Source code for

# Event sample re-weighting tools
#, 2024

import numpy as np
import awkward as ak
import torch
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import copy

from import aux, io, prints
from icenet.deep  import iceboost, predict

# ------------------------------------------
from icenet import print
# ------------------------------------------

[docs] def rw_transform_with_logits(logits, mode, absMax=30): """ AI/Deep reweighting transform with logits input Args: prob: probabilities mode: operation mode Returns: transformed values """ if type(logits) is torch.Tensor: exp_ = torch.exp sigmoid_ = torch.sigmoid logits = torch.clip(logits, -absMax, absMax) # Protect to not overflow exp else: exp_ = np.exp sigmoid_ = aux.sigmoid logits = np.clip(logits, -absMax, absMax) print(f'Reweight transform with mode: {mode}') # Simplified functions based on ratios of sigmoids if mode == 'LR': # LR trick return exp_(logits) elif mode == 'inverse-LR': # Inverse LR trick return exp_(-logits) elif mode == 'DeepEfficiency': # return exp_(-logits) + 1.0 elif mode == 'direct': # Direct return sigmoid_(logits) elif mode == 'identity' or mode == None: if type(logits) is torch.Tensor: return torch.ones_like(logits) else: return np.ones_like(logits) else: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.reweight_transform_with_logits: Unknown operation mode {mode}')
[docs] def rw_transform(phat, mode, EPS=1E-12): """ AI/Deep reweighting transform Args: phat: estimated probabilities mode: operation mode Returns: transformed values """ if type(phat) is torch.Tensor: phat = torch.clip(phat, EPS, 1-EPS) else: phat = np.clip(phat, EPS, 1-EPS) print(f'Reweight transform with mode: {mode}') if mode == 'LR': # LR trick return phat / (1.0 - phat) elif mode == 'inverse-LR': # Inverse LR trick return (1.0 - phat) / phat elif mode == 'DeepEfficiency': # return 1.0 / phat elif mode == 'direct': # Direct return phat elif mode == 'identity' or mode == None: if type(phat) is torch.Tensor: return torch.ones_like(phat) else: return np.ones_like(phat) else: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.reweight_transform: Unknown operation mode {mode}')
[docs] def histogram_helper(x, y, w, ids, pdf, args, EPS): """ Helper function for histogram based reweighting """ class_ids = np.unique(y.astype(int)) reference_class = args['reweight_param']['reference_class'] diff_args = args['reweight_param']['diff_param'] h_args = args['reweight_param']['diff_param']['hist_param'] variables = diff_args['var'] print(f"Reference (target) class [{reference_class}] | Found classes: {class_ids} from y") ### Collect re-weighting variables RV = {} for i, var in enumerate(variables): if isinstance(x, ak.Array): RV[i] = ak.to_numpy(x[var]).astype(np.float32) else: RV[i] = x[:, ids.index(var)].astype(np.float32) ### Pre-transform for i, var in enumerate(variables): mode = h_args[f'transform'][i] if h_args[f'binmode'][i] == 'edges': raise Exception(__name__ + '.histogram_helper: Cannot transform "edges" type') d = h_args[f'bins'][i] if mode == 'log10': if np.any(RV[i] <= 0): ind = (RV[i] <= 0) print(f'Variable {var} < 0 (in {np.sum(ind)} elements) in log10 -- truncating to zero', 'red') # Transform values RV[i] = np.log10(np.maximum(RV[i], EPS)) # Transform bins h_args[f'bins'][i][0] = np.log10(max(d[0], EPS)) h_args[f'bins'][i][1] = np.log10(d[1]) elif mode == 'sqrt': # Values RV[i] = np.sqrt(np.maximum(RV[i], EPS)) # Bins h_args[f'bins'][i][0] = np.sqrt(max(d[0], EPS)) h_args[f'bins'][i][1] = np.sqrt(d[1]) elif mode == 'square': # Values RV[i] = RV[i]**2 # Bins h_args[f'bins'][i][0] = d[0]**2 h_args[f'bins'][i][1] = d[1]**2 elif mode == None: True else: raise Exception(__name__ + '.histogram_helper: Unknown pre-transform') # Binning setup binedges = {} for i, var in enumerate(variables): d = h_args[f'bins'][i] if h_args[f'binmode'][i] == 'linear': binedges[i] = np.linspace(d[0], d[1], d[2]) elif h_args[f'binmode'][i] == 'log10': binedges[i] = np.logspace(np.log10(max(d[0], EPS)), np.log10(d[1]), d[2], base=10) elif h_args[f'binmode'][i] == 'edges': binedges[i] = np.array(d) else: raise Exception(__name__ + ': Unknown reweight binning mode') rwparam = { 'y': y, 'reference_class': reference_class, 'max_reg': h_args['max_reg'] } ### Compute 2D-PDFs for each class if diff_args['type'] == '2D': print(f'2D re-weighting with: [{variables[0]}, {variables[1]}] ...') if pdf is None: # Not given by user pdf = {} for c in class_ids: ind = (y == c) sample_weights = w[ind] if w is not None else None # Feed in the input weights ! pdf[c] = pdf_2D_hist(X_A=RV[0][ind], X_B=RV[1][ind], w=sample_weights, \ binedges_A=binedges[0], binedges_B=binedges[1]) pdf['binedges'] = binedges pdf['class_ids'] = class_ids weights_doublet = reweightcoeff2D(X_A = RV[0], X_B = RV[1], pdf=pdf, **rwparam) ### Compute factorized 1D x 1D product elif diff_args['type'] == 'pseudo-ND': print(f'pseudo-ND (2D for now) reweighting with: [{variables[0]}, {variables[1]}] ...') if pdf is None: # Not given by user pdf = {} for c in class_ids: ind = (y == c) sample_weights = w[ind] if w is not None else None # Feed in the input weights ! pdf_0 = pdf_1D_hist(X=RV[0][ind], w=sample_weights, binedges=binedges[0]) pdf_1 = pdf_1D_hist(X=RV[1][ind], w=sample_weights, binedges=binedges[1]) if h_args['pseudo_type'] == 'geometric_mean': pdf[c] = np.sqrt(np.outer(pdf_0, pdf_1)) # (A,B) order gives normal matrix indexing elif h_args['pseudo_type'] == 'product': pdf[c] = np.outer(pdf_0, pdf_1) else: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.histogram_helper: Unknown "pseudo_type"') # Normalize to discrete density pdf[c] /= np.sum(pdf[c].flatten()) pdf['binedges'] = binedges pdf['class_ids'] = class_ids weights_doublet = reweightcoeff2D(X_A = RV[0], X_B = RV[1], pdf=pdf, **rwparam) ### Compute 1D-PDFs for each class elif diff_args['type'] == '1D': print(f'1D reweighting with: {variables[0]} ...') if pdf is None: # Not given by user pdf = {} for c in class_ids: ind = (y == c) sample_weights = w[ind] if w is not None else None # Feed in the input weights ! pdf[c] = pdf_1D_hist(X=RV[0][ind], w=sample_weights, binedges=binedges[0]) pdf['binedges'] = binedges[0] pdf['class_ids'] = class_ids weights_doublet = reweightcoeff1D(X = RV[0], pdf=pdf, **rwparam) else: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.histogram_helper: Unsupported dimensionality mode "{diff_args["type"]}"') pdf['vars'] = variables return weights_doublet, pdf
[docs] def map_xyw(x, y, w, vars, c, reference_class): """ For AIRW helper """ # Source and Target collected ind = (y == c) | (y == reference_class) new_data = io.IceXYW(x=x[ind], y=y[ind], w=w[ind], ids=vars) # ---------------------------- # Change labels to (0,1) y_new = np.zeros(len(new_data.y)).astype(np.int32) y_new[new_data.y == c] = 0 y_new[new_data.y == reference_class] = 1 new_data.y = y_new # ! # ---------------------------- # Equalize class balance for the training for k in [0,1]: ind = (y_new == k) new_data.w[ind] /= np.sum(new_data.w[ind]) return new_data
[docs] def AIRW_helper(x, y, w, ids, pdf, args, x_val, y_val, w_val, EPS=1e-12): """ Helper function for ML based reweighting """ class_ids = np.unique(y.astype(int)) reference_class = args['reweight_param']['reference_class'] diff_args = args['reweight_param']['diff_param'] variables = diff_args['var'] ID = diff_args['AIRW_param']['active_model'] RW_mode = diff_args['AIRW_param']['mode'] MAX_REG = diff_args['AIRW_param']['max_reg'] param = args['models'][ID] # ---------------------------------------- # Conversions and pick variables of interest if isinstance(x, ak.Array): x = aux.ak2numpy(x=x, fields=variables).astype(np.float32) if x_val is not None: x_val = aux.ak2numpy(x=x_val, fields=variables).astype(np.float32) else: x = x[:, io.index_list(ids, variables)].astype(np.float32) if x_val is not None: x_val = x_val[:, io.index_list(ids, variables)].astype(np.float32) # ---------------------------------------- print(f'Training N-dim reweighting', 'magenta') print(f'x.shape = {x.shape}', 'magenta') print(f'variables = {variables}', 'magenta') # Train model per class pair if pdf is None: pdf = {'ID': ID, 'param': param, 'model': {}, 'vars': variables} for c in class_ids: if c != reference_class: data_trn = map_xyw(x=x, y=y, w=w, vars=variables, c=c, reference_class=reference_class) data_val = map_xyw(x=x_val, y=y_val, w=w_val, vars=variables, c=c, reference_class=reference_class) inputs = {'data_trn': data_trn, 'data_val': data_val, 'args': args, 'data_trn_MI': None, 'data_val_MI': None, 'param': param} pdf['model'][c] = iceboost.train_xgb(**inputs) # ------------------------------------------------ ## Now apply the model param = pdf['param'] if w is not None: wnew = copy.deepcopy(w) else: wnew = np.ones(len(y)) for c in pdf['model'].keys(): print(f'Applying AIRW reweighter to class [{c}]') if param['predict'] == 'xgb': func_predict = predict.pred_xgb(args=args, param=param, feature_names=variables) elif param['predict'] == 'xgb_logistic': func_predict = predict.pred_xgb_logistic(args=args, param=param, feature_names=variables) else: raise Exception(__name__ + f'.AIRW_helper: Unsupported model -- "predict" field should be "xgb" or "xgb_logistic"') # ----------------------------------------------- # Predict for events of this class ind = (y == c) pred = func_predict(x[ind]) # Handle logits vs probabilities min_pred, max_pred = np.min(pred), np.max(pred) THRESH = 1E-5 if min_pred < (-THRESH) or max_pred > (1.0 + THRESH): print(f'Detected raw logit output [{min_pred:0.4f}, {max_pred:0.4f}] from the model') logits = pred p = aux.sigmoid(logits) print(f'Corresponding probability output [{np.min(p):0.4f}, {np.max(p):0.4f}]') else: print(f'Detected probability output [{min_pred:0.4f}, {max_pred:0.4f}] from the model') logits = aux.inverse_sigmoid(pred) print(f'Corresponding logit output [{np.min(logits):0.4f}, {np.max(logits):0.4f}]') # Get weights after the re-weighting transform AI_w = rw_transform_with_logits(logits=logits, mode=RW_mode) # Apply maximum weight regularization AI_w = np.clip(AI_w, 0.0, MAX_REG) # Apply multiplicatively to event weights wnew[ind] = wnew[ind] * AI_w # ----------------------------------------------- # Transform weights into weights doublet weights_doublet = {} for c in class_ids: ind = (y == c) weights_doublet[c] = np.zeros(x.shape[0]) weights_doublet[c][ind] = wnew[ind] return weights_doublet, pdf
[docs] def doublet_helper(x, y, w, class_ids): weights_doublet = {} for c in class_ids: weights_doublet[c] = np.zeros(len(x)) # init with zeros sample_weights = w[y==c] if w is not None else 1.0 # Feed in the input weights weights_doublet[c][y == c] = sample_weights return weights_doublet
[docs] def compute_ND_reweights(x, y, w, ids, args, pdf=None, EPS=1e-12, x_val=None, y_val=None, w_val=None, skip_reweights=False): """ Compute N-dim reweighting coefficients Supports 'ML' (ND), 'pseudo-ND' (1D x 1D ... x 1D), '2D', '1D' For 'args' dictionary structure, see steering cards. Args: x : training sample input y : training sample (class) labels w : training sample weights ids : variable names of columns of x pdf : pre-computed pdfs (default None) args : reweighting parameters in a dictionary Returns: weights : 1D-array of re-weights pdf : computed pdfs """ use_ak = True if isinstance(x, ak.Array) else False if use_ak: y = copy.deepcopy(ak.to_numpy(y).astype(int)) w = copy.deepcopy(ak.to_numpy(w).astype(float)) class_ids = np.unique(y.astype(int)) # Make sure we make a copy, because we modify args here args = copy.deepcopy(args) ## Differential reweighting if args['reweight_param']['differential']: print(f'Differential reweighting') # Histogram based if args['reweight_param']['diff_param']['type'] != 'AIRW': weights_doublet, pdf = histogram_helper(x=x, y=y, w=w, ids=ids, pdf=pdf, args=args, EPS=EPS) # AIRW based else: weights_doublet, pdf = AIRW_helper(x=x, y=y, w=w, ids=ids, pdf=pdf, args=args, x_val=x_val, y_val=y_val, w_val=w_val, EPS=EPS) # Renormalize integral (sum) to the event counts per class if args['reweight_param']['diff_param']['renorm_weight_to_count']: print(f'Renormalizing sum(weights) == sum(count) per class') for c in class_ids: ind = (y == c) weights_doublet[c][ind] /= np.sum(weights_doublet[c][ind]) weights_doublet[c][ind] *= np.sum(ind) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # Special mode -- allows to only train pdf but then do not apply if skip_reweights: print(f'Special mode [skip_reweights] active: differential reweight model not applied', 'red') weights_doublet = doublet_helper(x=x, y=y, w=w, class_ids=class_ids) # --------------------------------------------------------------- # No differential re-weighting else: print(f"No differential reweighting") print(f"Reference [target] class: [{args['reweight_param']['reference_class']}] | Found classes {class_ids} from y") weights_doublet = doublet_helper(x=x, y=y, w=w, class_ids=class_ids) # -------------------------------------------------------- ### Apply class balance equalizing weight if (args['reweight_param']['equal_frac'] == True): print(f"Equalizing class fractions", "green") weights_doublet = balanceweights(weights_doublet=weights_doublet, reference_class=args['reweight_param']['reference_class'], y=y) ### Finally map back to 1D-array weights = np.zeros(len(w)) for c in class_ids: weights = weights + weights_doublet[c] ### Print weights prints.print_weights(weights=weights, y=y) if use_ak: return ak.Array(weights), pdf else: return weights, pdf
[docs] def reweightcoeff1D(X, y, pdf, reference_class, max_reg = 1e3, EPS=1e-12): """ Compute N-class density reweighting coefficients. Args: X: Observable of interest (N x 1) y: Class labels (N x 1) pdf: PDF for each class reference_class: e.g. 0 (background) or 1 (signal) Returns: weights for each event """ class_ids = pdf['class_ids'] # Re-weighting weights weights_doublet = {} # Init with zeros!! for c in class_ids: weights_doublet[c] = np.zeros(X.shape[0]) # Weight each class against the reference class for c in class_ids: inds = aux.x2ind(X[y == c], pdf['binedges']) if c is not reference_class: weights_doublet[c][y == c] = pdf[reference_class][inds] / np.clip(pdf[c][inds], EPS, None) else: weights_doublet[c][y == c] = 1.0 # Reference class stays intact # Maximum weight cut-off regularization weights_doublet[c][weights_doublet[c] > max_reg] = max_reg return weights_doublet
[docs] def reweightcoeff2D(X_A, X_B, y, pdf, reference_class, max_reg = 1e3, EPS=1E-12): """ Compute N-class density reweighting coefficients. Operates in full 2D without any factorization. Args: X_A : First observable of interest (N x 1) X_B : Second observable of interest (N x 1) y : Class labels (N x 1) pdf : Density histograms for each class reference_class : e.g. Background (0) or signal (1) max_reg : Regularize the maximum reweight coefficient Returns: weights for each event """ class_ids = pdf['class_ids'] # Re-weighting weights weights_doublet = {} # Init with zeros!! for c in class_ids: weights_doublet[c] = np.zeros(X_A.shape[0]) # Weight each class against the reference class for c in class_ids: inds_0 = aux.x2ind(X_A[y == c], pdf['binedges'][0]) # variable 0 inds_1 = aux.x2ind(X_B[y == c], pdf['binedges'][1]) # variable 1 if c is not reference_class: weights_doublet[c][y == c] = pdf[reference_class][inds_0, inds_1] / np.clip(pdf[c][inds_0, inds_1], EPS, None) else: weights_doublet[c][y == c] = 1.0 # Reference class stays intact # Maximum weight cut-off regularization weights_doublet[c][weights_doublet[c] > max_reg] = max_reg return weights_doublet
[docs] def pdf_1D_hist(X, w, binedges): """ Compute re-weighting 1D pdfs. """ # Take re-weighting variables pdf,_,_ = plt.hist(x = X, weights=w, bins = binedges) # Make them densities pdf /= np.sum(pdf.flatten()) return pdf
[docs] def pdf_2D_hist(X_A, X_B, w, binedges_A, binedges_B): """ Compute re-weighting 2D pdfs. """ # Take re-weighting variables pdf,_,_,_ = plt.hist2d(x = X_A, y = X_B, weights=w, bins = [binedges_A, binedges_B]) # Make them densities pdf /= np.sum(pdf.flatten()) return pdf
[docs] def balanceweights(weights_doublet, reference_class, y, EPS=1e-12): """ Balance N-class weights to sum to equal counts. Args: weights_doublet: N-class event weights (events x classes) reference_class: which class gives the reference (integer) y: class targets Returns: weights doublet with new weights per event """ class_ids = np.unique(y).astype(int) ref_sum = np.sum(weights_doublet[reference_class][y == reference_class]) for c in class_ids: if c is not reference_class: EQ = ref_sum / np.clip(np.sum(weights_doublet[c][y == c]), EPS, None) weights_doublet[c][y == c] *= EQ return weights_doublet