# ROOT file processing tools
# m.mieskolainen@imperial.ac.uk, 2024
import numpy as np
import uproot
import awkward as ak
import ray
import multiprocessing
import os
import copy
import gc
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
from icenet.tools import io
from icenet.tools import aux
from icenet.tools import iceroot
# ------------------------------------------
from icenet import print
# ------------------------------------------
def read_single(process_func, process, root_path, param, class_id, dtype=None, num_cpus=0, verbose=False):
Loop over different MC / data processes as defined in the yaml files
[awkward compatible only]
process_func: data processing function
process: MC / data process dictionary (from yaml)
root_path: main path of files
param: parameters of 'process_func'
class_id: class identifier (integer), e.g. 0, 1, 2 ...
num_cpus: number of CPUs used (set 0 for automatic)
verbose: verbose output print
X, Y, W, ids, info (awkward array format)
# --------------------
datasets = process['path'] + '/' + process['files']
xs = process['xs']
model_param = process['model_param'] if 'model_param' in process.keys() else None
force_xs = process['force_xs']
maxevents_scale = process['maxevents_scale']
isMC = process['isMC']
# --------------------
rootfile = io.glob_expand_files(datasets=datasets, datapath=root_path)
# Custom scale event statistics
if param['maxevents'] is None:
maxevents = None
maxevents = np.max([1, int(param['maxevents'] * maxevents_scale)])
# Load file
X_uncut, ids = iceroot.load_tree(rootfile=rootfile, tree=param['tree'],
entry_start=param['entry_start'], entry_stop=param['entry_stop'],
maxevents=maxevents, ids=param['load_ids'], library='ak', dtype=dtype,
num_cpus=num_cpus, verbose=verbose)
N_before = len(X_uncut)
## ** Here one could save X before any cuts **
# Apply selections
X,ids,stats = process_func(X=X_uncut, ids=ids, isMC=isMC, class_id=class_id, **param)
N_after = len(X)
eff_acc = N_after / N_before
print(f'efficiency x acceptance = {eff_acc:0.6f}')
Y = class_id * ak.Array(np.ones(N_after, dtype=np.int32))
# -------------------------------------------------
# Visible cross-section weights
# (keep float64 to avoid possible precision problems -- conversion to float32 done later)
if not force_xs:
# Sum over W yields --> (eff_acc * xs)
W = (ak.Array(np.ones(N_after, dtype=np.float64)) / N_after) * (xs * eff_acc)
# 'force_xs' mode is useful e.g. in training with a mix of signals with different eff x acc, but one wants
# to have equal proportions for e.g. theory conditional MVA training.
# (then one uses the same input 'xs' value for each process in the steering .yaml file)
# Sum over W yields --> xs
W = (ak.Array(np.ones(N_after, dtype=np.float64)) / N_after) * xs
# Save statistics information
info = {'yaml': process,
'cut_stats': stats,
'eff_acc': eff_acc,
'W_sum': ak.sum(W),
'W2_sum': ak.sum(W**2)}
# -------------------------------------------------
# Add conditional (theory param) variables
if model_param is not None:
print(f'Adding conditional theory (model) parameters')
for var in model_param.keys():
value = float(model_param[var]) if model_param[var] is not None else np.nan
# Create a new 'record' (column) to ak-array [input for MVA]
col_name = f'MODEL_{var}'
X[col_name] = value # Broadcasting happens to all events
# A "mirror" copy
col_name = f'GEN_{var}'
X[col_name] = value
# This as a last
ids = ak.fields(X)
return {'X': X, 'Y': Y, 'W': W, 'ids': ids, 'info': info}
def read_multiple(process_func, processes, root_path, param, class_id, dtype=None, num_cpus=0, verbose=False):
Loop over different MC / data processes as defined in the yaml files
process_func: data processing function
processes: MC processes dictionary (from yaml)
root_path: main path of files
param: parameters of 'process_func'
class_id: class identifier (integer), e.g. 0, 1, 2 ...
num_cpus: number of CPUs used (set 0 for automatic)
verbose: verbose output print
X, Y, W, ids, info (awkward array format)
# Combine results
X_list, Y_list, W_list, ids, info = [], [], [], None, {}
for i, key in enumerate(processes):
data = read_single(
process_func=process_func, process=processes[key],
root_path=root_path, param=param, class_id=class_id,
dtype=dtype, num_cpus=num_cpus, verbose=verbose
# Append data to the lists
# Assuming ids are the same for all processes
if i == 0:
ids = copy.deepcopy(data['ids'])
info[key] = copy.deepcopy(data['info'])
gc.collect() #!
# Concatenate all lists into final arrays
tic = time.time()
X = aux.concatenate_and_clean(X_list, axis=0)
Y = aux.concatenate_and_clean(Y_list, axis=0)
W = aux.concatenate_and_clean(W_list, axis=0)
toc = time.time() - tic
print(f'Final concatenation took: {toc:0.2f} sec')
return X,Y,W,ids,info
def load_tree_stats(rootfile, tree, key=None, verbose=False):
Load the number of events in a list of rootfiles
rootfile: a list of rootfiles
tree: tree name to open
key: key (variable name) to use to get the number of events, if None then use the first one
verbose: verbose output print
number of events
if type(rootfile) is not list:
rootfile = [rootfile]
num_events = np.zeros(len(rootfile), dtype=int)
for i in range(len(rootfile)):
with uproot.open(rootfile[i]) as file:
events = file[tree]
key_name = events.keys()[0] if key is None else key
num_events[i] = len(events.arrays(key_name))
if verbose:
print(f'keys(): {events.keys()}')
print(f'values(): {events.values()}')
return num_events
def events_to_jagged_numpy(events, ids, entry_start=0,
entry_stop=None, maxevents=None, label=None):
Process uproot tree to a jagged numpy (object) array
events: uproot tree
ids: names of the variables to pick
entry_start: first event to consider
entry_stop: last event to consider
if label is not None:
print(f'Loading: {label}', 'yellow')
# -------------------------------
if entry_start is None:
entry_start = 0
N_all = len(events.arrays(ids[0]))
N = len(events.arrays(ids[0], entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop))
if (maxevents is not None) and N > maxevents:
entry_stop_final = entry_start + maxevents
entry_stop_final = entry_stop if entry_stop is not None else N
# -------------------------------
X = np.empty((entry_stop_final - entry_start, len(ids)), dtype=object)
for j in tqdm(range(len(ids))):
X[:,j] = np.asarray(events.arrays(ids[j],
entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop_final, library="np", how=list))
print(f'Entry_start = {entry_start}, entry_stop = {entry_stop}, maxevents = {maxevents} | realized = {len(X)} ({100*len(X)/N_all:0.3f} % | available = {N_all})', 'green')
return X, ids
def load_tree(rootfile, tree, entry_start=0, entry_stop=None, maxevents=None,
ids=None, library='np', dtype=None, num_cpus=0, verbose=False):
Load ROOT files
rootfile: Name of root file paths (string or a list of strings)
tree: Tree to read out
entry_start: First event to read per file
entry_stop: Last event to read per file
maxevents: Maximum number of events in total (over all files)
ids: Names of the variables to read out from the root tree
library: Return type 'np' (jagged numpy) or 'ak' (awkward) of the array
num_cpus: Number of processes used (set 0 for automatic)
verbose: Verbose output
array of type 'library'
if type(rootfile) is not list:
rootfile = [rootfile]
print(f'Opening rootfile {rootfile} with a tree key <{tree}>', 'yellow')
# Add Tree handles here using the string-syntax of uproot {file:tree}
files = [rootfile[i] + f':{tree}' for i in range(len(rootfile))]
# ----------------------------------------------------------
### Select variables
with uproot.open(files[0]) as events:
all_ids = events.keys()
load_ids = aux.process_regexp_ids(ids=ids, all_ids=all_ids)
if verbose:
print(f'All variables ({len(all_ids)}): \n{all_ids} \n', 'green')
print(f'Loading variables ({len(load_ids)}): \n{load_ids} \n', 'green')
print(f'All variables ({len(all_ids)}) | Loading variables ({len(load_ids)})', 'green')
print(f'Reading {len(files)} root files | Conversion to object library "{library}" ')
if int(num_cpus) == 0:
num_workers = min(len(files), multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2) # min handles the case #files < #cpu
num_workers = int(num_cpus)
if library == 'np':
if maxevents is None:
maxevents = int(1e10)
print(f'maxevents is None, setting maxevents = {maxevents}', 'red')
# Non-multiprocessed version for single files
if len(files) == 1:
with uproot.open(files[0]) as events:
param = {'events': events, 'ids': load_ids,
'entry_start': entry_start, 'entry_stop': entry_stop, 'maxevents': maxevents, 'label': files[0]}
X, _ = events_to_jagged_numpy(**param)
# Clear
if (maxevents is not None) and (len(X) >= maxevents):
X = X[0:maxevents]
print(f'Maximum event count {maxevents} reached', 'red')
print(f'Total number of entries = {len(X)}')
return X, load_ids
# ======================================================
# Multiprocessing version for multiple files
ray.init(num_cpus=num_workers, _temp_dir=f'{os.getcwd()}/tmp/')
chunk_ind = aux.split_start_end(range(len(files)), num_workers)
submaxevents = aux.split_size(range(maxevents), num_workers)
futures = []
print(f'submaxevents per ray process: {submaxevents}')
for k in range(num_workers):
load_ids, entry_start, entry_stop, submaxevents[k], dtype))
print(f'Get futures')
results = ray.get(futures) # synchronous read-out
# Combine future returned sub-arrays
print(f'Concatenating results from futures')
X = aux.concatenate_and_clean(results, axis=0)
# Concatenate one-by-one
#for k in tqdm(range(len(results))):
# X = copy.deepcopy(results[k]) if (k == 0) else np.concatenate((X, results[k]), axis=0)
# results[k] = None # free memory
# gc.collect()
# io.showmem()
print(f'Total number of entries = {len(X)}')
return X, load_ids
elif library == 'ak':
if maxevents is None:
maxevents = int(1e10)
print(f'maxevents is None, setting maxevents = {maxevents}', 'red')
# Non-multiprocessed version for single files
if len(files) == 1:
# Get the number of events
num_events = get_num_events(rootfile=files[0])
with uproot.open(files[0]) as events:
X = events.arrays(load_ids, entry_start=entry_start,
entry_stop=entry_stop, library='ak', how='zip')
if dtype is not None:
X = X.values_astype(X, dtype)
if (maxevents is not None) and (len(X) > maxevents):
X = X[0:maxevents]
print(f'Maximum event count {maxevents} reached (had {num_events})', 'red')
# ======================================================
# Multiprocessing version for multiple files
ray.init(num_cpus=num_workers, _temp_dir=f'{os.getcwd()}/tmp/')
chunk_ind = aux.split_start_end(range(len(files)), num_workers)
submaxevents = aux.split_size(range(maxevents), num_workers)
futures = []
print(f'submaxevents per ray process: {submaxevents}')
for k in range(num_workers):
load_ids, entry_start, entry_stop, submaxevents[k], dtype))
print(f'Get futures')
results = ray.get(futures) # synchronous read-out
# Combine future returned sub-arrays
print(f'Concatenating results from futures')
X = aux.concatenate_and_clean(results, axis=0)
# Concatenate one-by-one
#for k in tqdm(range(len(results))):
# X = copy.deepcopy(results[k]) if (k == 0) else ak.concatenate((X, results[k]), axis=0)
# results[k] = None # free memory
# gc.collect()
# io.showmem()
print(f'Total number of entries = {len(X)}')
return X, ak.fields(X)
raise Exception(__name__ + f'.load_tree: Unknown library support')
def read_file_np(files, ids, entry_start, entry_stop, maxevents, dtype=None):
Ray multiprocess read-wrapper-function per root file.
Multiprocessing within one file did not yield good
performance empirically, but performance scales linearly for separate files.
files: list of root filenames
ids: variables to read out
entry_start: first entry to to read
entry_stop: last entry to read
maxevents: maximum number of events (in total over all files)
dtype: Data type
awkward array
for i in range(len(files)):
# Get the number of entries
#num_entries = get_num_events(rootfile=files[i])
#print(__name__ + f'.read_file_ak: Found {num_entries} entries from the file: {files[i]}')
with uproot.open(files[i]) as events:
param = {'events': events, 'ids': ids,
'entry_start': entry_start, 'entry_stop': entry_stop, 'maxevents': maxevents, 'label': files[0]}
data, loaded_ids = events_to_jagged_numpy(**param)
# Concatenate with other file results
X = copy.deepcopy(data) if (i == 0) else np.concatenate((X, data), axis=0)
del data
if (maxevents is not None) and (len(X) >= maxevents):
X = X[0:maxevents]
print(f'Maximum event count {maxevents} reached', 'red')
return X
def read_file_ak(files, ids, entry_start, entry_stop, maxevents, dtype=None):
Ray multiprocess read-wrapper-function per root file.
Multiprocessing within one file did not yield good
performance empirically, but performance scales linearly for separate files.
files: list of root filenames
ids: variables to read out
entry_start: first entry to to read
entry_stop: last entry to read
maxevents: maximum number of events (in total over all files)
dtype: Data type
awkward array
for i in range(len(files)):
# Get the number of entries
#num_entries = get_num_events(rootfile=files[i])
#print(__name__ + f'.read_file_ak: Found {num_entries} entries from the file: {files[i]}')
with uproot.open(files[i]) as events:
data = events.arrays(ids, entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop, library='ak', how='zip')
if dtype is not None:
data = data.values_astype(data, dtype)
# Concatenate with other file results
X = copy.deepcopy(data) if (i == 0) else ak.concatenate((X, data), axis=0)
del data
if (maxevents is not None) and (len(X) >= maxevents):
X = X[0:maxevents]
print(__name__ + f'Maximum event count {maxevents} reached', 'red')
return X
def get_num_events(rootfile, key_index=0):
Get the number of entries in a rootfile by reading a key
rootfile: rootfile string (with possible Tree name appended with :)
key_index: which variable use as a dummy
number of entries
with uproot.open(rootfile) as events:
return len(events.arrays(events.keys()[key_index]))
def events_to_jagged_ak(events, ids, entry_start=None, entry_stop=None, library='ak', how='zip'):
""" Wrapper for Ray """
return events.arrays(ids, entry_start=entry_start, entry_stop=entry_stop, library=library, how=how)