Source code for

# Plotting functions
#, 2024

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import awkward as ak
import torch
import gc
import os

from pprint import pprint
import copy
from prettytable import PrettyTable
import multiprocessing
import time
from tqdm import tqdm
import pandas as pd

from iceplot import iceplot
from icefit import statstools
from icefit import cortools

from import aux
from import reweight
from import prints

# ------------------------------------------
from icenet import print
# ------------------------------------------

[docs] def binengine(bindef, x): """ Binning processor function Args: bindef: binning definition x: data input array Examples: 50 (number of bins, integer) [1.0, 40.0, 50.0] (list of explicit edges) {'nbin': 30, 'q': [0.0, 0.95], 'space': 'linear'} (automatic with quantiles) {'nbin': 30, 'minmax': [2.0, 50.0], 'space': 'log10'} (automatic with boundaries) Returns: edges: binning edges """ if len(x) == 0: print(f'Input is zero-array, returning [0,0]') return np.array([0,0]) def mylinspace(minval, maxval, nbin): if 'space' in bindef and bindef['space'] == 'log10': if minval <= 0: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.bin_processor: Trying log10 binning with minimum = {minval} <= 0') return np.logspace(np.log10(minval), np.log10(maxval), nbin + 1) else: return np.linspace(minval, maxval, nbin + 1) # Integer if type(bindef) is int or type(bindef) is float: return np.linspace(np.min(x), np.max(x), int(bindef) + 1) # Bin edges given directly elif type(bindef) is list: return np.array(bindef) elif type(bindef) is np.ndarray: return bindef # Automatic with quantiles elif type(bindef) is dict and 'q' in bindef: return mylinspace(minval=np.percentile(x, 100*bindef['q'][0]), maxval=np.percentile(x, 100*bindef['q'][1]), nbin=bindef['nbin']) # Automatic with boundaries elif type(bindef) is dict and 'minmax' in bindef: return mylinspace(minval=bindef['minmax'][0], maxval=bindef['minmax'][1], nbin=bindef['nbin']) else: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.bin_processor: Unknown binning description in {bindef}')
[docs] def plot_selection(X, mask, ids, plotdir, label, varlist, density=True, library='np'): """ Plot selection before / after type histograms against all chosen variables Args: X : data array (N events x D dimensions) mask : boolean selection indices (N) ids : variable string array (D) plotdir : plotting directory label : a string label varlist : a list of variables to be plotted (from ids) density : normalize all histograms to unit density library : 'np' or 'ak' """ for var in tqdm(varlist): if var not in ids: continue # Histogram (autobinning) if library == 'np': before = np.asarray(X[:, ids.index(var)]) after = np.asarray(X[mask, ids.index(var)]) elif library == 'ak': before = ak.to_numpy(X[:][var]) after = ak.to_numpy(X[mask][var]) else: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.Unknown library: {library}') counts1, errs1, bins, cbins = iceplot.hist(before, bins=100, density=density) counts2, errs2, bins, cbins = iceplot.hist(after, bins=bins, density=density) # Plot obs_x = { 'xlim' : (np.min(bins), np.max(bins)), 'ylim' : None, 'ylim_ratio': (0.7, 1.3), 'xlabel' : var, 'ylabel' : r'Counts', 'units' : {'x': None, 'y' : r'counts'}, 'density' : density, 'figsize' : (4, 3.75) } fig, ax = iceplot.create_axes(**obs_x, ratio_plot=True) label1 = f'before cuts' label2 = f'after cuts' ax[0].hist(x=cbins, bins=bins, weights=counts1, color=(0,0,0), label=label1, **iceplot.hist_style_step) ax[0].hist(x=cbins, bins=bins, weights=counts2, color=(1,0,0), alpha=0.5, label=label2, **iceplot.hist_style_step) iceplot.ordered_legend(ax=ax[0], order=[label1, label2]) iceplot.plot_horizontal_line(ax[1]) ax[1].hist(x=cbins, bins=bins, weights=counts2 / (counts1 + 1E-30), color=(1,0,0), alpha=0.5, label='ratio', **iceplot.hist_style_step) # Save it targetdir = aux.makedir(f'{plotdir}/cuts/{label}') fig.savefig(f'{targetdir}/{var}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') ax[0].set_yscale('log') fig.savefig(f'{targetdir}/{var}--log.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # -------- fig.clf() plt.close() gc.collect()
[docs] def plot_matrix(XY, x_bins, y_bins, vmin=0, vmax=None, cmap='RdBu', figsize=(4,3), grid_on=False): """ Visualize matrix. """ fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize) ax.grid(grid_on) x,y = np.meshgrid(x_bins, y_bins) # Note transpose c = ax.pcolormesh(x, y, XY.T, cmap=cmap, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, antialiased=True, linewidth=0.0) ax.axis([x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max()]) return fig,ax,c
[docs] def plot_train_evolution_multi(losses, trn_aucs, val_aucs, label, aspect=0.85, yscale='linear', xscale='linear'): """ Training evolution plots. Args: losses: loss values in a dictionary trn_aucs: training metrics val_aucs: validation metrics Returns: fig: figure handle ax: figure axis """ fig,ax = plt.subplots(1,2, figsize=(10, 7.5)) # How many loss terms N_terms = 0 for key in losses.keys(): if 'eval' in key: N_terms += 1 for key in losses.keys(): if ('sum' in key) and (N_terms == 2): continue # Do not plot 'sum' if only sum made of one term ax[0].plot(losses[key], label=key) ax[0].set_xlabel('k (epoch)') ax[0].set_ylabel('loss') ax[0].legend(fontsize=6) ax[0].set_title(f'{label}', fontsize=10)[0]) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) plt.yscale(yscale) plt.xscale(xscale) ax[1].plot(trn_aucs) ax[1].plot(val_aucs) ax[1].legend(['train','validation'], fontsize=8) ax[1].set_xlabel('k (epoch)') ax[1].set_ylabel('AUC') ax[1].grid(True)[1]) plt.autoscale(enable=True, axis='x', tight=True) plt.yscale(yscale) plt.xscale(xscale) ax[0].set_aspect(1.0/ax[0].get_data_ratio()*aspect) for i in [1]: ax[1].set_ylim([np.min([np.min(trn_aucs), np.min(val_aucs)]), 1.0]) ax[1].set_aspect(1.0/ax[i].get_data_ratio()*aspect) return fig,ax
[docs] def binned_2D_AUC(y_pred, y, X_kin, ids_kin, X, ids, edges, label, weights=None, VAR:list=['trk_pt', 'trk_eta']): """ Evaluate AUC per 2D-bin. Args: y_pred : MVA algorithm output y : Output (truth level target) data X_kin : Data ids_kin : Variables X : Data ids : Variables edges : Edges of the A,B-space cells (2D array) label : Label of the classifier (string) weights : Sample weights VAR : Variable identifiers (two) Returns: fig,ax : Figure handle and axis met : Metrics object """ edges_A = edges[0] edges_B = edges[1] AUC = np.zeros((len(edges_A)-1, len(edges_B)-1)) if len(y_pred) != len(y): raise Exception(__name__ + f'.binned_2D_AUC: len(y_pred) = {len(y_pred)} != len(y) = {len(y)}') # Loop over bins for i in range(len(edges_A)-1): for j in range(len(edges_B)-1): range_A = [edges_A[i], edges_A[i+1]] range_B = [edges_B[j], edges_B[j+1]] # Indices try: ind = np.logical_and(aux.pick_ind(X_kin[:, ids_kin.index(VAR[0])], range_A), aux.pick_ind(X_kin[:, ids_kin.index(VAR[1])], range_B)) except: try: ind = np.logical_and(aux.pick_ind(X[:, ids.index(VAR[0])], range_A), aux.pick_ind(X[:, ids.index(VAR[1])], range_B)) except: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.binned_2D_AUC: Cannot find the variables {VAR}') string = f'{VAR[0]} = [{range_A[0]:10.3f},{range_A[1]:10.3f}), {VAR[1]} = [{range_B[0]:10.3f},{range_B[1]:10.3f})' if np.sum(ind) > 0: # Do we have any events in this cell # Evaluate metric if weights is not None: met = aux.Metric(y_true=y[ind], y_pred=y_pred[ind], weights=weights[ind]) else: met = aux.Metric(y_true=y[ind], y_pred=y_pred[ind]) print(f'{string} | AUC = {met.auc:.5f}') AUC[i,j] = met.auc else: print(f'{string} | No events found in this cell!') # Evaluate total performance met = aux.Metric(y_true=y, y_pred=y_pred, weights=weights) # Finally plot it fig,ax = plot_AUC_matrix(AUC=AUC, edges_A=edges_A, edges_B=edges_B) ax.set_title(f'{label} | AUC = {met.auc:.3f} (integrated)', fontsize=9) ax.set_xlabel(f"{VAR[0]}") ax.set_ylabel(f"{VAR[1]}") return fig, ax, met
[docs] def binned_1D_AUC(y_pred, y, X_kin, ids_kin, X, ids, edges, weights=None, VAR:str='trk_pt', num_bootstrap=0): """ Evaluate AUC & ROC per 1D-bin. Args: y_pred : MVA algorithm output y : Output (truth level target) data X_kin : Data ids_X_kin : Variables (strings) X : Data ids : Variables (strings) edges : Edges of the space cells weights : Sample weights VAR : Variable identifier to pick (one) Returns: fig,ax : Figure handle and axis met : Metrics object """ AUC = np.zeros((len(edges)-1, 1)) if len(y_pred) != len(y): raise Exception(__name__ + f'.binned_1D_AUC: len(y_pred) = {len(y_pred)} != len(y) = {len(y)}') METS = [] LABELS = [] # Loop over bins for i in range(len(edges)-1): range_ = [edges[i], edges[i+1]] # Indices (either from X_kin or X) try: ind = aux.pick_ind(X_kin[:, ids_kin.index(VAR)], range_) except: try: ind = aux.pick_ind(X[:, ids.index(VAR)], range_) except: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.binned_1D_AUC: Cannot find the variable {VAR}') string = f'{VAR} = [{range_[0]:10.3f},{range_[1]:10.3f})' if np.sum(ind) > 0: # Do we have any events in this cell # Evaluate metric if weights is not None: met = aux.Metric(y_true=y[ind], y_pred=y_pred[ind], weights=weights[ind], num_bootstrap=num_bootstrap) else: met = aux.Metric(y_true=y[ind], y_pred=y_pred[ind], num_bootstrap=num_bootstrap) AUC[i] = met.auc METS.append(met) print(f'{string} | AUC = {AUC[i]}') else: METS.append(None) print(f'{string} | No events found in this cell!') LABELS.append(f'{VAR}$ \\in [{range_[0]:.1f},{range_[1]:.1f})$') return METS, LABELS
[docs] def density_MVA_wclass(y_pred, y, label, weights=None, class_ids=None, edges=80, path='', **kwargs): """ Evaluate MVA output (1D) density per class. Args: y_pred : MVA algorithm output y : Output (truth level target) data label : Label of the MVA model (string) weights : Sample weights class_ids : Class IDs to plot hist_edges : Histogram edges list (or number of bins, as an alternative) Returns: Plot pdf saved directly """ if class_ids is None: class_ids = np.unique(y.astype(int)) # Make sure it is 1-dim array of length N (not N x num classes) if (weights is not None) and len(weights.shape) > 1: weights = np.sum(weights, axis=1) if weights is not None: classlegs = [f'$\\mathcal{{C}} = {k}$, $N={np.sum(y == k)}$ ($\\Sigma_w = {np.sum(weights[y == k]):0.1f}$)' for k in class_ids] else: classlegs = [f'$\\mathcal{{C}} = {k}$, $N={np.sum(y == k)}$ (no weights)' for k in class_ids] # Handle logits vs probabilities THRESH = 1E-5 if np.min(y_pred) < (-THRESH) or np.max(y_pred) > (1.0 + THRESH): logit = copy.deepcopy(y_pred) prob = aux.sigmoid(logit) else: prob = copy.deepcopy(y_pred) logit = aux.inverse_sigmoid(prob) # Plot both for mode in ['logit', 'prob']: # Over classes fig,ax = plt.subplots() for k in class_ids: ind = (y == k) if np.sum(ind) == 0: print(f'No samples for class {k} -- continue') continue w = weights[ind] if weights is not None else None if mode == 'logit': x = logit[ind] else: x = prob[ind] hI, bins, patches = plt.hist(x=x, bins=binengine(bindef=edges, x=x), weights=w, density = True, histtype = 'step', fill = False, linewidth = 2, label = 'inverse') plt.legend(classlegs, loc='upper center', fontsize=7) plt.xlabel(f'MVA output $f(\\mathbf{{x}})$ [{mode}]') plt.ylabel('density') plt.title(f'{label}', fontsize=9) for scale in ['linear', 'log']: try: ax.set_yscale(scale) outputdir = aux.makedir(f'{path}') savepath = f'{outputdir}/MVA-output__{mode}__{scale}.pdf' plt.savefig(savepath, bbox_inches='tight') print(f'Saved: "{savepath}"', 'green') except Exception as e: print(e, 'red') print(f'Plotting failed for {label} -- continue', 'red') continue # -------- fig.clf() plt.close(fig) gc.collect()
[docs] def plot_correlation_comparison(corr_mstats, targetdir, xlim=None): """ Plot collected correlation metrics from density_COR_wclass() Args: corr_mstats: statistics dictionary targetdir: output directory xlim: plot limits dictionary per class Returns: plots saved to a directory """ print(f'Plotting correlation comparisons ...') class_ids = {} ## Find all variables all_var = [] for model in corr_mstats.keys(): for category in corr_mstats[model].keys(): for c in corr_mstats[model][category].keys(): class_ids = corr_mstats[model][category].keys() # This is overwritten (all same) for var in corr_mstats[model][category][c].keys(): all_var.append(var) all_var = set(all_var) # Reduce to a set (values appear only once) ## Over all variables for var in all_var: # Over classes for c in class_ids: # Over different statistical metrics for stats in ['pearson', 'abs_pearson', 'disco', 'MI']: fig,ax = plt.subplots() # Per model for model in corr_mstats.keys(): categories = list(corr_mstats[model].keys()) values = np.nan * np.ones(len(categories)) lower = np.nan * np.ones(len(categories)) upper = np.nan * np.ones(len(categories)) ## Over each powerset category for i in range(len(categories)): x = corr_mstats[model][categories[i]][c] if x is not {}: # We have some stats values[i] = x[var][f'{stats}'] lower[i] = x[var][f'{stats}_CI'][0] upper[i] = x[var][f'{stats}_CI'][1] error = (upper - lower)/2 # Simple symmetric errors #lower = np.abs(values - np.array(lower)) #upper = np.abs(values - np.array(upper)) #asymmetric_error = np.array(list(zip(lower, upper))).T # Vertical line at zero plt.plot(np.zeros(len(values)), np.arange(len(values)), color=np.ones(3)*0.5, label=None) ## Plot horizontal plot i.e. values +- (lower, upper) on x-axis, category on y-axis legend_label = f'{model} [{np.median(values):0.3f}]' plt.errorbar(values, np.arange(len(values)), xerr=error, fmt='s', capsize=5.0, label=legend_label) title = f'$\\mathcal{{C}} = {c}$' plt.title(title) plt.xlabel(f'{stats}$_{{XY}}$ (MVA score, {var}) (68CL)') if xlim is not None: ax.set_xlim(xlim[stats][c]) ax.set_yticks(np.arange(len(values))) ax.set_yticklabels(categories) ax.invert_yaxis() plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5)) filename = aux.makedir(targetdir + f'/COR/') plt.savefig(filename + f'var-{var}--stats-{stats}--class-{c}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs] def density_COR_wclass(y_pred, y, X, ids, label, \ weights=None, class_ids=None, edges=[[50], [50]], density=True, path='', cmap='Oranges', **kwargs): """ Evaluate the 2D-density of the MVA algorithm output vs other variables per class. Args: y_pred : MVA algorithm output y : Output (truth level target) data X : Variables to be plotted ids : Identifiers of the variables in X label : Label of the MVA model (string) weights : Sample weights class__ids : Class ids to plot hist_edges : Histogram edges list (or number of bins, as an alternative) (2D) density : Normalize to density path : Save path cmap : Color map Returns: correlation values in a dictionary (per variable, per class) plots are saved directly """ if class_ids is None: class_ids = np.unique(y.astype(int)) # Make sure it is 1-dim array of length N (not N x num classes) if (weights is not None) and len(weights.shape) > 1: weights = np.sum(weights, axis=1) if weights is not None: classlegs = [f'$\\mathcal{{C}} = {k}$, $N={np.sum(y == k)}$ (weighted {np.sum(weights[y == k]):0.1f})' for k in class_ids] else: classlegs = [f'$\\mathcal{{C}} = {k}$, $N={np.sum(y == k)}$ (no weights)' for k in class_ids] output = {} # Over classes for k in class_ids: output[k] = {} ind = (y == k) w = weights[ind] if weights is not None else None if np.sum(ind) == 0: print(f'No samples for class {k} -- continue') continue # Loop over variables for var in ids: xx = y_pred[ind] yy = X[ind, ids.index(var)] bins = [binengine(bindef=edges[0], x=xx), binengine(bindef=edges[1], x=yy)] # Apply histogram bounds box = np.logical_and(np.logical_and(xx > bins[0][0], xx < bins[0][-1]), np.logical_and(yy > bins[1][0], yy < bins[1][-1])) xx = xx[box] yy = yy[box] ww = w[box] # Pearson correlation coefficient cc,cc_CI,_ = cortools.pearson_corr(x=xx, y=yy, weights=ww) # Absolute Pearson correlation coefficient cc_abs,cc_abs_CI,_ = cortools.pearson_corr(x=xx, y=yy, weights=ww, return_abs=True) # Distance correlation disco,disco_CI = cortools.distance_corr(x=xx, y=yy, weights=ww) # Histogram based MI MI,MI_CI = cortools.mutual_information(x=xx, y=yy, weights=ww, automethod='Scott2D') # Neural Mutual Information [cannot use, unreliable to compute for small samples] #from icefit import mine #MI,MI_err = mine.estimate(X=xx, Z=yy, weights=ww) #MI_CI = np.array([MI-MI_err, MI+MI_err]) # Save output output[k][var] = {} output[k][var]['pearson'] = cc output[k][var]['pearson_CI'] = cc_CI output[k][var]['abs_pearson'] = cc_abs output[k][var]['abs_pearson_CI'] = cc_abs_CI output[k][var]['disco'] = disco output[k][var]['disco_CI'] = disco_CI output[k][var]['MI'] = MI output[k][var]['MI_CI'] = MI_CI for scale in ['linear', 'log']: fig,ax = plt.subplots() outputdir = aux.makedir(f'{path}') savepath = f'{outputdir}/var-{var}--class-{k}--{scale}.pdf' try: if scale == 'log': import matplotlib as mpl h2,xedges,yedges,im = plt.hist2d(x=xx, y=yy, bins=bins, weights=ww, density=density, norm=mpl.colors.LogNorm(), cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap)) else: h2,xedges,yedges,im = plt.hist2d(x=xx, y=yy, bins=bins, weights=ww, density=density, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap)) fig.colorbar(im) plt.xlabel(f'MVA output $f(\\mathbf{{x}})$') plt.ylabel(f'{var}') rho_value = f'$\\rho_{{XY}} = {cc:0.2f}_{{-{cc-cc_CI[0]:0.2f}}}^{{+{cc_CI[1]-cc:0.2f}}}$' MI_value = f'$\\mathcal{{I}}_{{XY}} = ({MI_CI[0]:0.3f}, {MI_CI[1]:0.3f})$' plt.title(f'{label} | $\\mathcal{{C}} = {k}$ | {rho_value} | {MI_value}', fontsize=9) # ----- plt.savefig(savepath, bbox_inches='tight') print(f'Saved: "{savepath}"', 'green') # ----- fig.clf() plt.close() gc.collect() except: # Matplotlib LogNorm() can be buggy print(f'Failed to produce plot {savepath}') pprint(output) return output
[docs] def density_COR(y_pred, X, ids, label, weights=None, hist_edges=[[50], [50]], path='', cmap='Oranges'): """ Evaluate the 2D-density of the MVA algorithm output vs other variables. Args: y_pred : MVA algorithm output X : Variables to be plotted ids : Identifiers of the variables in X label : Label of the MVA model (string) weights : Sample weights hist_edges : Histogram edges list (or number of bins, as an alternative) (2D) path : Save path cmap : Color map Returns: Plot pdf saved directly """ # Make sure it is 1-dim array of length N (not N x num classes) if (weights is not None) and len(weights.shape) > 1: weights = np.sum(weights, axis=1) # Loop over variables for var in ids: fig,ax = plt.subplots() # Plot 2D xx = y_pred yy = X[:, ids.index(var)] bins = [binengine(bindef=hist_edges[0], x=xx), binengine(bindef=hist_edges[1], x=yy)] h2,xedges,yedges,im = plt.hist2d(x=xx, y=yy, bins=bins, weights=weights, cmap=plt.get_cmap(cmap)) fig.colorbar(im) plt.xlabel(f'MVA output $f(\\mathbf{{x}})$') plt.ylabel(f'{var}') plt.title(f'{label}', fontsize=10) # ----- outputdir = aux.makedir(f'{path}/{label}') savepath = f'{outputdir}/var-{var}.pdf' plt.savefig(savepath, bbox_inches='tight') print(f'Saved: "{savepath}"', 'green') # ----- fig.clf() plt.close() gc.collect()
[docs] def annotate_heatmap(X, ax, xlabels, ylabels, x_rot = 90, y_rot = 0, decimals = 1, color = "w"): """ Add text annotations to a matrix heatmap plot """ ax.set_xticks(np.arange(0, len(xlabels), 1)); ax.set_yticks(np.arange(0, len(ylabels), 1)); ax.set_xticklabels(labels=xlabels, rotation=x_rot, fontsize='xx-small') ax.set_yticklabels(labels=ylabels, rotation=y_rot, fontsize='xx-small') # Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations. for i in range(len(ylabels)): for j in range(len(xlabels)): if (decimals == 0): text = ax.text(j, i, f'{X[i,j]:.0f}', ha="center", va="center", color=color) if (decimals == 1): text = ax.text(j, i, f'{X[i,j]:.1f}', ha="center", va="center", color=color) if (decimals == 2): text = ax.text(j, i, f'{X[i,j]:.2f}', ha="center", va="center", color=color) return ax
[docs] def plot_AUC_matrix(AUC, edges_A, edges_B): """ Plot AUC matrix. Args: AUC: AUC-ROC matrix edges_A: Histogram edges of variable A edges_B: Histogram edges of variable B Returns: fig: figure handle ax: figure axis """ fig, ax = plt.subplots() xlabels = [f'[{edges_A[k]},{edges_A[k+1]})' for k in range(len(edges_A) - 1)] ylabels = [f'[{edges_B[k]},{edges_B[k+1]})' for k in range(len(edges_B) - 1)] ax.imshow(AUC.transpose(), origin = 'lower') ax.set_title('AUC x 100', fontsize=10) ax = annotate_heatmap(X = AUC.transpose() * 100, ax = ax, xlabels = xlabels, ylabels = ylabels, decimals = 0, x_rot = 0, y_rot = 0, color = "w") return fig, ax
[docs] def multiprocess_plot_wrapper(p): """ Multiprocessing wrapper """ i = p['i'] # Exclude special values ind = np.ones(len(p['X']), dtype=bool) for k in range(len(p['exclude_vals'])): ind = np.logical_and(ind, (p['X'][:,i] != p['exclude_vals'][k])) plotvar(x = p['X'][ind,i], y = p['y'][ind], weights = p['weights'][ind], var = p['ids'][i], nbins = p['nbins'], percentile_range = p['percentile_range'], title = p['title'], targetdir = p['targetdir'], plot_unweighted = p['plot_unweighted'])
[docs] def plotvars(X, y, ids, weights, nbins=70, percentile_range=[0.5, 99.5], exclude_vals=[None], plot_unweighted=True, title = '', targetdir = '.', num_cpus: int=0): """ Plot all variables. """ print(f'Creating plots | exclude_vals = {exclude_vals} ...') # Chunked loop [parallel processing] param = { 'i': None, 'X': None, 'y': None, 'weights': None, 'ids': ids, 'nbins': nbins, 'percentile_range': percentile_range, 'exclude_vals': exclude_vals, 'plot_unweighted': plot_unweighted, 'title': title, 'targetdir': targetdir } # Create parameter dictionaries for each process paramlist = [] for i in range(X.shape[1]): paramlist.append(copy.deepcopy(param)) paramlist[-1]['i'] = i paramlist[-1]['X'] = X # big numpy arrays should share the memory (i.e. no copy of X) paramlist[-1]['y'] = y paramlist[-1]['weights'] = weights # Start multiprocessing print(f'Multiprocessing {X.shape[1]} plots', 'yellow') pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2 if num_cpus == 0 else num_cpus) tic = time.time(), paramlist) pool.close() # no more tasks pool.join() # wrap up current tasks toc = time.time() print(f'Took {toc-tic:0.2f} sec')
[docs] def plotvar(x, y, var, weights, nbins=70, percentile_range=[0.5, 99.5], plot_unweighted=True, title='', targetdir='.'): """ Plot a single variable. """ try: binrange = (np.percentile(x, percentile_range[0]), np.percentile(x, percentile_range[1])) fig, axs = plot_reweight_result(X=x, y=y, nbins=nbins, binrange=binrange, weights=weights, title=title, xlabel=var, plot_unweighted=plot_unweighted) plt.savefig(f'{targetdir}/var-{var}.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') fig.clf() plt.close(fig) gc.collect() except Exception as e: print(e, 'red') print(f'Problem plotting variable "{var}"', 'red')
[docs] def plot_reweight_result(X, y, nbins, binrange, weights, title = '', xlabel = 'x', linewidth=1.5, plot_unweighted=True): """ Here plot pure event counts so we see that also integrated class fractions are equalized (or not) after weighting! """ fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, 2, figsize = (10, 4.25)) class_ids = np.unique(y.astype(int)) legends = [] min_x = 1e30 max_x = -1e30 # Loop over classes for c in class_ids: ind = (y == c) if np.sum(ind) == 0: print(f'No samples for class {c} -- continue') continue # Compute histograms with numpy (we use nbins and range() for speed) if plot_unweighted: counts, edges = np.histogram(X[ind], bins=nbins, range=binrange, weights=None) counts_w, edges = np.histogram(X[ind], bins=nbins, range=binrange, weights=weights[ind]) mu, std = aux.weighted_avg_and_std(values=X[ind], weights=weights[ind]) min_x = edges[0] if edges[0] < min_x else min_x max_x = edges[-1] if edges[-1] > max_x else max_x # Linear and log scale scale (left and right plots) for i in range(2):[i]) if plot_unweighted: plt.stairs(counts, edges, fill=False, linewidth = linewidth+0.75, linestyle='--') # bigger linewidth first plt.stairs(counts_w, edges, fill=False, linewidth = linewidth, linestyle='-') if i == 0: if plot_unweighted: legends.append(f'$\\mathcal{{C}} = {c}$ (unweighted)') legends.append(f'$\\mathcal{{C}} = {c}$ [$\\mu={mu:0.2f}, \\sigma={std:0.2f}$]') ax[0].set_ylabel('[weighted] counts') ax[0].set_xlabel(xlabel) ax[0].set_ylim([0,None]) ax[0].set_xlim([min_x, max_x]) ax[1].set_xlabel(xlabel) ax[1].set_title(title, fontsize=10) ax[1].legend(legends, fontsize=8) ax[1].set_yscale('log') plt.tight_layout() return fig,ax
[docs] def plot_correlations(X, ids, weights=None, y=None, round_threshold=0.0, targetdir=None, colorbar = False): """ Plot a cross-correlation matrix of vector data Args: X: Data matrix (N x D) ids: Variable names (list of length D) weights: Event weights y: Class labels per event (list of length N) round_threshold: Correlation matrix |C| < threshold to set matrix elements to zero targetdir: Output plot directory colorbar: Colorbar on the plot Returns: figs, axs: Figures, axes (per class) """ N = X.shape[0] if y is None: y = np.zeros(N) class_ids = [0] else: class_ids = np.unique(y.astype(int)) figs = {} axs = {} for k in class_ids: label = f'all' if (len(class_ids) == 1) else f'class_{k}' # Compute correlation matrix tic = time.time() w = weights[y==k] if weights is not None else None C = statstools.correlation_matrix(X=X[y==k,:], weights=w) C[np.abs(C) < round_threshold] = np.nan C *= 100 toc = time.time() print(f'Computing C-matrix (took {toc-tic:0.2f} sec)') # Compute suitable figsize size = np.ceil(C.shape[0] / 3) # Plot it figs[label], axs[label] = plt.subplots(1,1, figsize=(size,size)) axs[label].imshow(C) axs[label] = annotate_heatmap(X = C, ax = axs[label], xlabels = ids, ylabels = ids, decimals = 0, x_rot = 90, y_rot = 0, color = "w") axs[label].set_title(f'{label}: linear correlation $\\in$ [-100,100]', fontsize=10) if colorbar: cb = plt.colorbar() if targetdir is not None: tic = time.time() if X.shape[1] <= 100: # Not too many dimensions --> pdf OK fname = targetdir + f'{label}-correlation-matrix.pdf' plt.savefig(fname=fname, pad_inches=0.2, bbox_inches='tight') else: fname = targetdir + f'{label}-correlation-matrix.png' plt.savefig(fname=fname, pad_inches=0.2, dpi=300, bbox_inches='tight') toc = time.time() print(f'Saved: "{fname} (took {toc-tic:0.2f} sec)"') return figs, axs
[docs] def draw_error_band(ax, x, y, x_err, y_err, **kwargs): """ Calculate normals via centered finite differences (except the first point which uses a forward difference and the last point which uses a backward difference). """ from matplotlib.path import Path from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch dx = np.concatenate([[x[1] - x[0]], x[2:] - x[:-2], [x[-1] - x[-2]]]) dy = np.concatenate([[y[1] - y[0]], y[2:] - y[:-2], [y[-1] - y[-2]]]) l = np.hypot(dx, dy) nx = dy / l ny = -dx / l # End points of errors xp = x + nx * x_err yp = y + ny * y_err xn = x - nx * x_err yn = y - ny * y_err vertices = np.block([[xp, xn[::-1]], [yp, yn[::-1]]]).T codes = np.full(len(vertices), Path.LINETO) codes[0] = codes[len(xp)] = Path.MOVETO path = Path(vertices, codes) ax.add_patch(PathPatch(path, **kwargs))
[docs] def ROC_plot(metrics, labels, title = '', plot_thresholds=True, \ thr_points_signal = [0.05, 0.1, 0.15, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.85, 0.9, 0.95], \ filename = 'ROC', legend_fontsize=7, xmin=1.0e-4, alpha=0.32): """ Receiver Operating Characteristics i.e. False positive (x) vs True positive (y) Args: metrics: labels: title: plot_thresholds: thr_points_signal: filename: legend_fontsize: xmin: alpha: """ for k in [0,1]: # linear & log fig,ax = plt.subplots() xx = np.logspace(-5, 0, 100) plt.plot(xx, xx, linestyle='--', color='black', linewidth=1) # ROC diagonal for i in range(len(metrics)): if i < 10: linestyle = '-' elif 10 <= i < 20: linestyle = '--' else: linestyle = ':' marker = 'None' if metrics[i] is None: print(f'metrics[{i}] ({labels[i]}) is None, continue without') continue fpr = metrics[i].fpr tpr = metrics[i].tpr thresholds = metrics[i].thresholds if metrics[i].tpr_bootstrap is not None: q = [100*(alpha/2), 100*(1-alpha/2)] # Percentile bootstrap based uncertainties tpr_CI = cortools.percentile_per_dim(x=metrics[i].tpr_bootstrap, q=q) tpr_lo = tpr_CI[0] tpr_hi = tpr_CI[1] fpr_CI = cortools.percentile_per_dim(x=metrics[i].fpr_bootstrap, q=q) fpr_lo = fpr_CI[0] fpr_hi = fpr_CI[1] # Autodetect a ROC point triangle (instead of a curve) if len(np.unique(fpr)) == 3: tpr = tpr[1:-1] # Remove first and last fpr = fpr[1:-1] # Remove first and last linestyle = "None" marker = 'o' """ # ROC-curve elif not (isinstance(fpr, int) or isinstance(fpr, float)): fpr = fpr[1:] # Remove always the first element for log-plot reasons tpr = tpr[1:] if metrics[i].tpr_bootstrap is not None: tpr_lo = tpr_lo[1:] tpr_hi = tpr_hi[1:] fpr_lo = fpr_lo[1:] fpr_hi = fpr_hi[1:] """ ## Plot it plt.plot(fpr, tpr, drawstyle='steps-mid', color=f'C{i}', linestyle=linestyle, marker=marker, label = f'{labels[i]}: AUC = {metrics[i].auc:.4f}') # Uncertainty band if marker == 'None' and (metrics[i].tpr_bootstrap is not None): plt.fill_between(fpr, tpr_lo, tpr_hi, step='mid', alpha=0.2, color=f'C{i}', edgecolor='none') # vertical plt.fill_betweenx(tpr, fpr_lo, fpr_hi, step='mid', alpha=0.2, color=f'C{i}', edgecolor='none') # horizontal # draw_error_band(ax=ax, x=fpr, y=tpr, \ # x_err=np.std(metrics[i].fpr_bootstrap, axis=0)[1:], \ # y_err=np.std(metrics[i].tpr_bootstrap, axis=0)[1:], \ # facecolor=f'C{i}', edgecolor="none", alpha=0.2) # Plot corresponding threshold points if plot_thresholds: try: for eff in thr_points_signal: index = np.argmin(np.abs(tpr - eff)) if fpr[index] >= xmin and fpr[index] <= 1.0: plt.plot(fpr[index], tpr[index], '.', color=f'C{i}') t = plt.text(x=fpr[index], y=tpr[index], s=f'{thresholds[index]:0.4g}', fontsize=5, color=f'C{i}') t.set_bbox(dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.5, linewidth=0)) except: # If failed True ax.set_xlabel('False Positive Rate $\\alpha$ (background efficiency)') ax.set_ylabel('True Positive Rate $1-\\beta$ (signal efficiency)') ax.set_title(title, fontsize=10) if k == 0: # Linear-Linear # Legend if len(metrics) > 12: # Put outside the figure plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=legend_fontsize) else: plt.legend(loc='lower right', fontsize=legend_fontsize) plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.xlim(0.0, 1.0) plt.locator_params(axis="x", nbins=11) plt.locator_params(axis="y", nbins=11) ax.set_aspect(1.0 / ax.get_data_ratio() * 1.0) plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') print(f'Saved: ' + filename + '.pdf','green') if k == 1: # Log-Linear # Legend if len(metrics) > 12: # Put outside the figure plt.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5), fontsize=legend_fontsize) else: plt.legend(fontsize=legend_fontsize) # Automatic positioning plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) plt.xlim(xmin, 1.0) plt.locator_params(axis="x", nbins=int(-np.log10(xmin) + 1)) plt.locator_params(axis="y", nbins=11) plt.gca().set_xscale('log') ax.set_aspect(1.0 / ax.get_data_ratio() * 0.75) plt.savefig(filename + '--log.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') plt.close()
[docs] def MVA_plot(metrics, labels, title='', filename='MVA', density=True, legend_fontsize=7) : """ MVA output plots """ # Check input for i in range(len(metrics)): if metrics[i] is None: print(f'Error: metrics[{i}] ({labels[i]}) is None (check per class statistics), return -1') return -1 else: class_ids = metrics[i].class_ids if len(metrics[i].mva_hist) != len(class_ids): print(f'Error: num_classes != len(metrics[{i}].mva_hist) (check per class statistics), return -1') return -1 for k in [0,1]: # linear & log fig,ax = plt.subplots(1, len(class_ids), figsize=(7*len(class_ids), 5)) # Loop over classes for c in class_ids: # Loop over cells N = len(metrics[0].mva_hist[c]) # Number of bins counts = np.zeros((N, len(metrics))) cbins = np.zeros((N, len(metrics))) for i in range(len(metrics)): if metrics[i] is None: print(f'metrics[{i}] is None, continue without') continue if len(metrics[i].mva_bins) == 0: print(f'len(metrics[{i}].mva_bins) == 0, continue without') continue bins = metrics[i].mva_bins cbins[:,i] = (bins[0:-1] + bins[1:]) / 2 if metrics[i].mva_hist[c] != []: counts[:,i] = metrics[i].mva_hist[c][c]) plt.hist(x=cbins, bins=bins, weights=counts, histtype='bar', stacked=True, \ density=density, label=labels, linewidth=2.0) # Adjust[c]) plt.legend(fontsize=legend_fontsize, loc='upper center') ax[c].set_xlabel('MVA output $f(\\mathbf{x})$') ax[c].set_ylabel('counts' if not density else 'density') ax[c].set_title(f'{title} | class = {c}', fontsize=10) if k == 0: #plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) #plt.xlim(0.0, 1.0) #ax.set_aspect(1.0/ax.get_data_ratio() * 1.0) plt.savefig(filename + '.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') print(f'Saved: ' + filename + '.pdf','green') if k == 1: #plt.ylim(0.0, 1.0) #plt.xlim(1e-4, 1.0) for i in range(len(class_ids)):[i]) plt.gca().set_yscale('log') #ax.set_aspect(1.0/ax.get_data_ratio() * 0.75) plt.savefig(filename + '--log.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # -------- fig.clf() plt.close() gc.collect()
[docs] def plot_contour_grid(pred_func, X, y, ids, targetdir = '.', transform = 'numpy', reso=50, npoints=400): """ Classifier decision contour evaluated pairwise for each dimension, other dimensions evaluated at zero=(0,0,...0) (thus z-normalized with 0-mean is suitable) Args: pred_func: prediction function handle X: input matrix y: class targets ids: variable label strings targetdir: output directory transform: 'numpy', 'torch' reso: evaluation resolution npoints: number of points to draw """ print(f'Evaluating, X.shape = {X.shape}...') MAXP = min(npoints, X.shape[0]) D = X.shape[1] pad = 0.5 for dim1 in tqdm(range(D)) : x_min, x_max = X[:, dim1].min() - pad, X[:, dim1].max() + pad for dim2 in range(D) : if dim2 <= dim1 : continue # (x,y)-plane limits y_min, y_max = X[:, dim2].min() - pad, X[:, dim2].max() + pad # Grid points PX,PY = np.meshgrid(np.linspace(x_min, x_max, reso), np.linspace(y_min, y_max, reso)) # ------------------------------------- ## Evaluate function values XX = np.zeros((reso*reso, D)) XX[:, dim1] = PX.ravel() XX[:, dim2] = PY.ravel() if transform == 'torch': Z = pred_func(torch.from_numpy(XX).type(torch.FloatTensor)) elif transform == 'numpy': Z = pred_func(XX) else: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.plot_decision_contour: Unknown matrix type = {transform}') Z = Z.reshape(PX.shape) # -------------------------------------- ## Plot fig, axs = plt.subplots() # Contour cs = plt.contourf(PX, PY, Z, cmap = # Events as dots plt.scatter(X[0:MAXP, dim1], X[0:MAXP, dim2], c = y[0:MAXP], cmap = plt.xlabel(f'x[{dim1}] {ids[dim1]}') plt.ylabel(f'x[{dim2}] {ids[dim2]}') plt.colorbar(cs, ticks = np.linspace(0.0, 1.0, 11)) filename = targetdir + f'{dim1}-{dim2}.pdf' plt.savefig(filename, bbox_inches='tight') print(f'Saved: ' + filename,'green') # -------- fig.clf() plt.close() gc.collect()
[docs] def plot_xgb_importance(model, tick_label, importance_type='gain', label=None, sort=True, default_names=False): """ Plot XGBoost model feature importance Args: model: xgboost model object dim: feature space dimension tick_label: feature names importance_type: type of importance metric ['weight', 'gain', 'cover', 'total_gain', 'total_cover'] default_names: True for xgboost default, else set False (uses tick_label) Returns fig, ax """ fscores = model.get_score(importance_type=importance_type) dim = len(tick_label) xx = np.arange(dim) yy = np.zeros(dim) labels = [] # Try, Except needed because xgb does Not return (always) for all of them for i in range(dim): try: if default_names: yy[i] = fscores[f'f{i}'] # XGBoost default feature name 'f{i}' else: yy[i] = fscores[tick_label[i]] # Definite names except: yy[i] = 0.0 labels.append(f'{tick_label[i]} ({yy[i]:0.1f}) [{i}]') # Sort them if sort: s_ind = np.array(np.argsort(yy), dtype=int) yy = yy[s_ind] labels = [labels[i] for i in s_ind] # Plot fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(0.5 * (np.ceil(dim/6) + 2), np.ceil(dim/6) + 2)) plt.barh(xx, yy, align='center', height=0.5, tick_label=labels) plt.xlabel(f'Score ({importance_type})') plt.title(f'[{label}]') return fig, ax
[docs] def table_writer(filename, label, sublabel, tau, chi2_table, print_to_screen=False): """ Helper function to write a chi2 table to a file """ with open(filename, "a") as text_file: text_file.write(f'category: {sublabel} | AI model: {label} | tau: {tau:0.2f}') text_file.write('\n') text_file.write(chi2_table.get_string()) text_file.write('\n') text_file.write('\n') if print_to_screen: print(chi2_table, 'magenta') print('')
[docs] def plot_AIRW(X, y, ids, weights, y_pred, pick_ind, label, sublabel, param, tau=1.0, targetdir=None, num_cpus=0): """ Plot AI based reweighting results """ print(f'label = {label} | sublabel = {sublabel} | tau = {tau}', 'green') ## Print stats output_file = os.path.join(targetdir, 'stats_AIRW_weight_flow.log') prints.print_weights(weights=weights, y=y, output_file=output_file, header='Step 1. Input event weights', write_mode='w') # --------------------------------------------------- ## 1. Transform model output scores to AI weights EPS = param['EPS'] maxW = param['maxW'] C0 = param['C0'] C1 = param['C1'] RN_ID = param['renorm_origin'] mode = param['transform_mode'] # Handle logits vs probabilities min_y_pred, max_y_pred = np.min(y_pred), np.max(y_pred) THRESH = 1E-5 if min_y_pred < (-THRESH) or max_y_pred > (1.0 + THRESH): print(f'Detected raw logit output [{min_y_pred:0.4f}, {max_y_pred:0.4f}] from the model') logits = y_pred[y == C0] probs = aux.sigmoid(logits) print(f'Corresponding probability output [{np.min(probs):0.4f}, {np.max(probs):0.4f}]') else: print(f'Detected probability output [{min_y_pred:0.4f}, {max_y_pred:0.4f}] from the model') logits = aux.inverse_sigmoid(p = y_pred[y == C0], EPS=EPS) print(f'Corresponding logit output [{np.min(logits):0.4f}, {np.max(logits):0.4f}]') # 1. Apply temperature scaling logits /= tau # 2. Get weights after the re-weighting transform AIw0 = reweight.rw_transform_with_logits(logits=logits, mode=mode) ## Print stats prints.print_weights(weights=AIw0, y=np.zeros(len(AIw0)), output_file=output_file, header='Step 2. AI weights [raw]', write_mode='a') # 3. Cut-off regularize anomalous high weights before event weights AIw0 = np.clip(AIw0, 0.0, maxW) ## Print stats prints.print_weights(weights=AIw0, y=np.zeros(len(AIw0)), output_file=output_file, header=f'Step 3. AI weights [cutoff regularized with maxW = {maxW}]', write_mode='a') # 4. Apply multiplicatively to event weights (which can be negative) AIw0 = AIw0 * weights[y == C0] ## Print stats prints.print_weights(weights=AIw0, y=np.zeros(len(AIw0)), output_file=output_file, header=f'Step 4. Total weights [input weights x AI weights]', write_mode='a') # --------------------------------------------------- ## 2. Renormalize (optional) (e.g. we want fixed overall normalization, or debug) if RN_ID is not None: print(f'Renormalizing with class [{RN_ID}] weight sum', 'yellow') sum_before = AIw0.sum() print(f'Sum(before): {sum_before:0.1f}') AIw0 /= np.sum(AIw0) # Normalize AIw0 *= np.sum(weights[y == RN_ID]) # Scale sum_after = AIw0.sum() print(f'Sum(after): {sum_after:0.1f}') ratio = f'Ratio = Sum(after) / Sum(before) = {sum_after/sum_before:0.2f}' print(ratio) print('') # Print stats prints.print_weights(weights=AIw0, y=np.zeros(len(AIw0)), output_file=output_file, header=f'Step 5. Total weights sum renormalized [wrt. class ID = {RN_ID}] | {ratio}', write_mode='a') # =================================================== # Save data to a parquet file tau_str = str(np.round(tau, 3)) # Create DataFrame w_post_S2 = copy.deepcopy(weights) w_post_S2[y == C0] = AIw0 # only C0 df = pd.DataFrame(w_post_S2, columns=[f'w_post_S2__tau_{tau_str}']) # =================================================== # Visualization # --------------------------------------------------- chi2_table = PrettyTable(["observable", "ndf", "chi2 / ndf", "(AI) chi2 / ndf"]) # --------------------------------------------------- param = { 'i': None, 'X': None, 'y': None, 'weights': None, 'ids': None, 'AIw0': None, 'C0': C0, 'C1': C1, 'label': label, 'param': param, 'local_dir': targetdir } # Loop over each observable (specific column of X) paramlist = [] for i in pick_ind: paramlist.append(copy.deepcopy(param)) # big numpy arrays should share the memory (i.e. no copy of X) paramlist[-1]['i'] = i paramlist[-1]['X'] = X paramlist[-1]['y'] = y paramlist[-1]['weights'] = weights paramlist[-1]['ids'] = ids paramlist[-1]['AIw0'] = AIw0 # Start multiprocessing num_workers = multiprocessing.cpu_count() // 2 if num_cpus == 0 else num_cpus print(f'Multiprocessing {len(pick_ind)} plots with {num_workers} processes', 'yellow') pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=num_workers) tic = time.time() chi2 =, paramlist) pool.close() # no more tasks pool.join() # wrap up current tasks toc = time.time() print(f'Took {toc-tic:0.2f} sec') # Collect summary statistics from the pool total_ndf = 0 total_ndf_AI = 0 total_chi2 = 0.0 total_chi2_AI = 0.0 print('chi2 after ') print(chi2) for i in range(len(chi2)): # Add table row row = [chi2[i]['id'], chi2[i]['ndf_0'], chi2[i]['chi2_0'] / chi2[i]['ndf_0'], chi2[i]['chi2_0_AI'] / chi2[i]['ndf_0_AI']] chi2_table.add_row(row, divider=True if i == len(chi2)-1 else False) total_ndf += chi2[i]['ndf_0'] total_ndf_AI += chi2[i]['ndf_0_AI'] total_chi2 += chi2[i]['chi2_0'] total_chi2_AI += chi2[i]['chi2_0_AI'] # Add rows chi2_table.add_row(['total', f'{total_ndf}', f'{total_chi2/total_ndf:0.1f}', f'{total_chi2_AI/total_ndf_AI:0.1f}']) chi2.append({'id': 'total', 'ndf_0': total_ndf, 'ndf_0_AI': total_ndf_AI, 'chi2_0': total_chi2, 'chi2_0_AI': total_chi2_AI}) # ----------------------------------------------- filename = os.path.join(targetdir, f"stats_chi2.log") open(filename, 'w').close() # Clear content table_writer(filename=filename, label=label, sublabel=sublabel, tau=tau, chi2_table=chi2_table, print_to_screen=True) # ----------------------------------------------- return chi2_table, df, chi2
[docs] def multiprocess_AIRW_wrapper(p): """ Multiprocessing plots """ i = p['i'] # Column index X = p['X'] y = p['y'] w = p['weights'] ids = p['ids'] AIw0 = p['AIw0'] C0 = p['C0'] C1 = p['C1'] label = p['label'] param = p['param'] local_dir = p['local_dir'] X_col = copy.deepcopy(X[:, i]) bins = binengine(bindef=param['edges'], x=X_col) # ---------------------------------------------------- obs_X = { # Axis limits 'xlim' : (bins[0], bins[-1]), 'ylim' : None, 'xlabel' : f'{ids[i]}', 'ylabel' : r'Weighted counts', 'units' : {'x': r'a.u.', 'y' : r'1'}, 'label' : f'{label}', 'figsize' : (4, 3.75), # Ratio 'ylim_ratio' : (0.75, 1.25), # Histogramming 'bins' : None, 'density' : False, # Function to calculate 'func' : None } data_template = { 'data' : None, 'weights': None, 'label' : 'Data', 'hfunc' : 'errorbar', 'style' : iceplot.errorbar_style, 'obs' : obs_X, 'hdata' : None, 'color' : None } # Data source <-> Observable collections class1 = data_template.copy() # Deep copies class0 = data_template.copy() class0_ML = data_template.copy() class1.update({ 'label' : '$C_1$', 'hfunc' : 'hist', 'style' : iceplot.hist_style_step, 'color' : (0,0,0) }) class0.update({ 'label' : '$C_0$', 'hfunc' : 'hist', 'style' : iceplot.hist_style_step, 'color' : iceplot.imperial_green }) class0_ML.update({ 'label' : '$C_0$ (AI)', 'hfunc' : 'hist', 'style' : iceplot.hist_style_step, 'color' : iceplot.imperial_dark_red }) data = [class1, class0, class0_ML] data[0]['hdata'] = iceplot.hist_obj(X_col[y == C1], bins=bins, weights=w[y == C1]) data[1]['hdata'] = iceplot.hist_obj(X_col[y == C0], bins=bins, weights=w[y == C0]) data[2]['hdata'] = iceplot.hist_obj(X_col[y == C0], bins=bins, weights=AIw0) # Update labels with chi2 chi2_0, ndf_0 = iceplot.chi2_cost(h_mc=data[1]['hdata'], h_data=data[0]['hdata'], return_nbins=True) chi2_0_AI, ndf_0_AI = iceplot.chi2_cost(h_mc=data[2]['hdata'], h_data=data[0]['hdata'], return_nbins=True) data[1]['label'] += f' | $\\chi^2 = {chi2_0:0.0f} \, / \, {ndf_0} = {chi2_0/ndf_0:0.1f}$' data[2]['label'] += f' | $\\chi^2 = {chi2_0_AI:0.0f} \, / \, {ndf_0_AI} = {chi2_0_AI/ndf_0_AI:0.1f}$' # -------------------- # Plot it fig0, ax0 = iceplot.superplot(data, ratio_plot=True, yscale='log', ratio_error_plot=True) fig1, ax1 = iceplot.superplot(data, ratio_plot=True, yscale='linear', ratio_error_plot=True) fig0.savefig(aux.makedir(local_dir + '/pdf/') + f'/reweight_[{ids[i]}]__log.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') fig0.savefig(aux.makedir(local_dir + '/png/') + f'/reweight_[{ids[i]}]__log.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) fig1.savefig(aux.makedir(local_dir + '/pdf/') + f'/reweight_[{ids[i]}]__linear.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') fig1.savefig(aux.makedir(local_dir + '/png/') + f'/reweight_[{ids[i]}]__linear.png', bbox_inches='tight', dpi=300) fig0.clf() fig1.clf() plt.close(fig0) plt.close(fig1) return {'id': ids[i], 'ndf_0': ndf_0, 'ndf_0_AI': ndf_0_AI, 'chi2_0': chi2_0, 'chi2_0_AI': chi2_0_AI}