Source code for icedqcd.limits

# DQCD analysis signal upper limits
# Execute with: python icedqcd/
#, 2024

import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
from datetime import datetime
from matplotlib.ticker import FuncFormatter

from scipy.interpolate import RectBivariateSpline
from matplotlib import ticker, cm
import matplotlib as mpl

# icenet
import sys

from import aux,io
from icefit.icepeak import TH1_to_numpy
from icefit.icelimit import *

brazil_green  = np.array([0, 245, 34]) / 255
brazil_yellow = np.array([245, 245, 56]) / 255

latex_header = \
% General document formatting
% Related to math


[docs] def plot_brazil(x, Y, s1_color=brazil_green, s2_color=brazil_yellow, horizontal_line=1e-1, ylim=[9e-4, 2e-1]): """ Produce classic 1D "Brazil" plot Args: x: x-axis values Y: Y-axis values, dim = [number of points] x [-2sigma, -1sigma, median, +1sigma, +2sigma] Returns: fig, ax """ fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4.5, 3.5)) plt.fill_between(x, Y[:,0], Y[:,4], color=s2_color, alpha=1.0, label='$\\pm 2\\sigma$') plt.fill_between(x, Y[:,1], Y[:,3], color=s1_color, alpha=0.6, label='$\\pm 1\\sigma$') plt.plot(x, Y[:,2], color='black', linestyle='--', label='Expected') plt.plot(x, horizontal_line * np.ones(len(x)), color='gray', linestyle=':') # Horizontal line plt.legend(fontsize=9, frameon=False) plt.yscale('log') plt.ylim(ylim) #plt.rcParams['axes.xmargin'] = 0 return fig, ax
[docs] def find_limits(data, param_fixed, value, param_running, method): running_param_values = [] limits_expected = [] limits_observed = [] for key in data.keys(): if data[key]['model_param'][param_fixed] == value: running_param_values.append(data[key]['model_param'][param_running]) limits_expected.append(data[key]['limits_expected'][method]) limits_observed.append(data[key]['limits_observed'][method]) running_param_values = np.array(running_param_values) limits_expected = np.array(limits_expected) limits_observed = np.array(limits_observed) # Sort according to parameter values idx = np.argsort(running_param_values) return running_param_values[idx], limits_expected[idx], limits_observed[idx]
[docs] def create_limit_plots_vector(data, param, savepath='.'): ylabel = fr"CL95 upper limit on {param['cosmetics']['ylabel']} (CLs)" # note raw fr title = fr"{param['cosmetics']['title']}" portal = param['cosmetics']['portal'] print(ylabel) # ----------------------------------------------------- # Find all parameter tuplets params = list(data[list(data.keys())[0]]['model_param'].keys()) values = dict(zip(params, [None]*len(params))) for key in data.keys(): for p in params: if values[p] is None: values[p] = set() values[p].add(data[key]['model_param'][p]) for p in params: values[p] = np.sort(np.array(list(values[p]))) # ----------------------------------------------------- for method in param['methods']: plot_index = 0 # ------------------------------------------------- # 1D Brazil per fixed m point with running ctau pp = param['brazil']['ctau_fixed_m'] param_fixed = pp['model_POI']['fixed'] param_running = pp['model_POI']['running'] fixed_values = values[param_fixed] for _, value in enumerate(fixed_values): running_values, expected, observed = find_limits(data=data, param_fixed=param_fixed, value=value, param_running=param_running, method=method) ## Collect values Y = np.zeros((len(running_values), 5)) # 5 from -2,-1,0,+1,+2 sigmas for i in range(len(expected)): Y[i,:] = expected[i] print(Y) ## Brazil fig,ax = plot_brazil(x=running_values, Y=expected, ylim=pp['ylim']) plt.xlim([np.min(running_values)*0.9, np.max(running_values)*1.1]) ## Tick formatter ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.FixedLocator([0, 1, 3, 5, 8, 10, 30, 50, 80, 100, 300, 500])) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%d')) ax.xaxis.set_minor_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) for tick in ax.xaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(7) # Add padding ax.tick_params(axis='x', which='minor', labelsize=5) ## Cosmetics plt.title(f'$m_0 = {value}$ GeV, ${portal}$ $portal$ | {title}', fontsize=10) plt.xlabel(pp['xlabel']) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=7) plt.xscale('log') plt.yticks(fontsize=10) plt.xticks(fontsize=10) ## Save outputdir = aux.makedir(f'{savepath}/{method}') plt.savefig(f'{outputdir}/plot_{plot_index:0=4}_1D_{param_fixed}_{value}_method_{method}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plot_index +=1 plt.close() # ------------------------------------------------- ## 1D Brazil per fixed ctau point with running m pp = param['brazil']['m_fixed_ctau'] param_fixed = pp['model_POI']['fixed'] param_running = pp['model_POI']['running'] fixed_values = values[param_fixed] for _, value in enumerate(fixed_values): running_values, expected, observed = find_limits(data=data, param_fixed=param_fixed, value=value, param_running=param_running, method=method) ## Collect values Y = np.zeros((len(running_values), 5)) # 5 from -2,-1,0,+1,+2 sigmas for i in range(len(expected)): Y[i,:] = expected[i] print(Y) ## Brazil fig,ax = plot_brazil(x=running_values, Y=Y, ylim=pp['ylim']) plt.xlim([np.min(running_values)*0.9, np.max(running_values)*1.02]) ## Tick formatter ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.3g')) ## Cosmetics plt.title(f'$c\\tau_0 = {value}$ mm, ${portal}$ $portal$ | {title}', fontsize=10) plt.xlabel(pp['xlabel']) plt.ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=7) plt.xscale('linear') plt.yticks(fontsize=10) plt.xticks(fontsize=10) ## Save outputdir = aux.makedir(f'{savepath}/{method}') plt.savefig(f'{outputdir}/plot_{plot_index:0=4}_1D_{param_fixed}_{value}_method_{method}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plot_index += 1 plt.close() # ------------------------------------------------- ## 2D-contours over (mass, ctau) special_value = 0.01 fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(4.5, 3.5)) labels = [f'$\\pm2 \\sigma$ ($r = {special_value}$)', f'$\\pm1 \\sigma$ ($r = {special_value}$)', 'Median'] linestyles = ['dotted', 'dashed', 'solid', 'dashed', 'dotted'] pp = param['brazil']['m_ctau_contour'] kx,ky = pp['kx'], pp['ky'] running_param = pp['model_POI']['running'] m_values = values[running_param[0]] ctau_values = values[running_param[1]] ylim = param['brazil']['m_ctau_contour']['ylim'] for ind in range(5): # Read limit values R = np.zeros((len(m_values), len(ctau_values))) for i in range(len(m_values)): for j in range(len(ctau_values)): for key in data.keys(): if data[key]['model_param']['m'] == m_values[i] and \ data[key]['model_param']['ctau'] == ctau_values[j]: R[i,j] = data[key]['limits_expected'][method][ind] ## Interpolate interp_spline = RectBivariateSpline(m_values, ctau_values, R, kx=kx, ky=ky) m_values_fine = np.linspace(np.min(m_values), np.max(m_values), 1000) ctau_values_fine = np.linspace(np.min(ctau_values), np.max(ctau_values), 10000) R_fine = interp_spline(m_values_fine, ctau_values_fine) # Post-enforce positivity (splines can go negative) R_fine[R_fine < 0] = 0 # Transpose for the plot R_fine = R_fine.T try: if ind != 2: # ind == 2 is the median value # Draw uncertainties at specific chosen special contour cp = ax.contour(m_values_fine, ctau_values_fine, R_fine, [special_value], alpha=0.4, cmap=cm.bone, linewidths=1.0, linestyles=linestyles[ind]) else: levels = np.logspace(np.log10(np.max([ylim[0], np.min(R_fine)])), np.log10(ylim[1]), 8) #R[R > 1] = None # Null (draw white) out the domain > 1 cp = ax.contourf(m_values_fine, ctau_values_fine, R_fine, cmap=cm.copper, levels=levels, locator=ticker.LogLocator()) fmt = lambda x, pos: '{:0.2E}'.format(x) # Tick precision formatter cbar = plt.colorbar(cp, format=FuncFormatter(fmt)) cbar.set_label(ylabel, rotation=270, labelpad=15, fontsize=7) except: print(__name__ + f'.create_limit_plots: Problem with the contour plot -- skipping (check the input)') print(R_fine) ## Tick formatter ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(mpl.ticker.FixedLocator([2.5, 5, 7.5, 10, 12.5, 15, 17.5, 20])) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%.3g')) #ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.FixedLocator(ctau_values)) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(mpl.ticker.FixedLocator([0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600])) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mpl.ticker.FormatStrFormatter('%d')) ax.yaxis.set_minor_formatter(mpl.ticker.ScalarFormatter()) #ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='major', labelsize=10) ax.tick_params(axis='y', which='minor', labelsize=5) #ax.text(12, 300, '$-1\\sigma$', color='black', fontsize=6) #ax.text(12, 380, '$-2\\sigma$', color='black', fontsize=6) for tick in ax.yaxis.get_major_ticks(): tick.set_pad(7) # Add padding plt.yticks(fontsize=10) plt.xticks(fontsize=10) ## Add legend boxes null = np.array([np.NaN, np.NaN]) for i in range(2): plt.plot(null, null, color='gray', linestyle=linestyles[i], label=labels[i]) plt.legend(frameon=False, loc='upper right', fontsize=7) ## Cosmetics plt.title(f'${portal}$ $portal$ | {title}', fontsize=10) ax.set_xlabel(pp['xlabel']) ax.set_ylabel(pp['ylabel']) ax.set_yscale('log') ## Save figure outputdir = aux.makedir(f'{savepath}/{method}') plt.savefig(f'{outputdir}/plot_{plot_index:0=4}_2D_m_ctau_method_{method}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs] def create_limit_tables(data, param, savepath): ylabel = fr"CL95 upper limit (CLs) on {param['cosmetics']['ylabel']}" # note raw fr for method in param['methods']: latex_path = aux.makedir(f'{savepath}/{method}') latex_filename = f'{latex_path}/limits_table_method_{method}.tex' def dprint(string, mode='a', end='\n'): print(string) with open(latex_filename, mode) as f: f.write(f'{string} {end}') dprint('', 'w') dprint(latex_header) dprint('\\Large') dprint(f'Signal Upper Limits') dprint('\\small') dprint('\\\\') dprint(f'') dprint('\\\\') dprint(f"{ %H:%M} ") dprint('\\\\') dprint('\\vspace{0.5em}') dprint('\\\\') dprint(f'ML model: {data[list(data.keys())[0]]["ML_model"]}') dprint('\\\\') dprint(f'Signal portal: {param["cosmetics"]["portal"]}') dprint('\\\\') dprint(f'Limit method: {method}') dprint('\\\\') dprint(f'Systematics: {param["systematics"]}') dprint('\\\\') dprint('\\vspace{5em}') dprint('\\\\') dprint(f'Expected {ylabel}') dprint('\\\\') dprint('$H_0$: background only scenario') dprint('\\vspace{1em}') dprint('\\\\') dprint('\\begin{tabular}{|l||cc|c|cc|}') dprint('\\hline') dprint('Signal model point & $-2\\sigma$ & $-1\\sigma$ & median $r_{up}$ & $+1\\sigma$ & $+2\\sigma$ \\\\') dprint('\\hline') for key in data.keys(): dprint(f'{data[key]["model_param"]}', end='') for i in range(len(data[key]["limits_expected"][method])): dprint(f' & {data[key]["limits_expected"][method][i]:.2g} ', end='') dprint('\\\\') dprint('\\hline') dprint('\\end{tabular}') dprint('\\\\') dprint('\\vspace{5em}') dprint('\\\\') dprint('\\newpage') dprint('\\small') dprint(f'Emulated (observed) {ylabel}') dprint('\\\\') dprint(f'$H_1$: r * signal + background benchmark scenario, with $r={param["target_r"]}$') dprint('\\vspace{1em}') dprint('\\\\') dprint('\\begin{tabular}{|l||c|cc|}') dprint('\\hline') dprint('Signal model point & Observed $r_{up}$ & $\\langle B \\rangle$ (counts) & $\\langle S \\rangle$ (counts) \\\\') dprint('\\hline') for key in data.keys(): dprint(f'{data[key]["model_param"]}', end='') for i in range(len(data[key]["limits_observed"][method])): B = data[key]['limits_statistics']['background'] S = param["target_r"] * data[key]['limits_statistics']['signal'] B = f'{float(f"{B:.2g}"):g}' S = f'{float(f"{S:.2g}"):g}' dprint(f' & {data[key]["limits_observed"][method][i]:.2g} & {B} & {S} ', end='') dprint('\\\\') dprint('\\hline') dprint('\\end{tabular}') dprint('') dprint('\\end{document}') # Compile latex os.system(f'pdflatex -output-directory {latex_path} {latex_filename}')
[docs] def limit_wrapper_dict(data, param, bg_regulator=0.0, s_regulator=0.0): for file in data.keys(): # Counts (assumed Poisson) s_hypothesis = data[file]['signal']['counts'] bg_expected = data[file]['background']['counts'] # Regulate MC if bg_expected <= 0: bg_expected = bg_regulator if s_hypothesis <= 0: s_hypothesis = s_regulator # Total systematics (MC uncertainties + others would go here) if param['systematics'] is not None: s_syst_error = data[file]['signal']['systematic'] bg_syst_error = data[file]['background']['systematic'] else: s_syst_error = 0 bg_syst_error = 0 print(f'\n{file}: background: {np.round(bg_expected,5)}, signal = {np.round(s_hypothesis,5)}') limits_expected = {'asymptotic': None, 'toys': None} limits_observed = {'asymptotic': None, 'toys': None} limits_statistics = {'background': bg_expected, 'signal': s_hypothesis} for method in param['methods']: print(f'[method: {method}]') # Excepted limits opt = CL_single_compute(method = method, observed = None, s_hypothesis = s_hypothesis, bg_expected = bg_expected, s_syst_error = s_syst_error, bg_syst_error = bg_syst_error, num_toys_obs = param['num_toys_obs']) print(np.round(opt,4)) limits_expected[method] = opt # Emulate observed with benchmark r r = param['target_r'] opt = CL_single_compute(method = method, observed = r * s_hypothesis + bg_expected, s_hypothesis = s_hypothesis, bg_expected = bg_expected, s_syst_error = s_syst_error, bg_syst_error = bg_syst_error) print(np.round(opt,4)) limits_observed[method] = opt data[file]['limits_expected'] = limits_expected data[file]['limits_observed'] = limits_observed data[file]['limits_statistics'] = limits_statistics return data
[docs] def run_limits_vector(data={}, param={}, savepath = '.'): """ DQCD fast limits """ ## Compute limits over all signal (parameter) points data = limit_wrapper_dict(data=data, param=param) ## Create plots if param['cosmetics']['portal'] == 'vector': create_limit_plots_vector(data=data, param=param, savepath=savepath) else: print(f"Plots not implemented for portal {param['cosmetics']['portal']}", 'red') ## Produce tables create_limit_tables(data=data, param=param, savepath=savepath) ## Combine pdfs for method in param['methods']: figpath = aux.makedir(f'{savepath}/{method}') os.system(f'gs -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE -q -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -sOutputFile={figpath}/limits_doc_{method}.pdf {figpath}/*.pdf')
if __name__ == "__main__": True