Source code for icefit.lognormal

# Log-normal density parameters & generation
# Run with: python
#, 2024

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import fsolve

[docs] def lognormal_param(m, v, match_mode='mean', verbose=True): """ Compute log-normal distribution \mu and \sigma parameters from the target mean (or median) m and variance v \mu and \sigma follow the Wikipedia convention: Args: m : mean (or median or mode) value of the target log-normal pdf v : variance value of the target log-normal pdf match_mode : input m as 'mean', 'median', or 'mode' """ if match_mode == 'mean': """ CLOSED FORM SOLUTION """ mu = np.log(m**2/np.sqrt(v + m**2)) sigma = np.sqrt(np.log(v/m**2 + 1)) elif match_mode == 'median': """ CLOSED FORM SOLUTION """ mu = np.log(m) sigma = np.sqrt(np.log((np.sqrt(m**2 + 4*v)/m + 1)/2)) elif match_mode == 'mode': """ NUMERICAL SOLUTION """ def mode_func(x): d = np.array([m - np.exp(x[0] - x[1]), v - (np.exp(x[1]) - 1)*np.exp(2*x[0] + x[1])]) return d init_guess = (np.log(m), np.log(1 + np.sqrt(v)/m)) sol = fsolve(mode_func, init_guess) mu = sol[0] sigma = np.sqrt(sol[1]) elif match_mode == 'geometric': """ CLOSED FORM SOLUTION """ mu = np.log(m) # m is median and also geometric mean sigma = np.log(1 + np.sqrt(v)/m) # from log(s_G), where s_G = exp(STD(log(X))) else: raise Exception(f'lognormal_param: Unknown match_mode {match_mode}') if verbose: print(f'lognormal_param:') print(f' - Input: m = {m:0.3f}, v = {v:0.3f}, sqrt[v] = {np.sqrt(v):0.3f}, sqrt[v] / m = {np.sqrt(v)/m:0.3f}, target mode = {match_mode}') print(f' - Obtained parameters: mu = {mu:0.3f}, sigma = {sigma:0.3f}, exp(sigma) = {np.exp(sigma):0.3f}') return mu, sigma
[docs] def rand_lognormal(m, v, N, match_mode='mean'): """ Generate random numbers from log-normal density with the distribution target mean (or median) m and variance v Args: m : mean (or median or mode) value of the target log-normal pdf v : variance value of the target log-normal pdf N : number of samples match_mode : input m as 'mean', 'median', or 'mode' """ mu,sigma = lognormal_param(m=m, v=v, match_mode=match_mode) # Standard transform y = np.exp(mu + sigma * np.random.randn(N)) return y
[docs] def rand_powexp(m, std, N): """ Power+exp type parametrization for median matching Args: m : median target std : standard deviation target N : number of samples """ theta = np.random.randn(N) # theta ~ exp(-0.5 * sigma^2) return m*(1 + std/m)**theta
[docs] def create_label(X): mean = np.mean(X) med = np.median(X) std = np.std(X) gsd = np.exp(np.std(np.log(X))) # Geometric standard deviation # Find histogram mode bins = np.linspace(0, 5*med, 300) counts, xval = np.histogram(X, bins) mode = xval[np.argmax(counts)] return f'(mean,med,mode) = ({mean:0.1f}, {med:0.1f}, {mode:0.1f}), STD[X] = {std:0.2f}, GSD[X] = {gsd:0.2f}, std/mean = {std/mean:0.1f}, std/med = {std/med:0.1f}, std/mode = {std/mode:0.1f}'
[docs] def test_lognormal(): import pytest N = int(1e7) # Nominal value m0 = 1.5 # Different relative uncertainties delta_val = np.array([0.1, 0.4, 0.8, 1.6]) # Different input modes modes = ['mean', 'median', 'mode', 'geometric'] symbol = ['\\bar{{m}}', 'm', '\\tilde{{m}}', 'm'] fig, ax = plt.subplots(nrows=len(delta_val), ncols=len(modes), figsize=(20,15)) for i in range(len(delta_val)): # log-normal pdf targets delta = delta_val[i] std = delta*m0 # 2. Generate power-approx formula distributed variables Y = rand_powexp(m=m0, std=std, N=N) Y_label = create_label(Y) for j in range(len(modes)): # 1. Generate log-normally distributed variables X = rand_lognormal(m=m0, v=std**2, N=N, match_mode=modes[j]) X_label = create_label(X) # Compute sample point statistics print(f'** {modes[j]} matching: m_0 = {m0:0.1f}, \delta = {delta:0.2f} **') print(f'{X_label} \n') title = f'$({symbol[j]} = {m0:0.1f}, \sqrt{{v}}/{symbol[j]} = {delta:0.1f})$' ax[i,j].set_title(f'<{modes[j]}> matching: {title}', fontsize=9) # --------------- bins = np.linspace(0, 5*np.median(X), 200) ax[i,j].hist(X, bins, label=f'E: {X_label}', histtype='step', density=True) ax[i,j].hist(Y, bins, label=f'A: {Y_label}', histtype='step', density=True) ax[i,j].legend(fontsize=4, loc='lower right') ax[i,j].set_xlim([0, m0*2.5]) ax[i,j].set_ylim([0, None]) if i == len(delta_val) - 1: ax[i,j].set_xlabel('$x$') print('----------------------------------------------------------') figname = 'sampling.pdf' print(f'Saving figure: {figname}') plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs] def test_accuracy(): """ Test accuracy made in the power-exp approximation with median = 1 """ def expanded_s(v, m, order=1): if order >= 1: A = np.sqrt(v)/m if order >= 2: A += (1/2)*(v/m**2) if order >= 3: A += -(7/12)*(v**(3/2)/m**3) if order >= 4: A += -(17/24)*(v**2/m**4) if order >= 5: A += (163/160)*(v**(5/2)/m**5) if order >= 6: A += (1111/720)*(v**3/m**6) if order >= 7: A += -(96487/40320)*(v**(7/2)/m**7) return A def exact_s(v, m): return np.exp(np.sqrt(np.log(1/2 * (np.sqrt(4*v/m**2 + 1) + 1)))) - 1 # Fixed m value m = 1.5 v = np.linspace(1e-9, m*4, 10000) fig, ax = plt.subplots() plt.plot(np.sqrt(v) / m, np.ones(len(v)), color=(0.5,0.5,0.5), ls='--') for i in range(1,7+1): if i % 2: txt = f'$O(v^{{{i:.0f}/2}} / m^{{{i:.0f}}})$' else: txt = f'$O(v^{{{i/2:.0f}}} / m^{{{i:.0f}}})$' plt.plot(np.sqrt(v) / m, expanded_s(v=v, m=m, order=i) / exact_s(v=v, m=m), label=f'{txt}') plt.ylabel('[Expansion of $s$ $|_{near \\;\\; \\sqrt{v}/m=0}$] / Exact $s$') plt.xlabel('$\\sqrt{v} / m$') plt.legend() plt.xlim([0, 1.5]) plt.ylim([0.8, 1.5]) figname = 'series_approx.pdf' print(f'Saving figure: {figname}') plt.savefig(figname, bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs] def main(): test_accuracy() test_lognormal()
if __name__ == "__main__": main()