# Linear (correlation) and non-linear dependency tools
# Run with: pytest icefit/cortools.py -rP (can take few minutes)
# m.mieskolainen@imperial.ac.uk, 2024
import numpy as np
import torch
import scipy
import scipy.special as special
import scipy.stats as stats
import dcor
from icefit import mine
def distance_corr_torch(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor=None, p: float=2.0):
Distance Correlation, complexity O(N^2)
(torch autograd compatible)
See: https://dcor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/theory.html
x : data (N x dim)
y : data (N x dim), where dim can be the same or different than for x
weights : event weights (not implemented)
p : p-norm [0,inf] value
N = x.shape[0]
if weights is not None:
print(__name__ + f'.distance_corr_torch: Warning: weights not supported currently!')
def double_centering(D):
row_means = D.mean(dim=0, keepdim=True) # [1 x N]
col_means = D.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True) # [N x 1]
tot_mean = D.flatten().mean() # [scalar]
return D - row_means - col_means + tot_mean
# Add feature dimension if 1D
if len(x.shape) == 1:
x = x.unsqueeze(-1)
if len(y.shape) == 1:
y = y.unsqueeze(-1)
# Unsqueeze(0) needed for cdist() (expects batched input)
x = x.unsqueeze(0)
y = y.unsqueeze(0)
# Pairwise distance matrices
Dx = torch.cdist(x, x, p=p).squeeze()
Dy = torch.cdist(y, y, p=p).squeeze()
# Double centered matrices
A = double_centering(Dx)
B = double_centering(Dy)
dcovXY = (A * B).flatten().mean() # V^2(X,Y) >= 0
dvarXX = (A * A).flatten().mean() # V^2(X,X) >= 0
dvarYY = (B * B).flatten().mean() # V^2(Y,Y) >= 0
dvarXX_dvarYY = dvarXX * dvarYY
if dvarXX_dvarYY > 0: # definition
return torch.clip(torch.sqrt(dcovXY / torch.sqrt(dvarXX_dvarYY)), min=0.0, max=1.0)
return torch.zeros(1).to(x.device)
def corrcoeff_weighted_torch(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor, weights: torch.Tensor=None):
Per event weighted linear Pearson 2x2 correlation matrix cf. torch.corrcoef()
(torch autograd compatible)
x : data (Nx1)
y : data (Nx1)
weights : event weights
data = torch.vstack((x.squeeze(), y.squeeze()))
C = torch.cov(data, aweights=weights.squeeze())
N = len(C)
D = torch.eye(N).to(C.device)
D[range(N), range(N)] = 1.0 / torch.sqrt(torch.diagonal(C))
return D @ C @ D
def percentile_per_dim(x: np.ndarray, q: float, **kwargs):
Compute percentiles for each dimension (column) over samples (rows)
input: (N x dim)
q: percentile (0,100)
out: array with length dim
return np.percentile(a=x, q=q, axis=0, **kwargs)
def prc_CI(x: np.ndarray, alpha: float):
return np.array([np.percentile(x, 100*(alpha/2)), np.percentile(x, 100*(1-alpha/2))])
def hacine_entropy_bin(x: np.ndarray, mode: str="nbins", alpha: float=0.01):
Hacine-Gharbi et al.
“Low Bias Histogram-Based Estimation of Mutual Information for Feature Selection.”
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2012.
See scott_bin()
N = len(x)
xi = (8 + 324*N + 12*np.sqrt(36*N + 729*N**2))**(1/3)
nb = np.round(xi/6 + 2/(3*xi) + 1/3)
if mode == "width":
return (np.percentile(x, 100*(1-alpha/2)) - np.percentile(x, 100*alpha/2)) / nb
return int(nb)
def hacine_joint_entropy_bin(x: np.ndarray, rho: float, mode: str="nbins", alpha: float=0.01):
Hacine-Gharbi, Ravier. "A Binning Formula of Bi-histogram
for Joint Entropy Estimation Using Mean Square Error Minimization.”
Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018.
See scott_bin()
N = len(x)
nb = np.round(1/np.sqrt(2) * np.sqrt(1 + np.sqrt(1 + 24*N/(1-rho**2))))
if mode == "width":
return (np.percentile(x, 100*(1-alpha/2)) - np.percentile(x, 100*alpha/2)) / nb
return int(nb)
def freedman_diaconis_bin(x: np.ndarray, mode: str="nbins", alpha: float=0.01):
Freedman-Diaconis rule for a 1D-histogram bin width
D. Freedman & P. Diaconis (1981)
“On the histogram as a density estimator: L2 theory”.
~ N**(-1/3)
x : array of 1D data
mode : return 'width' or 'nbins'
alpha : outlier percentile
IQR = stats.iqr(x, rng=(25, 75), scale=1.0, nan_policy="omit")
N = len(x)
bw = (2 * IQR) / N**(1.0/3.0)
if mode == "width":
return bw
return bw2bins(bw=bw, x=x, alpha=alpha)
def scott_bin(x: np.ndarray, rho: float, mode: str="nbins", alpha: float=0.01):
Scott rule for a 2D-histogram bin widths
Scott, D.W. (1992),
Multivariate Density Estimation: Theory, Practice, and Visualization -- 2D-Gaussian case
~ N**(-1/4)
x : array of 1D data (one dimension of the bivariate distribution)
rho : Linear correlation coefficient
mode : return 'width' or 'nbins'
alpha : outlier percentile
N = len(x)
bw = 3.504*np.std(x)*(1 - rho**2)**(3.0/8.0)/len(x)**(1.0/4.0)
if mode == "width":
return bw
return bw2bins(bw=bw, x=x, alpha=alpha)
def bw2bins(x: np.ndarray, bw: float, alpha: float):
Convert a histogram binwidth to number of bins
x : data array
bw : binwidth
alpha : outlier percentile
number of bins, if something fails return 1
if not np.isfinite(bw):
return 1
elif bw > 0:
return int(np.ceil((np.percentile(x, 100*(1-alpha/2)) - np.percentile(x, 100*alpha/2)) / bw))
return 1
def H_score(p: float, EPS: float=1E-15):
Shannon Entropy (log_e ~ nats units)
p : probability vector
# Make sure it is normalized
ind = (p > EPS)
p_ = (p[ind]/np.sum(p[ind])).astype(np.float64)
return -np.sum(p_*np.log(p_))
def I_score(C: np.ndarray, normalized: str=None, EPS: float=1E-15):
Mutual information score (log_e ~ nats units)
C : (X,Y) 2D-histogram array with positive definite event counts
normalized : return normalized version (None, 'additive', 'multiplicative')
mutual information score
# Make sure it is positive definite
C[C < 0] = 0
# Joint 2D-density
P_ij = C / np.sum(C.flatten())
# Marginal densities by summing over the other dimension
P_i = np.sum(C, axis=1); P_i /= np.sum(P_i)
P_j = np.sum(C, axis=0); P_j /= np.sum(P_j)
# Factorized (1D) x (1D) density
Pi_Pj = np.outer(P_i, P_j)
Pi_Pj /= np.sum(Pi_Pj.flatten())
# Choose non-zero
ind = (P_ij > EPS) & (Pi_Pj > EPS)
# Mutual Information Definition
I = np.sum(P_ij[ind] * np.log(P_ij[ind] / Pi_Pj[ind]))
I = np.clip(I, 0.0, None)
# Normalization
if normalized == None:
return I
elif normalized == 'additive':
return 2*I/(H_score(P_i) + H_score(P_j))
elif normalized == 'multiplicative':
return I/np.sqrt(H_score(P_i) * H_score(P_j))
raise Exception(f'I_score: Error with unknown normalization parameter "{normalized}"')
def distance_corr(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray,
weights: np.ndarray=None, alpha: float=0.32, n_bootstrap: int=30):
Distance correlation
x,y : arrays of values
weights : possible event weights
alpha : confidence interval [alpha/2, 1-alpha/2] level
n_bootstrap: number of percentile bootstrap samples
correlation coefficient [0,1], confidence interval
if len(x) != len(y):
raise Exception('distance_corr: x and y with different size.')
if len(x) < 10:
print(__name__ + '.distance_corr: Error: len(x) < 10')
return np.nan, np.array([np.nan, np.nan])
x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float) # Require float for precision
y = np.asarray(y, dtype=float)
if weights is None:
weights = np.ones(len(x), dtype=float)
# Normalize to sum to one
w = weights / np.sum(weights)
# Obtain estimates and sample uncertainty via bootstrap
r_star = np.zeros(n_bootstrap)
for i in range(n_bootstrap):
# Random values by sampling with replacement
ind = np.random.choice(range(len(x)), size=len(x), replace=True)
if i == 0:
ind = np.arange(len(w))
w_ = w[ind] / np.sum(w[ind])
# Compute [T.B.D. add weighted version]
r_star[i] = dcor.distance_correlation(x[ind], y[ind])
# The non-bootstrapped value (original sample based)
r = r_star[0]
# Percentile bootstrap based CI
r_CI = prc_CI(r_star, alpha)
return r, r_CI
def pearson_corr(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, weights: np.ndarray=None,
return_abs=False, alpha=0.32, n_bootstrap=300):
Pearson Correlation Coefficient
x,y : arrays of values
weights : possible event weights
return_abs : return absolute value
alpha : confidence interval [alpha/2, 1-alpha/2] level
n_bootstrap: number of percentile bootstrap samples
correlation coefficient [-1,1], confidence interval, p-value
if len(x) != len(y):
raise Exception('pearson_corr: x and y with different size.')
if len(x) < 10:
print(__name__ + '.pearson_corr: Error: len(x) < 10')
return np.nan, np.array([np.nan, np.nan]), np.nan
x = np.asarray(x, dtype=float)
y = np.asarray(y, dtype=float)
if weights is None:
weights = np.ones(len(x), dtype=float)
# Normalize to sum to one
w = weights / np.sum(weights)
# Loss of precision might happen here.
x_ = x - np.sum(w*x)
y_ = y - np.sum(w*y)
# Obtain estimates and sample uncertainty via bootstrap
r_star = np.zeros(n_bootstrap)
# See: Efron, B. (1988). "Bootstrap confidence intervals:
# Good or bad?" Psychological Bulletin, 104, 293-296.
for i in range(n_bootstrap):
# Random values by sampling with replacement
ind = np.random.choice(range(len(x)), size=len(x), replace=True)
if i == 0:
ind = np.arange(len(w))
w_ = w[ind] / np.sum(w[ind])
# corr(x,y; w) = cov(x,y; w) / [cov(x,x; w) * cov(y,y; w)]^{1/2}
denom = np.sum(w_*(x_[ind]**2))*np.sum(w_*(y_[ind]**2))
if denom > 0:
r = np.sum(w_*x_[ind]*y_[ind]) / np.sqrt(denom)
r = 0
# Safety
r = np.clip(r, -1.0, 1.0)
# if we want absolute value
if return_abs: r = np.abs(r)
r_star[i] = r
# The non-bootstrapped value (original sample based)
r = r_star[0]
# Percentile bootstrap based CI
r_CI = prc_CI(r_star, alpha)
# 2-sided p-value from the Beta-distribution
ab = len(x)/2 - 1
dist = scipy.stats.beta(ab, ab, loc=-1, scale=2)
prob = 2*dist.cdf(-abs(r))
return r, r_CI, prob
def optbins(x: np.ndarray, maxM: int=150, mode="nbins", alpha=0.025):
NOTE: Weak performance, study the method !!
Optimal 1D-histogram binning via Bayesian Brute Force search algorithm.
K.H Knuth, 2012, Entropy.
x : data points
maxM : maximum number of bins
mode : "nbins" or "width"
alpha : outlier protection percentile
optimal number of bins
N = len(x)
# Outlier protection
lo,hi = np.percentile(x, alpha/2*100), np.percentile(x, 100*(1-alpha/2))
ind = (x > lo) & (x < hi)
# Loop over number of bins and compute (relative) posterior probability
logp = np.ones(maxM)*(-1E32) # keep it negative for 0-bin
for M in range(1,maxM):
n = np.histogram(x[ind], bins=M)[0]
part1 = N*np.log(M) + special.gammaln(M/2) - special.gammaln(N+M/2)
part2 = -M*special.gammaln(1/2) + np.sum(special.gammaln(n+0.5))
logp[M] = part1 + part2;
optM = np.argmax(logp)
if mode == "width":
return (np.max(x[ind]) - np.min(x[ind])) / optM
return optM
def optbins2d(x: np.ndarray, y: np.ndarray, maxM=(40,40), mode="nbins", alpha=0.025):
NOTE: Weak performance, study the method !!
Optimal 2D-histogram binning via Bayesian Brute Force search algorithm.
K.H Knuth, 2012, Entropy.
x : data points
y : data points
maxM : maximum number of bins per dimension
mode : "nbins" or "width"
alpha : outlier protection percentile
optimal number of bins
N = len(x)
if len(x) != len(y):
raise Exception('optbins2d: len(x) != len(y)')
# Outlier protection
x_lo,x_hi = np.percentile(x, alpha/2*100), np.percentile(x, 100*(1-alpha/2))
y_lo,y_hi = np.percentile(y, alpha/2*100), np.percentile(y, 100*(1-alpha/2))
ind = (x > x_lo) & (x < x_hi) & (y > y_lo) & (y < y_hi)
# Loop over number of bins and compute (relative) posterior probability
logp = np.ones(maxM)*(-1E32) # keep it negative for 0-bin
for Mx in range(1,maxM[0]):
for My in range(1,maxM[1]):
n = np.histogram2d(x=x[ind],y=y[ind], bins=(Mx,My))[0].flatten()
M = Mx*My
part1 = N*np.log(M) + special.gammaln(M/2) - special.gammaln(N+M/2)
part2 = -M*special.gammaln(1/2) + np.sum(special.gammaln(n+0.5))
logp[Mx,My] = part1 + part2;
# Find optimal number of (x,y) bins
optM = np.unravel_index(logp.argmax(), logp.shape)
if mode == "width":
return ((np.max(x[ind]) - np.min(x[ind])) / optM[0],
(np.max(y[ind]) - np.min(y[ind])) / optM[1])
return optM
def test_gaussian():
Gaussian unit test of the estimators.
import pytest
def set_seed(seed):
torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) # if you are using multi-GPU.
#np.random.seed(seed) # Numpy module.
#random.seed(seed) # Python random module.
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
seed = 1234
rho_values = np.linspace(-0.9, 0.9, 6)
## Create synthetic Gaussian data
for N in [int(2e3)]:
print(f'*************** statistics N = {N} ***************')
for rho in rho_values:
EPS = 0.2
print(f'<<<rho = {rho:.3f}>>>')
# Create correlation via 2D-Cholesky
z1 = np.random.randn(N)
z2 = np.random.randn(N)
x1 = z1
x2 = rho*z1 + np.sqrt(1-rho**2)*z2
# ---------------------------------------------------------------
## Linear correlation
r,r_CI,prob = pearson_corr(x=x1, y=x2)
assert r == pytest.approx(rho, abs=EPS)
print(f'pearson_corr = {r:.3f}, CI = {r_CI}, p-value = {prob:0.3E}')
## Distance correlation (own function)
dcorr = distance_corr_torch(x=torch.Tensor(x1), y=torch.Tensor(x2)).item()
print(f'distance_corr_torch = {dcorr:.3f}')
## Distance correlation (dcorr package based)
dc, dc_CI = distance_corr(x=x1, y=x2)
print(f'distance_corr = {dc:.3f}, CI = {dc_CI}')
assert dcorr == pytest.approx(dc, abs=1E-3)
## MI Reference (exact analytic)
MI_REF = gaussian_mutual_information(rho)
print(f'Gaussian exact MI = {MI_REF:.3f}')
## MI with different histogram autobinnings
automethod = ['Scott2D', 'Hacine2D']
for method in automethod:
MI, MI_CI = mutual_information(x=x1, y=x2, automethod=method)
assert MI == pytest.approx(MI_REF, abs=EPS)
print(f'Histogram MI = {MI:0.3f}, CI = {MI_CI} ({method})')
## Neural MI
neuromethod = ['MINE', 'MINE_EMA', 'DENSITY']
X = torch.Tensor(x1)
Z = torch.Tensor(x2)
for losstype in neuromethod:
## -----------------
MI,MI_err,model = mine.estimate(X=X, Z=Z, losstype=losstype)
device = MI.device
MI = MI.item()
MI_err = MI_err.item()
assert MI == pytest.approx(MI_REF, abs=EPS)
print(f'Neural (.estimate) MI = {MI:0.3f} +- {MI_err:0.3f} ({losstype})')
## -----------------
MI_full = mine.apply_mine(X=X.to(device), Z=Z.to(device), model=model, losstype=losstype)[0].item()
assert MI_full == pytest.approx(MI_REF, abs=EPS)
print(f'Neural (.apply_mine) MI = {MI_full:0.3f} ({losstype})')
## -----------------
MI_batch = mine.apply_mine_batched(X=X.to(device), Z=Z.to(device), model=model, losstype=losstype, batch_size=512).item()
assert MI_batch == pytest.approx(MI_REF, abs=EPS)
print(f'Neural (.apply_mine_batched) MI = {MI_batch:0.3f} ({losstype})')
def test_constant(N=10000):
Constant input unit test of the estimators.
import pytest
def set_seed(seed):
torch.cuda.manual_seed_all(seed) # if you are using multi-GPU.
#np.random.seed(seed) # Numpy module.
#random.seed(seed) # Python random module.
torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = False
torch.backends.cudnn.deterministic = True
seed = 42
EPS = 1E-3
### Both ones
x1 = np.ones(N)
x2 = np.ones(N)
r = pearson_corr(x=x1, y=x2)[0]
assert r == pytest.approx(1, abs=EPS)
dcorr = distance_corr_torch(x=torch.Tensor(x1), y=torch.Tensor(x2)).item()
assert dcorr == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
dc, dc_CI = distance_corr(x=x1, y=x2)
assert dc == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
# <->
assert dcorr == pytest.approx(dc, abs=EPS)
MI = mutual_information(x=x1, y=x2)[0]
assert MI == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
MI_mine = mine.estimate(X=torch.Tensor(x1), Z=torch.Tensor(x2))[0].item()
assert MI_mine == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
### Other one zeros
x1 = np.ones(N)
x2 = np.zeros(N)
r = pearson_corr(x=x1, y=x2)[0]
assert r == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
dcorr = distance_corr_torch(x=torch.Tensor(x1), y=torch.Tensor(x2)).item()
assert dcorr == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
dc, dc_CI = distance_corr(x=x1, y=x2)
assert dc == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
# <->
assert dcorr == pytest.approx(dc, abs=EPS)
MI = mutual_information(x=x1, y=x2)[0]
assert MI == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
MI_mine = mine.estimate(X=torch.Tensor(x1), Z=torch.Tensor(x2))[0].item()
assert MI_mine == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
### Other one minus ones
x1 = np.ones(N)
x2 = (-1)*np.ones(N)
r = pearson_corr(x=x1, y=x2)[0]
assert r == pytest.approx(-1, abs=EPS)
dcorr = distance_corr_torch(x=torch.Tensor(x1), y=torch.Tensor(x2)).item()
assert dcorr == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
dc, dc_CI = distance_corr(x=x1, y=x2)
assert dc == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
# <->
assert dcorr == pytest.approx(dc, abs=EPS)
MI = mutual_information(x=x1, y=x2)[0]
assert MI == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
MI_mine = mine.estimate(X=torch.Tensor(x1), Z=torch.Tensor(x2))[0].item()
assert MI_mine == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
EPS = 5E-2
### Both uniform random
x1 = np.random.rand(N)
x2 = np.random.rand(N)
r = pearson_corr(x=x1, y=x2)[0]
assert r == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
dcorr = distance_corr_torch(x=torch.Tensor(x1), y=torch.Tensor(x2)).item()
assert dcorr == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
dc, dc_CI = distance_corr(x=x1, y=x2)
assert dc == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
# <->
assert dcorr == pytest.approx(dc, abs=EPS)
MI = mutual_information(x=x1, y=x2)[0]
assert MI == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)
MI_mine = mine.estimate(X=torch.Tensor(x1), Z=torch.Tensor(x2))[0].item()
assert MI_mine == pytest.approx(0, abs=EPS)