMA' or losstype == 'MINE': # Use the network, apply weights T, eT = w * model(joint), w * torch.exp(model(marginal)) # MI lower bound (Donsker-Varadhan representation) sum_eT = torch.clip(torch.sum(eT), min=EPS) MI_lb = torch.sum(T) - torch.log(sum_eT) # Unbiased (see orig. paper) estimate via exponentially moving average (FIR filter) # if losstype == 'MINE_EMA': if ma_eT == None: ma_eT = torch.sum(eT).item() # First call ma_eT = (1 - alpha)*torch.sum(eT) + alpha*ma_eT loss = -(torch.sum(T) - torch.sum(eT) / torch.sum(ma_eT).detach()) # (Slightly) biased gradient based directly on the local MI value elif losstype == 'MINE': loss = -MI_lb # Density ratio trick based elif losstype == 'DENSITY': pred_1 = torch.clip(torch.sigmoid(model(joint)), min=EPS, max=1-EPS) pred_0 = torch.clip(torch.sigmoid(model(marginal)), min=EPS, max=1-EPS) # Concatenate pred =, pred_0), dim=0) true =, torch.zeros_like(pred_0)), dim=0) ww =,w), dim=0); ww = ww / torch.sum(ww) ## Binary Cross Entropy loss = - ww * (true*torch.log(pred) + (1-true)*(torch.log(1 - pred))) loss = loss.sum() # Density (likelihood) ratio trick based MI_lb = torch.sum(w * torch.log(pred_1 / (1 - pred_1))) else: raise Exception(__name__ + ".compute_mine: Unknown losstype chosen") if torch.isnan(MI_lb): raise Exception(__name__ + f'.compute_mine: MI_lb is NaN -- adjust SGD / network param and check the input') return MI_lb, ma_eT, loss
[docs] def apply_mine(X: torch.Tensor, Z: torch.Tensor, model: nn.Module, losstype: str, weights: torch.Tensor=None): """ Compute Mutual Information by re-applying the trained model (trained using statistics as input ~ X and Z) """ model.eval() # ! joint, marginal, w = sample_batch(X=X, Z=Z, weights=weights, batch_size=None, device=X.device) return compute_mine(joint=joint, marginal=marginal, w=w, model=model, losstype=losstype)
[docs] def apply_mine_batched(X: torch.Tensor, Z: torch.Tensor, model: nn.Module, losstype: str, weights: torch.Tensor=None, batch_size=4096, EPS=1E-12): """ Compute Mutual Information by re-applying the trained model in batches (trained using statistics as input ~ X and Z) """ model.eval() # ! print(__name__ + f'.compute_mine_batched: Using device "{X.device}"') if weights is None: weights = torch.ones(X.shape[0], dtype=torch.float32).to(X.device) # ** Normalize for the expectation E[] values here ** weights = (weights / torch.sum(weights)).squeeze() # ----------------------- # Compute blocks N_batches = int(np.ceil(X.shape[0] / batch_size)) batch_ind = aux.split_start_end(range(X.shape[0]), N_batches) # ----------------------- sum_T = 0.0 sum_eT = 0.0 sum_MI_lb = 0.0 for b in (pbar := tqdm(range(len(batch_ind)))): ind = np.arange(batch_ind[b][0], batch_ind[b][-1]) joint, marginal, w = sample_batch(X=X[ind], Z=Z[ind], weights=weights[ind], batch_size=None, device=X.device) if losstype == 'MINE_EMA' or losstype == 'MINE': # Use the network, apply weights # (no normalization of weights here, because we sum over all batches) T, eT = w * model(joint), w * torch.exp(model(marginal)) # Sum local batch values sum_T = sum_T + torch.sum(T) sum_eT = torch.clip(sum_eT + torch.sum(eT), min=EPS) # Update progress bar MI = sum_T - torch.log(sum_eT) pbar.set_description(f'MI = {MI.item():0.5f}') elif losstype == 'DENSITY': pred_1 = torch.clip(torch.sigmoid(model(joint)), min=EPS, max=1-EPS) sum_MI_lb = sum_MI_lb + torch.sum(w * torch.log(pred_1 / (1 - pred_1))) # Update progress bar MI = sum_MI_lb pbar.set_description(f'MI = {MI.item():0.5f}') else: raise Exception(__name__ + ".apply_in_batches: Unknown losstype chosen") if (losstype == 'MINE_EMA') or (losstype == 'MINE'): MI_lb = sum_T - torch.log(sum_eT) elif losstype == 'DENSITY': MI_lb = sum_MI_lb else: raise Exception(__name__ + ".apply_in_batches: Unknown losstype chosen") return MI_lb
[docs] def train_loop(X: torch.Tensor, Z: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor, model: nn.Module, opt, clip_norm, batch_size, epochs, alpha, losstype, device=torch.device('cpu:0')): """ Train the network estimator Args: See estimate() Returns: mutual information estimates per iteration """ if weights is None: weights = torch.ones(batch_size).to(device) # ----------------------- # Compute blocks N_batches = int(np.ceil(X.shape[0] / batch_size)) batch_ind = aux.split_start_end(range(X.shape[0]), N_batches) # ----------------------- result = torch.zeros(len(batch_ind) * epochs).to(device) print(__name__ + f'.train_loop: Using device "{device}"') model.train() #! ma_eT = None k = 0 for _ in (pbar := tqdm(range(epochs))): # Sample shuffled input joint, marginal, w = sample_batch(X=X, Z=Z, weights=weights, batch_size=None, device=device) for b in range(len(batch_ind)): ind = np.arange(batch_ind[b][0], batch_ind[b][-1]) opt.zero_grad() # Compute it MI_lb, ma_eT, loss = compute_mine(joint=joint[ind], marginal=marginal[ind], w=w[ind], model=model, ma_eT=ma_eT, alpha=alpha, losstype=losstype) # Step gradient descent loss.backward() torch.nn.utils.clip_grad_norm_(model.parameters(), clip_norm) opt.step() # Update progress bar pbar.set_description(f'loss = {loss.item():0.5f} | MI_lb = {MI_lb.item():0.5f}') result[k] = MI_lb k += 1 return result
[docs] def estimate(X: torch.Tensor, Z: torch.Tensor, weights=None, epochs=50, alpha=0.01, losstype='MINE_EMA', batch_size=256, lr=1e-3, weight_decay=1e-5, clip_norm=1.0, mlp_dim=[128, 128], dropout=0.01, activation='relu', batch_norm=False, noise_std=0.025, window_size=0.2, return_full=False, device=None, return_model_only=False, **kwargs): """ Accurate Mutual Information Estimate via Neural Network Info: Input data X,Z can be random vectors (with different dimensions) or just scalar variables. Args: X : input data variable 1 (N x dim1) Z : input data variable 2 (N x dim2) weights : input data weights (N) (set None if no weights) Params: batch_size : optimization loop batch size num_iter : number of iterations lr : learning rate hidden_dim : network hidden dimension loss : estimator loss 'MINE_EMA' (default, unbiased), 'MINE' alpha : exponentially moving average parameter window _size: iterations (tail) window size for the final estimate Return: MI estimate MI uncertainty model """ # Transfer to CPU / GPU if device is None or device == 'auto': device = torch.device('cuda:0') if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.device('cpu:0') # Padd outer [] dimensions if dim 1 inputs if len(X.shape) == 1: X = X[..., None] if len(Z.shape) == 1: Z = Z[..., None] X = Z = if weights is None: weights = torch.ones(X.shape[0]).to(device) # Create network input_size = X.shape[1] + Z.shape[1] model = MINENet(input_size=input_size, mlp_dim=mlp_dim, noise_std=noise_std, dropout=dropout, activation=activation, batch_norm=batch_norm) model = opt = optim.AdamW(model.parameters(), lr=lr, weight_decay=weight_decay) result = train_loop(X=X, Z=Z, weights=weights, model=model, opt=opt, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, clip_norm=clip_norm, alpha=alpha, losstype=losstype, device=device) if return_model_only: return model if not return_full: # Take estimate from the tail N = int(window_size * epochs) mu = torch.mean(result[-N:]) err = torch.std(result[-N:]) / np.sqrt(N) # standard error on the mean return mu, err, model else: return result, model