Source code for icefit.commutator

# Toy simulation between selection orders A and B aka "commutation test",
# when two variables (X,Y) are correlated.
# Run with: python
#, 2023

import numpy as np
import scipy
[docs] def selection_A(X, Y, Y_CUT): "Per event: Cut on Y and then get the min(X) object" "Returns: Selected object Y value" passing = X * (Y > Y_CUT) if np.count_nonzero(passing) != 0: return Y[np.argmin(passing)] else: return False
[docs] def selection_B(X, Y, Y_CUT): "Per event: Get the min(X) object and then cut on Y" "Returns: Selected object Y value" k = np.argmin(X) if Y[k] > Y_CUT: return Y[k] else: return False
[docs] def crv(size, upper_L): return np.random.normal(0.0, 1.0, size=size) @ upper_L
[docs] def main(): Y_CUT = 0.0 # 0 puts the cut at the median because of 0-centered Gaussian RVs N = int(1e5) # Number of events maxObj = 6 # Maximum number of objects rhoval = [-0.99, -0.5, 0.0, 0.5, 0.99] # Level of correlation for rho in rhoval: cor_matrix = np.array([[1.0, rho], [rho, 1.0]]) upper_L = np.transpose(np.linalg.cholesky(cor_matrix)) # Check the Cholesky matrix is right way around rv = crv(size=(int(1e5), 2), upper_L=upper_L) print(f'Correlation rho(X,Y): {scipy.stats.pearsonr(rv[:,0], rv[:,1])[0]:0.2f}') # Different number of objects for nObj in range(1,maxObj+1): N_A, N_B, N_AB = 0,0,0 # Event loop for i in range(N): # Build correlated Gaussian random variables rv = crv(size=(nObj, 2), upper_L=upper_L) X, Y = rv[:,0], rv[:,1] a = selection_A(X=X, Y=Y, Y_CUT=Y_CUT) b = selection_B(X=X, Y=Y, Y_CUT=Y_CUT) if a != False: N_A += 1 if b != False: N_B += 1 if a == b: N_AB += 1 print(f'[nObj: {nObj:2d}] sel(A) event rate: {N_A/N:0.3f}, sel(B) event rate: {N_B/N:0.3f}, sel(A) == sel(B) rate: {N_AB/N:0.3f}') print('')
if __name__ == "__main__": main()