Source code for icebrk.histos

# B/RK analyzer observables and histograms (protocode)
# Mikael Mieskolainen, 2020

import bz2
import numpy as np
import iceplot

import as tools

obs_M = {

# Axis limits
'xlim'    : (4.5, 6.5),
'ylim'    : None,
'xlabel'  : r'System $M$',
'ylabel'  : r'Candidates',
'units'   : {'x': 'GeV', 'y': ''},
'label'   : r'3-body system invariant mass',
'figsize' : (4,4),

# Histogramming
'bins'    : np.arange(0.0, 10.0 + 0.1, 0.1),
'density' : False,

# Function to calculate
'func'    : None,

# Disk save
'pickle'  : True

obs_Pt = {

# Axis limits
'xlim'    : (0, 25.0),
'ylim'    : None,
'xlabel'  : r'System $P_t$',
'ylabel'  : r'Candidates',
'units'   : {'x': 'GeV', 'y': ''},
'label'   : r'System tranverse momentum',
'figsize' : (4,4),

# Histogramming
'bins'    : np.arange(0.0, 25.0 + 1.0, 1.0),
'density' : False,
# Function to calculate
'func'    : None,

# Disk save
'pickle'  : True

obs_q2 = {

# Axis limits
'xlim'    : (0, 12.0),
'ylim'    : None,
'xlabel'  : r'Electron pair $q^2$',
'ylabel'  : r'Candidates',
'units'   : {'x': r'GeV$^2$', 'y': ''},
'label'   : r'Electron system invariant squared',
'figsize' : (4,4),

# Histogramming
'bins'    : np.arange(0, 12 + 0.4, 0.4),
'density' : False,
# Function to calculate
'func'    : None,

# Disk save
'pickle'  : True

obs_pt_l1 = {

# Axis limits
'xlim'    : (0, 12.0),
'ylim'    : None,
'xlabel'  : r'Leading electron $p_t$',
'ylabel'  : r'Candidates',
'units'   : {'x': r'GeV', 'y': ''},
'label'   : r'Leading $e$ transverse momentum',
'figsize' : (4,4),

# Histogramming
'bins'    : np.arange(0, 12 + 0.5, 0.5),
'density' : False,
# Function to calculate
'func'    : None,

# Disk save
'pickle'  : False

obs_pt_l2 = {

# Axis limits
'xlim'    : (0, 12.0),
'ylim'    : None,
'xlabel'  : r'Sub-leading electron $p_t$',
'ylabel'  : r'Candidates',
'units'   : {'x': r'GeV', 'y': ''},
'label'   : r'Sub-leading transverse momentum',
'figsize' : (4,4),

# Histogramming
'bins'    : np.arange(0, 12 + 0.5, 0.5),
'density' : False,
# Function to calculate
'func'    : None,

# Disk save
'pickle'  : False

obs_pt_k = {

# Axis limits
'xlim'    : (0, 12.0),
'ylim'    : None,
'xlabel'  : r'Kaon $p_t$',
'ylabel'  : r'Candidates',
'units'   : {'x': r'GeV', 'y': ''},
'label'   : r'Kaon transverse momentum',
'figsize' : (4,4),

# Histogramming
'bins'    : np.arange(0, 12 + 0.5, 0.5),
'density' : False,
# Function to calculate
'func'    : None,

# Disk save
'pickle'  : False

# ** MC ONLY **
obs_first_t3i = {

# Axis limits
'xlim'    : (-1, 20),
'ylim'    : None,
'xlabel'  : r'First signal triplet',
'ylabel'  : r'Events',
'units'   : {'x': r'MC index', 'y': ''},
'label'   : r'First signal triplet',
'figsize' : (4,4),

# Histogramming
'bins'    : np.arange(-1, 20 + 1, 1),
'density' : False,
# Function to calculate
'func'    : None,

# Disk save
'pickle'  : False

obs_last_t3i = {

# Axis limits
'xlim'    : (-1, 20),
'ylim'    : None,
'xlabel'  : r'Last signal triplet',
'ylabel'  : r'Events',
'units'   : {'x': r'MC index', 'y': ''},
'label'   : r'Last signal triplet',
'figsize' : (4,4),

# Histogramming
'bins'    : np.arange(-1, 20 + 0.5, 0.5),
'density' : False,
# Function to calculate
'func'    : None,

# Disk save
'pickle'  : False

obs_N_signal_t3 = {

# Axis limits
'xlim'    : (-1, 20),
'ylim'    : None,
'xlabel'  : r'Number of signal triplets',
'ylabel'  : r'Events',
'units'   : {'x': '', 'y': ''},
'label'   : r'Number of signal triplets',
'figsize' : (4,4),

# Histogramming
'bins'    : np.arange(-1, 20 + 0.5, 0.5),
'density' : False,
# Function to calculate
'func'    : None,

# Disk save
'pickle'  : False

# Dictionary of all batch observables
obs_all = {

	'M'           : obs_M,
	'Pt'          : obs_Pt,
	'q2'          : obs_q2,
	'pt_l1'       : obs_pt_l1,
	'pt_l2'       : obs_pt_l2,
	'pt_k'        : obs_pt_k,

	'first_t3i'   : obs_first_t3i,
	'last_t3i'    : obs_last_t3i,
	'N_signal_t3' : obs_N_signal_t3,
	'N_signal_pfpf_t3'   : obs_N_signal_t3,
	'N_signal_lowlow_t3' : obs_N_signal_t3

[docs] def calc_batch_observables(l1_p4, l2_p4, k_p4): """JAGGED + VECTORIZED (operates on event batch) observables. Args: l1_p4: l2_p4: k_p4: Returns: x: Observables """ x = { 'M' : None, 'Pt' : None, 'q2' : None, 'pt_l1' : None, 'pt_l2' : None, 'pt_k' : None } x['M'] = (l1_p4['e'] + l2_p4['e'] + k_p4['k']).mass x['Pt'] = (l1_p4['e'] + l2_p4['e'] + k_p4['k']).pt x['q2'] = (l1_p4['e'] + l2_p4['e']).mass2 x['pt_l1'] = l1_p4['e'].pt x['pt_l2'] = l2_p4['e'].pt x['pt_k'] = k_p4['k'].pt return x
[docs] def calc_batch_MC_observables(d, l1_p4, l2_p4, k_p4): """ MC ONLY batch observables. Args: d: l1_p4: l2_p4: k_p4: Returns: x """ x = { } return x
[docs] def calc_observables(evt_index, d, l1_p4, l2_p4, k_p4, sets, MAXT3): """NON-JAGGED (NORMAL) observables. Args: l1_p4: l2_p4: k_p4: Returns: x: Observables """ x = { } return x
vals = { 'init' : False, } vals_pfpf = { 'init' : False, } vals_lowlow = { 'init' : False, }
[docs] def calc_MC_observables(evt_index, d, l1_p4, l2_p4, k_p4, sets, MAXT3): """MC ONLY observables. Args: evt_index: d: l1_p4: l2_p4: k_p4: sets: MAXT3: Returns: x: Observables """ if vals['init'] == False: vals['init'] = True for i in range(100): vals[str(i)] = 0 if vals_pfpf['init'] == False: vals_pfpf['init'] = True for i in range(100): vals_pfpf[str(i)] = 0 if vals_lowlow['init'] == False: vals_lowlow['init'] = True for i in range(100): vals_lowlow[str(i)] = 0 x = { 'first_t3i' : None, 'last_t3i' : None, 'N_signal_t3' : None, 'N_signal_pfpf_t3' : None, 'N_signal_lowlow_t3' : None } # Number of signal triplets x['N_signal_t3'] = np.sum(d['_BToKEE_is_signal'][evt_index]) x['N_signal_lowlow_t3'] = np.sum(d['_BToKEE_is_signal'][evt_index] & d['Electron_isLowPt'][d['BToKEE_l1Idx']][evt_index] & d['Electron_isLowPt'][d['BToKEE_l2Idx']][evt_index]) x['N_signal_pfpf_t3'] = np.sum(d['_BToKEE_is_signal'][evt_index] & d['Electron_isPF'][d['BToKEE_l1Idx']][evt_index] & d['Electron_isPF'][d['BToKEE_l2Idx']][evt_index]) vals[str(x['N_signal_t3'])] += 1 vals_lowlow[str(x['N_signal_lowlow_t3'])] += 1 vals_pfpf[str(x['N_signal_pfpf_t3'])] += 1 # The first signal index x['first_t3i'] = tools.index_of_first_signal(evt_index, d, sets, MAXT3) # The last signal index x['last_t3i'] = tools.index_of_last_signal(evt_index, d, sets, MAXT3) #print(list(vals.values())[0:22]) #print(list(vals_lowlow.values())[0:22]) #print(list(vals_pfpf.values())[0:22]) return x
[docs] def pickle_files(iodir, N_algo, label, mode='rb'): """Open pickle files. Args: iodir: N_algo: label: mode: mode = 'rb' (read binary), 'ab' (append binary), 'wb' (write binary) Returns: x: Observables """ wfile = {'S': dict(), 'B': dict()} for ID in wfile.keys(): for i in range(N_algo): wfile[ID][str(i)] = bz2.BZ2File(iodir + f'/{label}_{ID}_weights_{i}.bz2', mode) obsfile = {'S': dict(), 'B': dict()} for ID in obsfile.keys(): for obs in obs_all.keys(): if obs_all[obs]['pickle']: obsfile[ID][obs] = bz2.BZ2File(iodir + f'/{label}_{ID}_obs_{obs}.bz2', mode) return obsfile, wfile