Source code for icefit.statstools

# Statistical tests and tools
# pytest icefit/ -rP
#, 2023

import numpy as np
import numba
import copy
import scipy.stats as stats

[docs] def covmat2corrmat(C, EPS=1e-12): """ Covariance matrix to correlation matrix Args: C: Covariance matrix Returns: Correlation matrix """ v = np.sqrt(np.diag(C)) outer_v = np.outer(v, v) corr = C / (outer_v + EPS) corr[C == 0] = np.nan # Not defined return corr
[docs] def correlation_matrix(X, weights=None, return_cov=False): """ Compute a (sample weighted) correlation or covariance matrix Args: X: Data matrix (rows as sample points, columns as variables) weights: Weights per sample return_cov: Return covariance matrix (not correlation) Returns: correlation matrix """ if weights is None: C = np.cov(X, rowvar=False) if return_cov: # Return covariance return C # Turn into a correlation matrix C = covmat2corrmat(C=C) else: # Zero-mean each column (variable), repeat weights Q = copy.deepcopy(X) W = np.zeros(X.shape) for j in range(Q.shape[1]): Q[:,j] = Q[:,j] - np.average(X[:,j], weights=weights) W[:,j] = weights # Compute a weighted covariance matrix QW = Q*W C = / if return_cov: # Return covariance return C # Turn into a correlation matrix C = covmat2corrmat(C=C) return C
[docs] def error_on_mu(sigma, n): """ Standard error estimate on a sample mean. Args: sigma : sample standard deviation n : sample size """ return sigma / np.sqrt(n)
[docs] def error_on_std(sigma, n): """ Standard error estimate on a sample standard deviation. Args: sigma : sample standard deviation n : sample size """ Kn = np.sqrt((n-1)/2) * np.exp(special.loggamma((n-1) / 2) - special.loggamma(n/2)) Vn = 2 * ((n-1)/2 - (special.gamma(n/2) / special.gamma((n-1)/2))**2) return sigma * Kn * np.sqrt(Vn / (n-1))
[docs] def geom_mean_2D(x, y, x_err, y_err, flip_vertical=False): """ Geometric 2D mean of x and y (understood e.g. as 1D histograms) element wise and its error propagation based uncertainty (x,y taken also independent elem. wise) Math note: outer(u,v)_ij = u_i v_j, with outer(u,v) = uv^T Args: x, y : values (numpy arrays) x_err, y_err : uncertainties (numpy arrays) flip_vertical: flip the values over the vertical (y) dimension Returns: z, z_err : 2D-matrix (with rank 1) and its uncertainty """ z = np.sqrt(np.outer(y, x)) z_err = 0.5 * np.sqrt(np.outer(y, x_err**2/x) + np.outer(y_err**2/y, x)) if flip_vertical: z = np.flip(z,0) z_err = np.flip(z_err,0) return z, z_err
[docs] def tpratio_taylor(x,y, x_err,y_err, xy_err=0.0): """ Error propagation on a ratio r = x/(x+y) If x and y are e.g. counts from stat. independent histograms, then xy_err = 0 (~ tag & probe style ratios). Args: x,y : values x_err,y_err : uncertainties xy_err : covariance (err_x * err_y * rho_xy) Returns: Error propagated ratio error """ dx = y/(x + y)**2 dy = -x/(x + y)**2 r2 = dx**2*x_err**2 + dy**2*y_err**2 + 2*dx*dy*xy_err return np.sqrt(r2)
[docs] def prod_eprop(A, B, sigmaA, sigmaB, sigmaAB=0): """ Error propagation (Taylor expansion) of a product A*B Args: A : Value A B : Value B sigmaA : 1 sigma uncertainty on A sigmaB : 1 sigma uncertainty on B sigmaAB : Covariance of A,B Returns: Uncertainty """ f = A * B return np.sqrt(f**2*((sigmaA/A)**2 + (sigmaB/B)**2 + 2*sigmaAB/(A*B)))
[docs] def ratio_eprop(A, B, sigmaA, sigmaB, sigmaAB=0): """ Error propagation (Taylor expansion) of a ratio A/B Args: A : Value A B : Value B sigmaA : 1 sigma uncertainty on A sigmaB : 1 sigma uncertainty on B sigmaAB : Covariance of A,B Returns: Uncertainty """ f = A / B return np.sqrt(f**2*((sigmaA/A)**2 + (sigmaB/B)**2 - 2*sigmaAB/(A*B)))
[docs] def weighted_binomial_err(b1: float, b2: float, e1: float, e2: float): """ Binomial counting efficiency error with weights For the reference, see: If e1 ~ sqrt(b1) and e2 ~ sqrt(b2), one should recover results of this function by using the proper covariance with: prodratio_eprop(A=b1, B=b2, sigma_A=e1, sigma_B=e2, sigmaAB=b1, mode='ratio) N.B. If b1 == b2, will return 0 Args: b1: binomial numerator (e.g. count or sum of weights) b2: binomial denominator e1: error on the numerator (e.g. \sqrt(\sum_i(w_i^2)) e2: error on the denominator """ if b1 == b2: return 0.0 r = b1 / b2 err = np.sqrt(np.abs( ((1.0 - 2.0*r))*e1**2 + (r*e2)**2) / (b2**2)) return err
[docs] def columnar_mask_efficiency(num_mask: np.ndarray, den_mask: np.ndarray, y_true: np.ndarray, y_target: int, weights: np.ndarray): """ Masked columnar selection efficiency with event weights and classes Args: num_mask: numerator mask vector (Nx1, bool) den_mask: denominator mask (Nx1, bool) y_true: label vector (Nx1, int) y_target: target label (int) weights: event weights (Nx1, float) Returns: binomial efficiency, weighted binomial stat. error """ w1 = weights[y_true == y_target]*num_mask[y_true == y_target] w2 = weights[y_true == y_target]*den_mask[y_true == y_target] b1 = np.sum(w1) b2 = np.sum(w2) e1 = np.sqrt(np.sum(w1**2)) e2 = np.sqrt(np.sum(w2**2)) eff = b1 / b2 eff_err = weighted_binomial_err(b1=b1, b2=b2, e1=e1, e2=e2) return eff, eff_err
[docs] def ADS(s, b, sigma_b, EPS=1e-6): """ Asimov discovery significance with background uncertainty when sigma_b --> 0, this gives np.sqrt(2*((s+b)*np.log(1.0 + s/b) - s)) Args: s: expected signal count b: expected background count sigma_b: error on the background estimate EPS: regularization constant """ if s + b == 0: return 0 if b == 0: b = EPS if sigma_b == 0: sigma_b = EPS T1 = ((s+b)*(b+sigma_b**2)) / (b**2+(s+b)*sigma_b**2) T2 = 1 + (sigma_b**2*s) / (b*(b+sigma_b**2)) return np.sqrt(2*((s+b)*np.log(T1) - b**2/(sigma_b**2) * np.log(T2)))
[docs] def welch_ttest(X1, X2, s1, s2, n1, n2): """ Welch's two sample t-test for normally distributed variables. Args: X1 : Mean of sample 1 X2 : Mean of sample 2 s1 : Standard deviation of sample 1 s2 : Standard deviation of sample 2 n1 : Counts in sample 1 n2 : Counts in sample 2 Returns: t : test statistic p : p-value from t-distribution """ # Satterthwaite Approximation sdelta = np.sqrt(s1**2/n1 + s2**2/n2) # Test statistic t = (X1 - X2) / sdelta # Degrees of freedom nu1 = n1-1 nu2 = n2-1 df = np.ceil((s1**2/n1 + s2**2/n2)**2 / (s1**4/(n1**2*nu1) + s2**4/(n2**2*nu2))) # p-value, two-tailed test gives factor 2 p = (1 - stats.t.cdf(np.abs(t), df=df)) * 2 return t,p
[docs] def p2zscore(p): """ p-value to z-score (standard normal sigmas) Example: p-value is divided by two such that p = 0.05 gives z_{1-\\alpha/2} = z_{1-0.025} = 1.96 """ z = np.abs( stats.norm.ppf(p / 2) ) if np.isinf(z): # overflow z = 99 return z
[docs] def clopper_pearson_err(k, n, CL=[0.025, 0.975]): """ Clopper-Pearson binomial proportion confidence interval. Below, beta.ppf (percent point functions) returns inverse CDF for quantiles. Args: k : observed success counts n : number of trials CL : confidence levels [lower, upper] Returns: confidence interval [lower, upper] """ # Special case must be treated separately if k == 0: lower = 0 upper = 1 - (1-CL[1])**(1/n) # Special case must be treated separately elif k == n: lower = CL[0]**(1/n) upper = 1 # Normal case else: lower = stats.beta.ppf(q=CL[0], a=k, b=n-k+1) upper = stats.beta.ppf(q=CL[1], a=k+1, b=n-k) return np.array([lower, upper])
[docs] def poisson_ratio(k1,k2, CL=np.array([0.025, 0.975])): """ Poisson ratio uncertainty via conditional ratio theta = lambda1 / (lambda1 + lambda2) See e.g. "Confidence limits on the ratio of two Poisson variables, 1974" E[k1] = lambda1 (Poisson mean) E[k2] = lambda2 (Poisson mean) Args: k1 : observations k1 k2 : observations k2 CL : 2-array of lower and upper quantiles Returns: ratio confidence interval endpoints """ theta = clopper_pearson_err(k=k1, n=k1+k2, CL=CL) if (1-theta).all() > 0: R = theta / (1 - theta) else: R = np.array([0,0]) return R
[docs] def poisson_tail(k1, k2): """ Single Poisson CDF tail integral. Counts 2 works as the reference. Args: k1 : poisson counts 1 k2 : poisson counts 2 (reference sample) Returns: p value """ P = stats.poisson.cdf(k1, mu=k2) if k1 > k2: return 1 - P else: return P
[docs] def mc_extreme_npdf(x, N, mu=0, sigma=1, trials=int(1e6)): """ Extreme value distribution for normal pdf via Monte Carlo Args: x : value to evaluate the extreme value pdf upper tail integral mu : mean of normal pdf sigma : std of normal pdf N : sample size trials : number of Monte Carlo samples, as large as possible CPU wise Returns: p_value : probability for the value x or more extreme maxvals : full MC distribution of extreme values obtained """ sample = np.random.normal(mu, sigma, size=(trials, N)) maxvals = np.amax(sample, 1) # max per each row (trial) p_value = np.sum(maxvals >= x) / trials return p_value, maxvals
[docs] def mc_extreme_multivariate_npdf(x, mu, cov, trials=int(1e6)): """ Extreme value distribution for a multivariate normal pdf via Monte Carlo, e.g. for "correlated measurements or bins" -- casted as a univariate problem such that maximum of components is taken (not a "vector maximum") Args: x : scalar value to evaluate the extreme value pdf upper tail integral mu : mean vector (N) cov : covariance matrix (NxN) trials : number of Monte Carlo samples, as large as possible CPU wise Returns: p_value : probability for the value x or more extreme maxvals : full MC distribution of extreme values obtained """ sample = np.random.multivariate_normal(mean=mu, cov=cov, size=trials) maxvals = np.amax(sample, 1) # max per each row (trial) p_value = np.sum(maxvals >= x) / trials return p_value, maxvals
[docs] def analytical_extreme_npdf(N, mu=0, sigma=1): """ Analytical expectation (mean) value approximation (based on an expansion) for a normal pdf max (extreme) values with a sample size of N. References: """ # Ref: # y = 0.5772156649 # Euler–Mascheroni constant # return np.sqrt(np.log(N**2/(2*np.pi*np.log(N**2/(2*np.pi)) ) ) ) *(1+y/np.log(N)) # Ref: Youtube, <From one extreme to another: the statistics of extreme events, Jon Keating, Oxford> return mu + sigma*np.sqrt(2*np.log(N)) - 0.5*sigma*(np.log(np.log(N))) / (np.sqrt(2*np.log(N)))
[docs] def cormat2covmat(R,s): """ Convert a correlation matrix to a covariance matrix. Args: R : correlation matrix (NxN) s : vector of standard deviations (N) Returns: covariance matrix """ if np.any(s <= 0): raise Exception('cormat2covmat: s vector elements must be positive') if np.any(np.abs(R) > 1): raise Exception('cormat2covmat: R matrix elements must be between [-1,1]') return np.diag(s) @ R @ np.diag(s)
[docs] def test_extreme_npdf(): mu = 0 # standard normal sigma = 1 x = 3.0 # we test for "x sigma deviation" N = 100 # data sample size # ------- print('Independent standard normal PDF') p_value, maxvals = mc_extreme_npdf(x=x, N=N, mu=mu, sigma=sigma) print(f' Extreme value p-value for x >= {x} is {p_value:0.2E} [with N = {N}]') print(f' Monte Carlo expectation: <extreme> = {np.mean(maxvals):0.3f}') print(f' Analytical expectation: <extreme> = {analytical_extreme_npdf(N=N, mu=mu, sigma=sigma):0.3f}') # ------- # Uncorrelated case, will return the same as independent Gaussians print('\nIndependent standard N-dim normal PDF') mu = np.zeros(N) # Mean vector cov = np.eye(N) # Covariance matrix p_value, maxvals = mc_extreme_multivariate_npdf(x=x, mu=mu, cov=cov) print(f' Extreme value p-value for x >= {x} is {p_value:0.2E}') print(f' Monte Carlo expectation: <extreme> = {np.mean(maxvals):0.3f}') # ------- # Correlated bins ccoef = 0.7 print(f'\nCorrelated N-dim normal PDF [ccoef = {ccoef:0.3f}]') mu = np.zeros(N) # Mean vector R = np.ones((N,N)) * ccoef # Correlation matrix np.fill_diagonal(R, 1.0) s = np.ones(N) # Vector of standard deviations cov = cormat2covmat(R=R,s=s) # --> Covariance matrix p_value, maxvals = mc_extreme_multivariate_npdf(x=x, mu=mu, cov=cov) print(f' Extreme value p-value for x >= {x} is {p_value:0.2E}') print(f' Monte Carlo expectation: <extreme> = {np.mean(maxvals):0.3f}')
[docs] def test_efficiency_ratio(EPS=1e-6): import pytest # Ratio error, where b1 is the numerator (number of successes) # in a binomial ratio and b2 is the denominator (total number of trials) # where we allow both numerator and denominator to fluctuate aka take # here Poisson errors for them. b1 = 5 b2 = 20 e1 = np.sqrt(b1) e2 = np.sqrt(b2) eff = b1 / b2 eff_err_A = weighted_binomial_err(b1=b1, b2=b2, e1=e1, e2=e2) eff_err_B = ratio_eprop(A=b1, B=b2, sigmaA=e1, sigmaB=e2, sigmaAB=b1) eff_err_C = tpratio_taylor(x=b1, y=b2-b1, x_err=e1, y_err=np.sqrt(b2 - b1)) print(f'eff = {eff}') print(f'err_eff = {eff_err_A:0.6g} (A)') print(f'err_eff = {eff_err_B:0.6g} (B)') print(f'err_eff = {eff_err_C:0.6g} (C)') assert eff_err_A == pytest.approx(eff_err_B, abs=EPS) assert eff_err_B == pytest.approx(eff_err_C, abs=EPS) assert eff_err_A == pytest.approx(eff_err_C, abs=EPS)
[docs] def test_ratios(): """ Test function """ # Quantile values q68 = np.array([0.16, 0.84]) q95 = np.array([0.025, 0.975]) # -------------------------------------------- # INPUT TEST DATA # Observed Poisson counts k_obs = np.array([17, 10, 100, 20, 100, 30, 400, 400]) # Predicted Poisson counts k_pre = np.array([7, 15, 101, 25, 105, 10, 380, 200]) # Poisson uncertainties s_obs = np.sqrt(k_obs) s_pre = np.sqrt(k_pre) # -------------------------------------------- for i in range(len(k_obs)): print(f'>> Case {i} pre/obs = {k_pre[i]} / {k_obs[i]} = {k_pre[i] / k_obs[i]:0.3f}') # Conditional Poisson ratios ppois68 = poisson_ratio(k1=k_pre[i], k2=k_obs[i], CL=q68) ppois95 = poisson_ratio(k1=k_pre[i], k2=k_obs[i], CL=q95) print(f'Poisson ratio uncertainty CI68: {ppois68}') print(f'Poisson ratio uncertainty CI95: {ppois95}') # Systematic residual from target ratio = 1 at CI95 level covers = lambda n,a,b : (n - a)*(n - b) <= 0 res = 0 if covers(1, ppois95[0], ppois95[1]) else np.min(np.abs(ppois95 - 1)) print(f'Systematic residual: {res:0.2f}') # Single sample Poisson tail integral ppois = poisson_tail(k1=k_pre[i], k2=k_obs[i]) print(f'Poisson tail p = {ppois:0.3E} ({p2zscore(ppois):0.2f} sigmas)') # Error propagation errAB = ratio_eprop(A=k_pre[i], sigmaA=s_pre[i], B=k_obs[i], sigmaB=s_obs[i]) PRE_over_OBS = k_pre[i] / k_obs[i] print(f' error propagated rel.uncertainty on the ratio: err / (pre/obs) = {errAB / PRE_over_OBS:0.3f}') print('')