Source code for iceplot.iceplot

# Advanced histogramming & automated plotting functions
# (c) 2024 Mikael Mieskolainen
# Licensed under the MIT License <>.

import pathlib
import matplotlib
matplotlib.use('Agg') # Important for multithreaded applications
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

import numpy as np
import math
import copy

[docs] def chi2_cost(h_mc, h_data, return_nbins=False): """ Chi2 cost function between two histograms """ counts_mc = h_mc.counts * h_mc.binscale err_mc = h_mc.errs * h_mc.binscale counts_data = h_data.counts * h_data.binscale err_data = h_data.errs * h_data.binscale ind = (counts_data > 0) & (counts_mc > 0) chi2 = np.sum((counts_mc[ind] - counts_data[ind])**2 / (err_mc[ind]**2 + err_data[ind]**2)) if not return_nbins: return chi2 else: return chi2, int(np.sum(ind))
[docs] def set_global_style(dpi=120, figsize=(4,3.75), font='serif', font_size=8, legend_fontsize=7, legend_handlelength=1): """ Set global plot style. """ plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = legend_fontsize plt.rcParams['legend.handlelength'] = legend_handlelength plt.rcParams['figure.dpi'] = dpi plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = figsize plt.rcParams[''] = font plt.rcParams['font.size'] = font_size
# Colors imperial_dark_blue = (0, 0.24, 0.45) imperial_light_blue = (0, 0.43, 0.69) imperial_dark_red = (0.75, 0.10, 0.0) imperial_green = (0.0, 0.54, 0.23)
[docs] def colors(i, power=0.34): c = [imperial_dark_red, imperial_dark_blue, imperial_green, imperial_light_blue] if i < len(c): return c[i] else: return c[i%len(c)] * (1.0/power)
""" Global marker styles zorder : approximate plotting order lw : linewidth ls : linestyle """ errorbar_style = {'zorder': 3, 'ls': ' ', 'lw': 1, 'marker': 'o', 'markersize': 2.5} plot_style = {'zorder': 2, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 1} hist_style_step = {'zorder': 0, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 1, 'histtype': 'step'} hist_style_fill = {'zorder': 0, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 1, 'histtype': 'stepfilled'} hist_style_bar = {'zorder': 0, 'ls': '-', 'lw': 1, 'histtype': 'bar'}
[docs] class hobj: """ Minimal histogram data object. """ def __init__(self, counts = 0, errs = 0, bins = 0, cbins = 0, binscale=1.0): self.counts = counts self.errs = errs self.bins = bins self.cbins = cbins self.binscale = binscale if (np.sum(counts) == 0): self.is_empty = True else: self.is_empty = False # Compute histogram integral (piece-wise differential sum)
[docs] def integral(self): return np.sum(self.binscale * self.counts * binwidth(self.bins))
# + operator def __add__(self, other): if (self.is_empty == True): # Take the rhs return other if ((self.bins == other.bins).all() == False): raise(__name__ + ' + operator: cannot operate on different sized histograms') # Harmonic sum binscale = 1/(1/self.binscale + 1/other.binscale) counts = self.counts + other.counts errs = np.sqrt(self.errs**2 + other.errs**2) return hobj(counts, errs, self.bins, self.cbins, binscale) # += operator def __iadd__(self, other): if (self.is_empty == True): # Still empty return other if ((self.bins == other.bins).all() == False): raise(__name__ + ' += operator: cannot operate on different sized histograms') self.counts = self.counts + other.counts self.errs = np.sqrt(self.errs**2 + other.errs**2) # Harmonic sum self.binscale = 1/(1/self.binscale + 1/other.binscale) return self
[docs] def stepspace(start, stop, step): """ Linear binning edges between [start, stop] """ return np.arange(start, stop + step, step)
[docs] def plot_horizontal_line(ax, ypos=1.0, color=(0.5,0.5,0.5), linewidth=0.9): """ For the ratio plot """ xlim = ax.get_xlim() ax.plot(np.linspace(xlim[0], xlim[1], 2), ypos*np.array([1,1]), color=color, linewidth=linewidth)
[docs] def tick_calc(lim, step, N=6): """ Tick spacing calculator. """ return [np.round(lim[0] + i*step, N) for i in range(1+math.floor((lim[1]-lim[0])/step))]
[docs] def set_axis_ticks(ax, ticks, dim='x'): """ Set ticks of the axis. """ if (dim == 'x'): ax.set_xticks(ticks) ax.set_xticklabels(list(map(str, ticks))) elif (dim == 'y'): ax.set_yticks(ticks) ax.set_yticklabels(list(map(str, ticks)))
[docs] def tick_creator(ax, xtick_step=None, ytick_step=None, ylim_ratio=(0.5, 1.5), ratio_plot=True, minorticks_on=True, ytick_ratio_step=0.25, labelsize=8, labelsize_ratio=7, **kwargs) : """ Axis tick constructor. """ # Get limits xlim = ax[0].get_xlim() ylim = ax[0].get_ylim() # X-axis if (xtick_step is not None): ticks = tick_calc(lim=xlim, step=xtick_step) set_axis_ticks(ax[-1], ticks, 'x') # Y-axis if (ytick_step is not None): ticks = tick_calc(lim=ylim, step=ytick_step) set_axis_ticks(ax[0], ticks, 'y') # Y-ratio-axis if ratio_plot: ax[0].tick_params(labelbottom=False) ax[1].tick_params(axis='y', labelsize=labelsize_ratio) ticks = tick_calc(lim=ylim_ratio, step=ytick_ratio_step) ticks = ticks[0:-1] # Remove the last (collapses with upper plot) set_axis_ticks(ax[1], ticks, 'y') ax[1].set_ylim(ylim_ratio) # Tick settings for a in ax: if minorticks_on: a.minorticks_on() a.tick_params(top=True, bottom=True, right=True, left=True, which='both', direction='in', labelsize=labelsize) return ax
[docs] def create_axes(xlabel='$x$', ylabel=r'Counts', ylabel_ratio='Ratio', xlim=(0,1), ylim=None, ratio_plot=True, figsize=(5,4), fontsize=8, units={'x': '', 'y': ''}, **kwargs): """ Axes creator. """ # Create subplots N = 2 if ratio_plot else 1 gridspec_kw = {'height_ratios': (3.333, 1) if ratio_plot else (1,), 'hspace': 0.0} fig, ax = plt.subplots(N, figsize=figsize, gridspec_kw=gridspec_kw) ax = [ax] if (N == 1) else ax # Axes limits for a in ax: a.set_xlim(*xlim) if ylim is not None: ax[0].set_ylim(*ylim) # Axes labels if kwargs['density']: ylabel = f'$1/N$ {ylabel} / [{units["x"]}]' else: ylabel = f'{ylabel} [{units["y"]} / {units["x"]}]' xlabel = f'{xlabel} [{units["x"]}]' ax[0].set_ylabel(ylabel, fontsize=fontsize) ax[-1].set_xlabel(xlabel, fontsize=fontsize) # Ratio plot if ratio_plot: ax[1].set_ylabel(ylabel_ratio, fontsize=fontsize) # Setup ticks #print(kwargs) ax = tick_creator(ax=ax, ratio_plot=ratio_plot, **kwargs) return fig, ax
[docs] def ordered_legend(ax=None, order=None, frameon=False, unique=False, **kwargs): """ Ordered legends. """ def unique_everseen(seq, key=None): seen = set() seen_add = seen.add return [x for x,k in zip(seq,key) if not (k in seen or seen_add(k))] if ax is None: ax=plt.gca() handles, labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() # Sort both labels and handles by labels labels, handles = zip(*sorted(zip(labels, handles), key=lambda t: t[0])) # Sort according to a given list, which may be incomplete if order is not None: keys=dict(zip(order,range(len(order)))) labels, handles = zip(*sorted(zip(labels, handles), key=lambda t, keys=keys: keys.get(t[0],np.inf))) # Keep only the first of each handle if unique: labels, handles= zip(*unique_everseen(zip(labels,handles), key = labels)) ax.legend(handles, labels, frameon=frameon, **kwargs) return (handles, labels)
[docs] def binwidth(bins): """ Return binwidth from a linear array """ return (bins[1:] - bins[0:-1])
[docs] def edge2centerbins(bins) : """ Get centerbins from edgebins. """ return (bins[1:] + bins[0:-1])/2
[docs] def ratioerr(A, B, sigma_A, sigma_B, sigma_AB = 0, EPS = 1E-15): """ Ratio f(A,B) = A/B error, by Taylor expansion of f. """ A[np.abs(A) < EPS] = EPS B[np.abs(B) < EPS] = EPS return np.abs(A/B) * np.sqrt((sigma_A/A)**2 + (sigma_B/B)**2 - 2*sigma_AB/(A*B))
[docs] def hist_to_density(counts, errs, bins): """ Normalize to unit integral density function over the visible histogram range """ norm = binwidth(bins) * counts.sum() return counts/norm, errs/norm
[docs] def hist_to_density_fullspace(counts, errs, bins, totalweight): """ Normalize histogram to a unit integral density function over total sum of event weights (not just the visible histogram range mass) """ norm = binwidth(bins) * totalweight return counts/norm, errs/norm
[docs] def hist(x, bins=30, density=False, weights=None): """ Calculate a histogram. """ x = np.array(x) # Calculate histogram if weights is None: weights = np.ones(x.shape) weights = np.array(weights) if len(weights) != len(x): raise Exception(f'iceplot.hist: len(weights) = {len(weights)} != len(x) = {len(x)}') counts, bins = np.histogram(x, bins=bins, weights=weights) cbins = edge2centerbins(bins) # Input data to histogram bins # Weighted error on bin counts given by (square root of) sum of squared weights inds = np.digitize(x, bins) errs = np.asarray([np.linalg.norm(weights[inds==k],2) for k in range(1, len(bins))]) # Density integral 1 over the histogram bins range if density: counts, errs = hist_to_density(counts=counts, errs=errs, bins=bins) return counts, errs, bins, cbins
[docs] def hist_obj(x, bins=30, weights=None): """ A wrapper to return a histogram object. """ counts, errs, bins, cbins = hist(x, bins=bins, weights=weights) return hobj(counts, errs, bins, cbins)
[docs] def generate_colormap(): """ Default colormap. """ # Take colors color =,1,10)) # Add black black = np.ones((1,4)) black[:,0:3] = 0.0 color = np.concatenate((black, color)) return color
[docs] def hist_filled_error(ax, bins, cbins, y, err, color, **kwargs): """ Stephist style error. """ new_args = kwargs.copy() new_args['lw'] = 0 new_args.pop('histtype', None) # Remove ax.fill_between(bins[0:-1], y-err, y+err, step='post', alpha=0.2, color=color, **new_args) # The last bin ax.fill_between(bins[-2:], (y-err)[-2:], (y+err)[-2:], step='pre', alpha=0.2, color=color, **new_args)
[docs] def superplot(data, observable=None, ratio_plot=True, yscale='linear', ratio_error_plot=True, \ legend_counts=False, color=None, legend_properties={'fontsize': 7}, bottom_PRC=5, EPS=1E-12, verbose=False): """ Superposition (overlaid) plotting """ if observable == None: observable = data[0]['obs'] if verbose: print(observable) fig, ax = create_axes(**observable, ratio_plot=ratio_plot) if color == None: color = generate_colormap() legend_labels = [] # y-axis limit bottom_count = 1e32 ceiling_count = 0 # Plot histograms for i in range(len(data)): if data[i]['hdata'].is_empty: print(f'Skipping empty histogram for entry {i}') continue c = data[i]['color'] if c is None: c = color[i] counts = data[i]['hdata'].counts * data[i]['hdata'].binscale errs = data[i]['hdata'].errs * data[i]['hdata'].binscale bins = data[i]['hdata'].bins cbins = data[i]['hdata'].cbins # ----------------------------------------------- # ** For visualization autolimits ** # Use percentile for the bottom (~ handle noisy small bins) bottom_count = np.min([bottom_count, np.percentile(counts[counts > EPS], bottom_PRC)]) ceiling_count = np.max([ceiling_count, np.max(counts[counts > 0])]) # ----------------------------------------------- label = data[i]['label'] if legend_counts == True: label += f' $N={np.sum(data[i]["hdata"].counts):.1f}$' legend_labels.append(label) if data[i]['hfunc'] == 'hist' : ax[0].hist(x=cbins, bins=bins, weights=counts, color=c, label=label, **data[i]['style']) hist_filled_error(ax=ax[0], bins=bins, cbins=cbins, y=counts, err=errs, color=c, **data[i]['style']) elif data[i]['hfunc'] == 'errorbar' : ax[0].errorbar(x=cbins, y=counts, yerr=errs, color=c, label=label, **data[i]['style']) elif data[i]['hfunc'] == 'plot' : ax[0].plot(cbins, counts, color=c, label=label, **data[i]['style']) new_args = data[i]['style'].copy() new_args['lw'] = 0 ax[0].fill_between(cbins, counts-errs, counts+errs, alpha=0.2, color=c, **new_args) # Plot ratiohistograms if ratio_plot: plot_horizontal_line(ax[1]) for i in range(len(data)): if data[i]['hdata'].is_empty: print(f'Skipping empty histogram for entry {i} (ratioplot)') continue c = data[i]['color'] if c is None: c = color[i] A = data[i]['hdata'].counts * data[i]['hdata'].binscale B = data[0]['hdata'].counts * data[0]['hdata'].binscale sigma_A = data[i]['hdata'].errs * data[i]['hdata'].binscale sigma_B = data[0]['hdata'].errs * data[0]['hdata'].binscale sigma_AB = 0 # no correlations # Ratio error A/B ratio_errs = ratioerr(A=A, B=B, sigma_A=sigma_A, sigma_B=sigma_B, sigma_AB=sigma_AB) EPS = 1E-30 ratio = A / (B + EPS) bins = data[i]['hdata'].bins cbins = data[i]['hdata'].cbins # If no errors turned on if ratio_error_plot == False: ratio_errs = np.zeros(ratio_errs.shape) if data[i]['hfunc'] == 'hist': ax[1].hist(x=cbins, bins=bins, weights=ratio, color=c, **data[i]['style']) hist_filled_error(ax=ax[1], bins=bins, cbins=cbins, y=ratio, err=ratio_errs, color=c, **data[i]['style']) elif data[i]['hfunc'] == 'errorbar': ax[1].errorbar(x=cbins, y=ratio, yerr=ratio_errs, color=c, **data[i]['style']) elif data[i]['hfunc'] == 'plot': ax[1].plot(cbins, ratio, color=c, **data[i]['style']) new_args = data[i]['style'].copy() new_args['lw'] = 0 ax[1].fill_between(cbins, ratio-ratio_errs, ratio+ratio_errs, alpha=0.2, color=c, **new_args) # Legend if legend_labels != []: ordered_legend(ax = ax[0], order=legend_labels, **legend_properties) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- # Upper figure # Log y-scale ax[0].set_yscale(yscale) # y-limits if observable['ylim'] is None: ylim_now = ax[0].get_ylim() if yscale == 'log': ax[0].set_ylim([bottom_count / 4, ceiling_count * 10]) else: ax[0].set_ylim([0, ceiling_count * 1.5]) else: ax[0].set_ylim(observable.ylim) # -------------------------------------------------------------------- return fig, ax
[docs] def change2density_labels(all_obs): """ Change to density ~ 1/N dN/dx [1/xdim] type label to y-axis """ for key in all_obs.keys(): xlabel = all_obs[key]['xlabel'].replace('$', '') all_obs[key]['ylabel'] = '$\\frac{1}{N} \\; ' + f'dN/d{xlabel}$' all_obs[key]['units']['y'] = '1' return all_obs
[docs] def histmc(mcdata, all_obs, density=False, scale=None, color=(0,0,1), label='none', style=hist_style_step): """ Over all observables of an MC sample """ obj = {} for OBS in all_obs.keys(): # Histogram it counts, errs, bins, cbins = hist(x=mcdata['data'][OBS], bins=all_obs[OBS]['bins'], weights=mcdata['weights']) # Compute differential cross section within histogram range # Note that division by sum(weights) handles the histogram range integral (overflow) properly binscale = mcdata['xsection_pb'] / binwidth(bins) / np.sum(mcdata['weights']) # Additional scale factor if scale is not None: binscale *= scale # Density integral 1 over the histogram bins if density: counts,errs = hist_to_density(counts=counts, errs=errs, bins=bins) binscale = 1.0 obj[OBS] = {'hdata': hobj(counts, errs, bins, cbins, binscale), 'hfunc' : 'hist', 'color': color, 'label': label, 'style' : style} print(f'integral = {obj[OBS]["hdata"].integral():0.2E} ({OBS})') return obj
[docs] def histhepdata(hepdata, all_obs, scale=None, density=False, MC_XS_SCALE=1E12, label='Data', style=hist_style_step): # Over all observables obj = {} for OBS in all_obs.keys(): y = hepdata[OBS]['y'] yerr = hepdata[OBS]['y_err'] bins = hepdata[OBS]['bins'] binwidth = hepdata[OBS]['binwidth'] cbins = hepdata[OBS]['x'] binscale = hepdata[OBS]['scale'] * MC_XS_SCALE # Additional scale factor if scale is not None: binscale *= scale # Density integral 1 over the histogram bins if density: norm = (y * binwidth).sum() y /= norm yerr /= norm binscale = 1.0 obj[OBS] = {'hdata': hobj(y, yerr, bins, cbins, binscale), 'hfunc' : 'hist', 'color': (0,0,0), 'label': label, 'style' : style} print(f'integral = {obj[OBS]["hdata"].integral():0.2E} ({OBS})') return obj
[docs] def fuse_histograms(hist_list): """ Fuse a list of count histogram objects """ hsum = copy.deepcopy(hist_list[0]) for c in range(1, len(hist_list)): for OBS in hist_list[0].keys(): hsum[OBS]['hdata'] += hist_list[c][OBS]['hdata'] return hsum
[docs] def test_iceplot(): """ Visual unit tests """ import pytest import pathlib pathlib.Path("./testfigs").mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ set_global_style() # Synthetic input data r1 = np.random.randn(25000) * 0.8 r2 = np.random.randn(25000) * 1 r3 = np.random.randn(25000) * 1.2 r4 = np.random.randn(25000) * 1.5 # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Mathematical definitions # Momentum squared def pt2(x): return np.power(x,2); # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Observables containers obs_pt2 = { # Axis limits 'xlim' : (0, 1.5), 'ylim' : None, 'xlabel' : r'$p_t^2$', 'ylabel' : r'Counts', 'units' : {'x': r'GeV$^2$', 'y' : r'counts'}, 'label' : r'Transverse momentum squared', 'figsize' : (4, 3.75), # Ratio 'ylim_ratio' : (0.7, 1.3), # Histogramming 'bins' : np.linspace(0, 1.5, 60), 'density' : False, # Function to calculate 'func' : pt2 } # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ** Example ** fig1, ax1 = create_axes(**obs_pt2, ratio_plot=False) counts, errs, bins, cbins = hist(obs_pt2['func'](r1), bins=obs_pt2['bins'], density=obs_pt2['density']) ax1[0].errorbar(x=cbins, y=counts, yerr=errs, color=(0,0,0), label='Data $\\alpha$', **errorbar_style) ax1[0].legend(frameon=False) fig1.savefig('./testfigs/testplot_1.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ** Example ** fig2, ax2 = create_axes(**obs_pt2, ratio_plot=False) counts, errs, bins, cbins = hist(obs_pt2['func'](r1), bins=obs_pt2['bins'], density=obs_pt2['density']) ax2[0].hist(x=cbins, bins=bins, weights=counts, color=(0.5, 0.2, 0.1), label='Data $\\alpha$', **hist_style_step) ax2[0].legend(frameon=False) fig2.savefig('./testfigs/testplot_2.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ** Example ** fig3, ax3 = create_axes(**obs_pt2, ratio_plot=True) counts1, errs, bins, cbins = hist(obs_pt2['func'](r1), bins=obs_pt2['bins'], density=obs_pt2['density']) ax3[0].hist(x=cbins, bins=bins, weights=counts1, color=(0,0,0), label='Data 1', **hist_style_step) counts2, errs, bins, cbins = hist(obs_pt2['func'](r2), bins=obs_pt2['bins'], density=obs_pt2['density']) ax3[0].hist(x=cbins, bins=bins, weights=counts2, color=(1,0,0), alpha=0.5, label='Data 2', **hist_style_step) ordered_legend(ax = ax3[0], order=['Data 1', 'Data 2']) # Ratio plot_horizontal_line(ax3[1]) ax3[1].hist(x=cbins, bins=bins, weights=counts2 / (counts1 + 1E-30), color=(1,0,0), alpha=0.5, label='Data $\\beta$', **hist_style_step) fig3.savefig('./testfigs/testplot_3.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # ** Example ** data_template = { 'data' : None, 'weights': None, 'label' : 'Data', 'hfunc' : 'errorbar', 'style' : errorbar_style, 'obs' : obs_pt2, 'hdata' : None, 'color' : None } # Data source <-> Observable collections data1 = data_template.copy() # Deep copies data2 = data_template.copy() data3 = data_template.copy() data4 = data_template.copy() data1.update({ 'data' : r1, 'label' : 'Data $\\alpha$', 'hfunc' : 'errorbar', 'style' : errorbar_style, }) data2.update({ 'data' : r2, 'label' : 'Data $\\beta$', 'hfunc' : 'hist', 'style' : hist_style_step, }) data3.update({ 'data' : r3, 'label' : 'Data $\\gamma$', 'hfunc' : 'hist', 'style' : hist_style_step, }) data4.update({ 'data' : r4, 'label' : 'Data $\\delta$', 'hfunc' : 'plot', 'style' : plot_style, }) data = [data1, data2, data3, data4] # Calculate histograms for i in range(len(data)): data[i]['hdata'] = hist_obj(data[i]['obs']['func'](data[i]['data']), bins=data[i]['obs']['bins']) # Plot it fig4, ax4 = superplot(data, ratio_plot=True, yscale='log') fig5, ax5 = superplot(data, ratio_plot=True, yscale='linear', ratio_error_plot=False) fig4.savefig('./testfigs/testplot_4.pdf', bbox_inches='tight') fig5.savefig('./testfigs/testplot_5.pdf', bbox_inches='tight')