Source code for

# Tool functions for B/RK analyzer  (protocode)
# [CODE IS ROTTEN / UNFIXED due to awkward0 --> awkward1 changes]
# NOTE: New branches (not originally inside nanoAOD tree) are identified with '_key'
# Mikael Mieskolainen, 2020

import copy
import uproot
import numpy as np
import networkx 
import itertools
import numba

import vector

from termcolor import colored

from import aux
from icebrk.PDG import *
import icebrk.features as features

[docs] def construct_kinematics(d, l1_p4, l2_p4, k_p4): """ Construct kinematics of the triplet @[JAGGED]. Args: d: l1_p4: l2_p4: k_p4: Returns: """ # Construct Awkward arrays from Awkward columns # Track 1 l1_p4['e'] = vector.Array({'pt' : d['BToKEE_fit_l1_pt'], 'eta': d['BToKEE_fit_l1_eta'], 'phi': d['BToKEE_fit_l1_phi'], 'm': (d['BToKEE_fit_l1_pt'] - d['BToKEE_fit_l1_pt'] + 1) * ELECTRON_MASS}) # Track 2 l2_p4['e'] = vector.Array({'pt' : d['BToKEE_fit_l2_pt'], 'eta': d['BToKEE_fit_l2_eta'], 'phi': d['BToKEE_fit_l2_phi'], 'm': (d['BToKEE_fit_l2_pt'] - d['BToKEE_fit_l2_pt'] + 1) * ELECTRON_MASS}) # Track 3 k_p4['k'] = vector.Array({'pt': d['BToKEE_fit_k_pt'], 'eta': d['BToKEE_fit_k_eta'], 'phi': d['BToKEE_fit_k_phi'], 'm': (d['BToKEE_fit_k_pt'] - d['BToKEE_fit_k_pt'] + 1) * K_MASS})
[docs] def construct_MC_tree(d): """ Construct decay tree branches @[JAGGED]. Args: d: Returns: """ # Tracks d['_BToKEE_l1_genPdgId'] = d['GenPart_pdgId'][ d['Electron_genPartIdx'][ d['BToKEE_l1Idx']] ] d['_BToKEE_l2_genPdgId'] = d['GenPart_pdgId'][ d['Electron_genPartIdx'][ d['BToKEE_l2Idx']] ] d['_BToKEE_k_genPdgId'] = d['GenPart_pdgId'][ d['ProbeTracks_genPartIdx'][ d['BToKEE_kIdx']]] # Mothers d['_BToKEE_l1_genMotherIdx'] = d['GenPart_genPartIdxMother'][ d['Electron_genPartIdx'][ d['BToKEE_l1Idx']] ] d['_BToKEE_l2_genMotherIdx'] = d['GenPart_genPartIdxMother'][ d['Electron_genPartIdx'][ d['BToKEE_l1Idx']] ] d['_BToKEE_k_genMotherIdx'] = d['GenPart_genPartIdxMother'][ d['ProbeTracks_genPartIdx'][ d['BToKEE_kIdx']]] d['_BToKEE_l1_genMotherPdgId'] = d['GenPart_pdgId'][ d['_BToKEE_l1_genMotherIdx']] d['_BToKEE_l2_genMotherPdgId'] = d['GenPart_pdgId'][ d['_BToKEE_l2_genMotherIdx']] d['_BToKEE_k_genMotherPdgId'] = d['GenPart_pdgId'][ d['_BToKEE_k_genMotherIdx'] ]
[docs] def construct_MC_truth(d): """ Set MC signal truth into a new branch @[JAGGED]. Args: d: Returns: """ # Require track to be electron/positron and mother either B or J/psi VALUE1 = (abs(d['_BToKEE_l1_genPdgId']) == PDG_e) & ((abs(d['_BToKEE_l1_genMotherPdgId']) == PDG_B) | (abs(d['_BToKEE_l1_genMotherPdgId']) == PDG_JPSI)) # Require track to be electron/positron and mother either B or J/psi VALUE2 = (abs(d['_BToKEE_l2_genPdgId']) == PDG_e) & ((abs(d['_BToKEE_l2_genMotherPdgId']) == PDG_B) | (abs(d['_BToKEE_l2_genMotherPdgId']) == PDG_JPSI)) # Require track to be kaon and mother B VALUE3 = (abs(d['_BToKEE_k_genPdgId']) == PDG_K) & (abs(d['_BToKEE_k_genMotherPdgId']) == PDG_B) # Finally, require same mother VALUE4 = (d['_BToKEE_l1_genMotherIdx'] == d['_BToKEE_l2_genMotherIdx']) # Create new branch d['_BToKEE_is_signal'] = (VALUE1 & VALUE2 & VALUE3 & VALUE4)
[docs] @numba.njit def deltar_3(eta1,eta2,eta3, phi1,phi2,phi3, dR_MATCH): """ Match vector triplets by their DeltaR. Args: Returns: """ qsets = [] N = len(eta1) for i in range(N): this_set = [i] for j in range(N): if (j <= i): continue # No lower triangle needed # deltaR matching if ((aux.deltar(eta1[i],eta1[j], phi1[i],phi1[j]) < dR_MATCH) and (aux.deltar(eta2[i],eta2[j], phi2[i],phi2[j]) < dR_MATCH) and (aux.deltar(eta3[i],eta3[j], phi3[i],phi3[j]) < dR_MATCH)): this_set.append(j) qsets.append(this_set) return qsets
[docs] def find_connected_triplets(evt_index, l1_p4, l2_p4, k_p4, dR_MATCH = 0.01): """ Find all qsets of triplets connected together via DeltaR matching of their vectors. Args: Returns: """ eta1 = l1_p4['e'][evt_index].eta # @JaggedArray acceleration eta2 = l2_p4['e'][evt_index].eta eta3 = k_p4['k'][evt_index].eta phi1 = l1_p4['e'][evt_index].phi # @JaggedArray acceleration phi2 = l2_p4['e'][evt_index].phi phi3 = k_p4['k'][evt_index].phi qsets = deltar_3(eta1,eta2,eta3, phi1,phi2,phi3, dR_MATCH) # Merge return aux.merge_connected(qsets)
[docs] def get_first_indices(qsets, MAXT3): """ Get the first evt_index from a list of list, where sublists encode e.g. different reconstruction chains of triplets. Args: Returns: """ ind = np.zeros(MAXT3, dtype=int) k = 0 for s in qsets: ind[k] = int(s[0]) # Get the first evt_index k += 1 if k >= MAXT3: break return ind
[docs] def construct_input_vec(evt_index, d, l1_p4, l2_p4, k_p4, qsets, MAXT3): """ Construct MVA input vector x. feature 1 for all triplets 0 <possible zeros> .. 0 0, feature 2 for all triplets 0 <possible zeros> .. 0 0, feature D for all triplets 0 <possible zeros> .. 0 0] where zeros are padded after each feature if no enough triplets are found Args: Returns: """ # Full input vector D = features.getdimension() x = np.zeros(D*MAXT3) # Loop over all MVA features z = 0 for f in features.all_features.keys(): vec = np.zeros(MAXT3) # Init with zeros! # Loop over supersets k = 0 for s in qsets: # Choose the active triplet of the superset (**** UPDATE THIS! ****) ind = s[0] vec[k] = np.array(d[f][evt_index][ind]) # scalar k += 1 if (k == MAXT3): break x[z*MAXT3 : (z+1)*MAXT3] = copy.deepcopy(vec) z += 1 return x
[docs] def index_of_first_signal(evt_index, d, qsets, MAXT3): """ Check the evt_index of the last signal triplet (MC truth). Args: Returns: """ first_index = -1 k = 0 for tset in qsets: for ind in tset: # Pick first of alternatives and break #[HERE ADD THE OPTION TO CHOOSE e.g. THE BEST RECONSTRUCTION QUALITY !!] y = np.asarray(d['_BToKEE_is_signal'][evt_index])[ind] break if y == 1: first_index = k break k += 1 return first_index
[docs] def index_of_last_signal(evt_index, d, qsets, MAXT3): """ Check the evt_index of the last signal triplet (MC truth). Args: Returns: """ last_index = -1 k = 0 for tset in qsets: for ind in tset: # Pick first of alternatives and break # [HERE ADD THE OPTION TO CHOOSE e.g. THE BEST RECONSTRUCTION QUALITY !!] y = np.asarray(d['_BToKEE_is_signal'][evt_index])[ind] break if y == 1: last_index = k k += 1 return last_index
[docs] def construct_output_vec(evt_index, d, qsets, MAXT3): """ Construct MVA output vector y (binary with multilabel). Args: Returns: """ y = np.zeros(MAXT3, dtype=int) k = 0 for tset in qsets: for ind in tset: # Pick first of alternatives and break # [HERE ADD THE OPTION TO CHOOSE e.g. THE BEST RECONSTRUCTION QUALITY !!] y[k] = np.asarray(d['_BToKEE_is_signal'][evt_index])[ind] break k += 1 if (k == MAXT3): break return y